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[해외논문] Health benefits and bioactive compounds of eggplant 원문보기

Food chemistry, v.268, 2018년, pp.602 - 610  

Gürbüz, Nergiz (Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics) ,  Uluişik, Selman (Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur Food Agriculture and Livestock Vocational School) ,  Frary, Anne (Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics) ,  Frary, Amy (Mount Holyoke College, Department of Biological Sciences, The Biochemistry Program) ,  Doğanlar, Sami (Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Eggplant is a vegetable crop that is grown around the world and can provide significant nutritive benefits thanks to its abundance of vitamins, phenolics and antioxidants. In addition, eggplant has potential pharmaceutical uses that are just now becoming recognized. As compared to other cr...


참고문헌 (114)

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