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Evaluation of Refining Strategies for Combined use of Softwood and Eucalyptus Pulps in Papermaking 원문보기

한국펄프종이공학회 2006년도 PAN PACIFIC CONFERENCE vol.1, 2006 June 06, 2006년, pp.37 - 42  

Manfredi, Vail (Industrial Research and Development Manager Suzano Papel e Celulose Rua Prudente de Moraes)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The paper discusses the combined use of softwood and eucalyptus kraft pulps in the production of printing and writing papers. Looking for process and paper quality optimization, refining pilot plant trails were carried to identify the effects of refining type (mixed or separate) and intensities (spe...

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문제 정의

  • The paper discusses the combined use of softwood and eucalypt kraft pulps in the production of printin흥 and writing papers. Looking for process and paper quality optimization, refining pilot plant trails were carried to identify the of refining type (mixed or separate) and intensities (specific edge load), and also furnish composition (amount of each pulp in mixture) on final paper quality and process costs.
  • This paper discusses the combined use of softwood (tropical pine) and eucalypt kraft pulps in the production of printing and writing papers. The mixture refining strategies were compared according to the refining energy consumption to meet a target property value in the final paper,
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