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[해외논문] Effect of Peucedanum japonicum Thunb on Body Composition and Biochemical Examination of Blood
沖縄産長命草(ボタンボウフウ)摂取による体組成および血液生化学的検査に及ぼす影響 원문보기

Japanese journal of complementary and alternative medicine : JCAM, v.15 no.2, 2018년, pp.121 - 125  

SAKAUE, Miki (Department of Integrative Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine) ,  YASUEDA, Asuka (Department of Integrative Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine) ,  ITO, Toshinori (Osaka Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention) ,  OHNO, Satoshi (Department of Integrative Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (16)

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