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[국내논문] Radiological Impact Assessment for the New Radioactive Isotope Wastes Land Transportation Route Using RADTRAN 원문보기

한국방사성폐기물학회 2018년도 추계학술논문요약집, 2018 Nov. 01, 2018년, pp.335 - 336  

Park, Hyeon-Oh (Sunkwang T&S Co.,Ltd) ,  Ko, Bong-Ki (Sunkwang T&S Co.,Ltd) ,  Park, Kyu-Tae (Sunkwang T&S Co.,Ltd) ,  Kown, Ki-Hyun (Sunkwang T&S Co.,Ltd) ,  Choi, Young-Ku (Sunkwang T&S Co.,Ltd) ,  Seo, Myunghwan (Korea Radioactive Waste Agency) ,  Park, Jin Beak (Korea Radioactive Waste Agency)

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제안 방법

  • This study concerns Radiological Impact Assessment using the RADTRAN program, and will predict the estimated dose rate to workers and the publics around the transportation vehicles by applying the new land route transportation scenario for transporting RI wastes to the disposal facility, and compare the results with the legal standards of the Enforcement Decree of the Nuclear Safety Act [Presidential Decree No. 28987] for evaluation.
  • The main route of the new transportation route, applied to this study, includes Honam Expressway, Gyeongbu Expressway, Dangjin Yeongdeok Expressway, Sangju Yeongcheon Expressway, Iksang-Pohang Expressway and Donghae Expressway. This study divided the distance of about 260km into a total of 10 transportation sections in consideration of the population density, traffic volume and accident rate of the administrative districts on the transportation route as shown in [Table 3]. The maximum value of each section was used as the population density of the transportation route in consideration of the population subject to exposure in case of an accident.
  • This study applied the normal transportation scenario and the transportation accident scenario to the new transportation route to assess each scenario, and the number of accidents per unit distance (collision accident rate) for the number of floating vehicles was applied to access the transportation accident scenario.
  • In this study, the Radiological Impact Assessment of the new RI waste land transportation route using expressways and national highways was done for the two transportation scenarios, i.e. the normal transportation scenario and the transportation accident scenario. The radiation doses were lower than the legal standards in both scenarios.
  • If the RI wastes and radioactive wastes are transported using the new lad transportation route, proposed in this study, it is believed that assessment that reflects radiation shielding and the nuclide inventory of actual radioactive wastes must be conducted.

대상 데이터

  • The main route of the new transportation route, applied to this study, includes Honam Expressway, Gyeongbu Expressway, Dangjin Yeongdeok Expressway, Sangju Yeongcheon Expressway, Iksang-Pohang Expressway and Donghae Expressway. This study divided the distance of about 260km into a total of 10 transportation sections in consideration of the population density, traffic volume and accident rate of the administrative districts on the transportation route as shown in [Table 3].
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