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Study on the monitoring of indoor air quality for 24 hours: life pattern of asthma patients based on IoT 원문보기

Journal of odor and indoor environment = 실내환경 및 냄새 학회지, v.18 no.3, 2019년, pp.185 - 194  

Choi, KilYong ,  Kim, ChaeBong ,  Lee, Chulmin ,  Goung, Sun Ju Nam ,  Kim, HyoungJun ,  Seo, SungChul

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (12)

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  12. 10.1515/reveh-2018-0046 Tsai, W. T. ,2019. An overview of health hazards of volatile organic compounds regulated as indoor air pollutants. Reviews on environmental health 34(1), 81-89. 


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