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Barriers and enablers to physical activity and aerobic fitness deficits among childhood cancer survivors 원문보기

Pediatric blood & cancer, v.67 no.7, 2020년, pp.e28339 -   

Mizrahi, David (UNSW Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) ,  Wakefield, Claire E. (UNSW Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) ,  Simar, David (UNSW Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) ,  Ha, Lauren (UNSW Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) ,  McBride, James (Respiratory Medicine, Sydney Children's Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) ,  Field, Penelope (Respiratory Medicine, Sydney Children's Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) ,  Cohn, Richard J. (UNSW Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) ,  Fardell, Joanna E. (UNSW Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractBackgroundPhysical activity and aerobic fitness are modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) after childhood cancer. How survivors engage in physical activity remains unclear, potentially increasing CVD risk. We assessed survivors’ physical activity levels, barriers and...


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