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[해외논문] Regular H-Bonding-Containing Polymers with Stretchability up to 100% External Strain for Self-Healable Plastic Transistors

Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, v.32 no.5, 2020년, pp.1914 - 1924  

Lee, Moo Yeol (School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Institute of Chemical Processes , Seoul National University , 1 Gwanak-ro , Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826 , South Korea) ,  Dharmapurikar, Satej (Department of Energy Engineering, School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Perovtronics Research Center, Low Dimensional Carbon Materials Center , Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) , 50 UNIST-gil , Ulsan 44919 , South Korea) ,  Lee, Sang Jin (Department of Chemical Engineering , Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) , 77 Cheongam-ro , Pohang 37673 , South Korea) ,  Cho, Yongjoon (Department of Energy Engineering, School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Perovtronics Research Center, Low Dimensional Carbon Materials Center , Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) , 50 UNIST-gil , Ulsan 44919 , South Korea) ,  Yang, Changduk ,  Oh, Joon Hak

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Intrinsically stretchable, electroactive materials featuring self-healing abilities will allow for a variety of next-generation stretchable electronics. Here, we synthesize diketopyrrolopyrrole-based “alternating” copolymers with urethane-containing side chains, that is, PDPPurethane copolymers, and...

참고문헌 (55)

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  5. Lee, Moo Yeol, Lee, Hae Rang, Park, Cheol Hee, Han, Seul Gi, Oh, Joon Hak. Organic Transistor-Based Chemical Sensors for Wearable Bioelectronics. Accounts of chemical research, vol.51, no.11, 2829-2838.

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  19. Xu, Sheng, Zhang, Yihui, Cho, Jiung, Lee, Juhwan, Huang, Xian, Jia, Lin, Fan, Jonathan A., Su, Yewang, Su, Jessica, Zhang, Huigang, Cheng, Huanyu, Lu, Bingwei, Yu, Cunjiang, Chuang, Chi, Kim, Tae-il, Song, Taeseup, Shigeta, Kazuyo, Kang, Sen, Dagdeviren, Canan, Petrov, Ivan, Braun, Paul V., Huang, Yonggang, Paik, Ungyu, Rogers, John A.. Stretchable batteries with self-similar serpentine interconnects and integrated wireless recharging systems. Nature communications, vol.4, 1543-.

  20. Song, Woo‐Jin, Yoo, Seungmin, Song, Gyujin, Lee, Sangyeop, Kong, Minsik, Rim, Jaehyun, Jeong, Unyong, Park, Soojin. Recent Progress in Stretchable Batteries for Wearable Electronics. Batteries & supercaps, vol.2, no.3, 181-199.

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  22. ChoiThese authors contributed equally to this work., Suji, Han, Sang Ihn, Kim, Dokyoon, Hyeon, Taeghwan, Kim, Dae-Hyeong. High-performance stretchable conductive nanocomposites: materials, processes, and device applications. Chemical Society reviews, vol.48, no.6, 1566-1595.

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  24. Kim, Dae-Hyeong, Song, Jizhou, Choi, Won Mook, Kim, Hoon-Sik, Kim, Rak-Hwan, Liu, Zhuangjian, Huang, Yonggang Y., Hwang, Keh-Chih, Zhang, Yong-wei, Rogers, John A.. Materials and noncoplanar mesh designs for integrated circuits with linear elastic responses to extreme mechanical deformations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol.105, no.48, 18675-18680.

  25. Sun, Yugang, Choi, Won Mook, Jiang, Hanqing, Huang, Yonggang Y., Rogers, John A.. Controlled buckling of semiconductor nanoribbons for stretchable electronics. Nature nanotechnology, vol.1, no.3, 201-207.

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  28. Song, Eunjoo, Kang, Boseok, Choi, Hyun Ho, Sin, Dong Hun, Lee, Hyochan, Lee, Wi Hyoung, Cho, Kilwon. Stretchable and Transparent Organic Semiconducting Thin Film with Conjugated Polymer Nanowires Embedded in an Elastomeric Matrix. Advanced electronic materials, vol.2, no.1, 1500250-.

  29. Shin, Minkwan, Oh, Jin Young, Byun, Kyung‐Eun, Lee, Yu‐Jeong, Kim, Bongsoo, Baik, Hong‐Koo, Park, Jong‐Jin, Jeong, Unyong. Polythiophene Nanofibril Bundles Surface‐Embedded in Elastomer: A Route to a Highly Stretchable Active Channel Layer. Advanced materials, vol.27, no.7, 1255-1261.

  30. Son, Sung Y., Kim, Yebyeol, Lee, Junwoo, Lee, Gang-Young, Park, Won-Tae, Noh, Yong-Young, Park, Chan E., Park, Taiho. High-Field-Effect Mobility of Low-Crystallinity Conjugated Polymers with Localized Aggregates. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.138, no.26, 8096-8103.

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  32. Printz, Adam D., Savagatrup, Suchol, Burke, Daniel J., Purdy, Trevor N., Lipomi, Darren J.. Increased elasticity of a low-bandgap conjugated copolymer by random segmentation for mechanically robust solar cells. RSC advances, vol.4, no.26, 13635-13643.

  33. Peng, Rui, Pang, Bo, Hu, Daqing, Chen, Mengjie, Zhang, Guobing, Wang, Xianghua, Lu, Hongbo, Cho, Kilwon, Qiu, Longzhen. An ABA triblock copolymer strategy for intrinsically stretchable semiconductors. Journal of materials chemistry. C, Materials for optical and electronic devices, vol.3, no.15, 3599-3606.

  34. Radano, C. P., Scherman, O. A., Stingelin-Stutzmann, N., Muller, C., Breiby, D. W., Smith, P., Janssen, R. A. J., Meijer, E. W.. Crystalline−Crystalline Block Copolymers of Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and Polyethylene by Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.127, no.36, 12502-12503.

  35. Müller, C., Goffri, S., Breiby, D. W., Andreasen, J. W., Chanzy, H. D., Janssen, R. A. J., Nielsen, M. M., Radano, C. P., Sirringhaus, H., Smith, P., Stingelin-Stutzmann, N.. Tough, Semiconducting Polyethylene-poly(3-hexylthiophene) Diblock Copolymers. Advanced functional materials, vol.17, no.15, 2674-2679.

  36. Zhao, Yan, Zhao, Xikang, Roders, Michael, Gumyusenge, Aristide, Ayzner, Alexander L., Mei, Jianguo. Melt‐Processing of Complementary Semiconducting Polymer Blends for High Performance Organic Transistors. Advanced materials, vol.29, no.6, 1605056-.

  37. Savagatrup, Suchol, Zhao, Xikang, Chan, Esther, Mei, Jianguo, Lipomi, Darren J.. Effect of Broken Conjugation on the Stretchability of Semiconducting Polymers. Macromolecular rapid communications, vol.37, no.19, 1623-1628.

  38. Schroeder, Bob C., Chiu, Yu‐Cheng, Gu, Xiaodan, Zhou, Yan, Xu, Jie, Lopez, Jeffrey, Lu, Chien, Toney, Michael F., Bao, Zhenan. Non‐Conjugated Flexible Linkers in Semiconducting Polymers: A Pathway to Improved Processability without Compromising Device Performance. Advanced electronic materials, vol.2, no.7, 1600104-.

  39. Li, Cheng-Hui, Wang, Chao, Keplinger, Christoph, Zuo, Jing-Lin, Jin, Lihua, Sun, Yang, Zheng, Peng, Cao, Yi, Lissel, Franziska, Linder, Christian, You, Xiao-Zeng, Bao, Zhenan. A highly stretchable autonomous self-healing elastomer. Nature chemistry, vol.8, no.6, 618-624.

  40. Tee, Benjamin C-K., Wang, Chao, Allen, Ranulfo, Bao, Zhenan. An electrically and mechanically self-healing composite with pressure- and flexion-sensitive properties for electronic skin applications. Nature nanotechnology, vol.7, no.12, 825-832.

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  42. Yao, Jingjing, Yu, Chenmin, Liu, Zitong, Luo, Hewei, Yang, Yang, Zhang, Guanxin, Zhang, Deqing. Significant Improvement of Semiconducting Performance of the Diketopyrrolopyrrole–Quaterthiophene Conjugated Polymer through Side-Chain Engineering via Hydrogen-Bonding. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.138, no.1, 173-185.

  43. Kang, Jiheong, Son, Donghee, Wang, Ging‐Ji Nathan, Liu, Yuxin, Lopez, Jeffrey, Kim, Yeongin, Oh, Jin Young, Katsumata, Toru, Mun, Jaewan, Lee, Yeongjun, Jin, Lihua, Tok, Jeffrey B.‐H., Bao, Zhenan. Tough and Water‐Insensitive Self‐Healing Elastomer for Robust Electronic Skin. Advanced materials, vol.30, no.13, 1706846-.

  44. Lin, Yinlei, Li, Guangji. An intermolecular quadruple hydrogen-bonding strategy to fabricate self-healing and highly deformable polyurethane hydrogels. Journal of materials chemistry. B, Materials for biology and medicine, vol.2, no.39, 6878-6885.

  45. Savagatrup, Suchol, Makaram, Aditya S., Burke, Daniel J., Lipomi, Darren J.. Mechanical Properties of Conjugated Polymers and Polymer‐Fullerene Composites as a Function of Molecular Structure. Advanced functional materials, vol.24, no.8, 1169-1181.

  46. Tahk, Dongha, Lee, Hong H., Khang, Dahl-Young. Elastic Moduli of Organic Electronic Materials by the Buckling Method. Macromolecules, vol.42, no.18, 7079-7083.

  47. Wu, Hung-Chin, Benight, Stephanie J., Chortos, Alex, Lee, Wen-Ya, Mei, Jianguo, To, John W. F., Lu, Chien, He, Mingqian, Tok, Jeffery B.-H., Chen, Wen-Chang, Bao, Zhenan. A Rapid and Facile Soft Contact Lamination Method: Evaluation of Polymer Semiconductors for Stretchable Transistors. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.26, no.15, 4544-4551.

  48. Lu, Chien, Lee, Wen‐Ya, Gu, Xiaodan, Xu, Jie, Chou, Ho‐Hsiu, Yan, Hongping, Chiu, Yu‐Cheng, He, Mingqian, Matthews, James R, Niu, Weijun, Tok, Jeffery B.‐H., Toney, Michael F., Chen, Wen‐Chang, Bao, Zhenan. Effects of Molecular Structure and Packing Order on the Stretchability of Semicrystalline Conjugated Poly(Tetrathienoacene‐diketopyrrolopyrrole) Polymers. Advanced electronic materials, vol.3, no.2, 1600311-.

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  50. Yu, Hojeong, Park, Kwang Hun, Song, Inho, Kim, Myeong-Jong, Kim, Yun-Hi, Oh, Joon Hak. Effect of the alkyl spacer length on the electrical performance of diketopyrrolopyrrole-thiophene vinylene thiophene polymer semiconductors. Journal of materials chemistry. C, Materials for optical and electronic devices, vol.3, no.44, 11697-11704.

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  52. Ryu, Ian Seungwan, Liu, Xiaohui, Jin, Ying, Sun, Jirun, Lee, Young Jong. Stoichiometric analysis of competing intermolecular hydrogen bonds using infrared spectroscopy. RSC advances, vol.8, no.42, 23481-23488.

  53. Coleman, Michael M., Skrovanek, Daniel J., Hu, Jiangbin, Painter, Paul C.. Hydrogen bonding in polymer blends. 1. FTIR studies of urethane-ether blends. Macromolecules, vol.21, no.1, 59-65.

  54. Chen, Huajie, Guo, Yunlong, Yu, Gui, Zhao, Yan, Zhang, Ji, Gao, Dong, Liu, Hongtao, Liu, Yunqi. Highly π‐Extended Copolymers with Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moieties for High‐Performance Field‐Effect Transistors. Advanced materials, vol.24, no.34, 4618-4622.

  55. Lee, Moo Yeol, Kim, Hyeong Jun, Jung, Gwan Yeong, Han, A‐Reum, Kwak, Sang Kyu, Kim, Bumjoon J., Oh, Joon Hak. Highly Sensitive and Selective Liquid‐Phase Sensors Based on a Solvent‐Resistant Organic‐Transistor Platform. Advanced materials, vol.27, no.9, 1540-1546.


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