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[해외논문] Comparison of the isolation rates and characteristics of Salmonella isolated from antibiotic-free and conventional chicken meat samples 원문보기

Poultry science, v.96 no.8, 2017년, pp.2831 - 2838  

Park, J.-H. ,  Kim, H.-S. ,  Yim, J.-H. ,  Kim, Y.-J. ,  Kim, D.-H. ,  Chon, J.-W. ,  Kim, H. ,  Om, A.-S. ,  Seo, K.-H.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Salmonella contamination in chicken samples can cause major health problems in humans. However, not only the effects of antibiotic treatment during growth but also the impacts of the poultry slaughter line on the prevalence of Salmonellae in final chicken meat sold to consumers are unknown. In this ...

참고문헌 (55)

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