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[국내논문] The State of the Art in FEM Analysis Technology of the Machining Process
기계 가공공정 유한요소법 해석 기술의 현황

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering, v.35 no.3, 2018년, pp.269 - 278  

Kim, Dong Min ,  Kim, Do Young ,  Park, Hyung Wook

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (57)

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  17. Rotella, G., Umbrello, D.. Finite element modeling of microstructural changes in dry and cryogenic cutting of Ti6Al4V alloy. CIRP annals ... manufacturing technology, vol.63, no.1, 69-72.

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  39. Özel, Tuğrul, Zeren, Erol. Determination of work material flow stress and friction for FEA of machining using orthogonal cutting tests. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.153, 1019-1025.

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  54. Davoudinejad, A., Chiappini, E., Tirelli, S., Annoni, M., Strano, M.. Finite Element Simulation and Validation of Chip Formation and Cutting Forces in Dry and Cryogenic Cutting of Ti-6Al-4V. Procedia manufacturing, vol.1, 728-739.

  55. Pusavec, F., Lu, T., Courbon, C., Rech, J., Aljancic, U., Kopac, J., Jawahir, I.S.. Analysis of the influence of nitrogen phase and surface heat transfer coefficient on cryogenic machining performance. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.233, 19-28.

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