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Estimating soil water characteristic curve using landscape features and soil thermal properties

Soil & tillage research, v.189, 2019년, pp.1 - 14  

Bayat, Hossein (Department of Soil Science, Faculty ofAgriculture, Bu Ali Sina University) ,  Mazaheri, Behnaz (Department of Soil Science, Faculty ofAgriculture, Bu Ali Sina University) ,  Mohanty, Binayak P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, Texas A&M University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) is a very important soil function with several environmental applications. Using pedotransfer functions as a quick and easy way to estimate the SWCC has been proposed to avoid its difficult and time-consuming measurements. Although numerous studies ha...


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