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[해외논문] Surface-to-Bulk Redox Coupling through Thermally Driven Li Redistribution in Li- and Mn-Rich Layered Cathode Materials 원문보기

Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.141 no.30, 2019년, pp.12079 - 12086  

Li, Shaofeng (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource , SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory , Menlo Park , California 94025 , United States) ,  Lee, Sang-Jun (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource , SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory , Menlo Park , California 94025 , United States) ,  Wang, Xuelong (Chemistry Division , Brookhaven National Laboratory , Upton , New York 11973 , United States) ,  Yang, Wanli (Advanced Light Source , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , Berkeley , California 94720 , United States) ,  Huang, Hai (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource , SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory , Menlo Park , California 94025 , United States) ,  Swetz, Daniel S. (National Institute of Standards and Technology , Boulder , Colorado 80305 , United States) ,  Doriese, William B. (National Institute of Standards and Technology , Boulder , Colorado 80305 , United States Uni) ,  O’Neil, Galen C. ,  Ullom, Joel N. ,  Titus, Charles J. ,  Irwin, Kent D. ,  Lee, Han-Koo ,  Nordlund, Dennis ,  Pianetta, Piero ,  Yu, Chang ,  Qiu, Jieshan ,  Yu, Xiqian ,  Yang, Xiao-Qing ,  Hu, Enyuan ,  Lee, Jun-Sik ,  Liu, Yijin

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Li- and Mn-rich (LMR) layered cathode materials have demonstrated impressive capacity and specific energy density thanks to their intertwined redox centers including transition metal cations and oxygen anions. Although tremendous efforts have been devoted to the investigation of the electrochemicall...

참고문헌 (47)

  1. Gent, William E., Lim, Kipil, Liang, Yufeng, Li, Qinghao, Barnes, Taylor, Ahn, Sung-Jin, Stone, Kevin H., McIntire, Mitchell, Hong, Jihyun, Song, Jay Hyok, Li, Yiyang, Mehta, Apurva, Ermon, Stefano, Tyliszczak, Tolek, Kilcoyne, David, Vine, David, Park, Jin-Hwan, Doo, Seok-Kwang, Toney, Michael F., Yang, Wanli, Prendergast, David, Chueh, William C.. Coupling between oxygen redox and cation migration explains unusual electrochemistry in lithium-rich layered oxides. Nature communications, vol.8, no.1, 2091-2091.

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  3. Hu, Enyuan, Yu, Xiqian, Lin, Ruoqian, Bi, Xuanxuan, Lu, Jun, Bak, Seongmin, Nam, Kyung-Wan, Xin, Huolin L., Jaye, Cherno, Fischer, Daniel A., Amine, Kahlil, Yang, Xiao-Qing. Evolution of redox couples in Li- and Mn-rich cathode materials and mitigation of voltage fade by reducing oxygen release. Nature energy, vol.3, no.8, 690-698.

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  8. Croy, Jason R., Balasubramanian, Mahalingam, Gallagher, Kevin G., Burrell, Anthony K.. Review of the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Deep Dive” Effort to Understand Voltage Fade in Li- and Mn-Rich Cathodes. Accounts of chemical research, vol.48, no.11, 2813-2821.

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  11. Maitra, Urmimala, House, Robert A., Somerville, James W., Tapia-Ruiz, Nuria, Lozano, Juan G., Guerrini, Niccoló, Hao, Rong, Luo, Kun, Jin, Liyu, Pérez-Osorio, Miguel A., Massel, Felix, Pickup, David M., Ramos, Silvia, Lu, Xingye, McNally, Daniel E., Chadwick, Alan V., Giustino, Feliciano, Schmitt, Thorsten, Duda, Laurent C., Roberts, Matthew R., Bruce, Peter G.. Oxygen redox chemistry without excess alkali-metal ions in Na2/3[Mg0.28Mn0.72]O2. Nature chemistry, vol.10, no.3, 288-295.

  12. Yan, Pengfei, Zheng, Jianming, Chen, Tianwu, Luo, Langli, Jiang, Yuyuan, Wang, Kuan, Sui, Manling, Zhang, Ji-Guang, Zhang, Sulin, Wang, Chongmin. Coupling of electrochemically triggered thermal and mechanical effects to aggravate failure in a layered cathode. Nature communications, vol.9, no.1, 2437-.

  13. Wei, Chenxi, Zhang, Yan, Lee, Sang-Jun, Mu, Linqin, Liu, Jin, Wang, Chenxu, Yang, Doeff, Marca, Pianetta, Piero, Nordlund, Dennis, Du, Xi-Wen, Tian, Yangchao, Zhao, Kejie, Lee, Jun-Sik, Lin, Feng, Liu, Yijin. Thermally driven mesoscale chemomechanical interplay in Li0.5Ni0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2 cathode materials. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.6, no.45, 23055-23061.

  14. Mu, Linqin, Yuan, Qingxi, Tian, Chixia, Wei, Chenxi, Zhang, Kai, Liu, Jin, Pianetta, Piero, Doeff, Marca M., Liu, Yijin, Lin, Feng. Propagation topography of redox phase transformations in heterogeneous layered oxide cathode materials. Nature communications, vol.9, no.1, 2810-.

  15. Mu, Linqin, Lin, Ruoqian, Xu, Rong, Han, Lili, Xia, Sihao, Sokaras, Dimosthenis, Steiner, James D., Weng, Tsu-Chien, Nordlund, Dennis, Doeff, Marca M., Liu, Yijin, Zhao, Kejie, Xin, Huolin L., Lin, Feng. Oxygen Release Induced Chemomechanical Breakdown of Layered Cathode Materials. Nano letters : a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.18, no.5, 3241-3249.

  16. Hu, Enyuan, Bak, Seong‐Min, Liu, Yijin, Liu, Jue, Yu, Xiqian, Zhou, Yong‐Ning, Zhou, Jigang, Khalifah, Peter, Ariyoshi, Kingo, Nam, Kyung‐Wan, Yang, Xiao‐Qing. Utilizing Environmental Friendly Iron as a Substitution Element in Spinel Structured Cathode Materials for Safer High Energy Lithium‐Ion Batteries. Advanced energy materials, vol.6, no.3, 1501662-.

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  45. Gallagher, K.G., Croy, J.R., Balasubramanian, M., Bettge, M., Abraham, D.P., Burrell, A.K., Thackeray, M.M.. Correlating hysteresis and voltage fade in lithium- and manganese-rich layered transition-metal oxide electrodes. Electrochemistry communications, vol.33, 96-98.

  46. Yu, Haijun, So, Yeong-Gi, Ren, Yang, Wu, Tianhao, Guo, Gencai, Xiao, Ruijuan, Lu, Jun, Li, Hong, Yang, Yubo, Zhou, Haoshen, Wang, Ruzhi, Amine, Khalil, Ikuhara, Yuichi. Temperature-Sensitive Structure Evolution of Lithium-Manganese-Rich Layered Oxides for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.140, no.45, 15279-15289.

  47. Yang, Xu, Rong, Zhang, Kai, Lee, Sang‐Jun, Mu, Linqin, Liu, Pengfei, Waters, Crystal K., Spence, Stephanie, Xu, Zhengrui, Wei, Chenxi, Kautz, David J., Yuan, Qingxi, Dong, Yuhui, Yu, Young‐Sang, Xiao, Xianghui, Lee, Han‐Koo, Pianetta, Piero, Cloetens, Peter, Lee, Jun‐Sik, Zhao, Kejie, Lin, Feng, Liu, Yijin. Quantification of Heterogeneous Degradation in Li‐Ion Batteries. Advanced energy materials, vol.9, no.25, 1900674-.

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