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Process for preparing terephthalic acid 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C07C-051/42
출원번호 US-0084153 (1979-10-12)
우선권정보 JP-0128709 (1978-10-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hashizume Hiroshi (Kitakyushi JPX) Harada Sigeki (Nakama JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Ltd. (Fujuoka JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 0


Preparation of terephthalic acid by oxidizing p-xylene with molecular oxygen in an acetic acid solvent in the presence of a catalyst containing at least one heavy metal and bromine. Preparation of terephthalic acid of high purity accompanied by low level of combustion of the acetic acid solvent can


In a process for preparing terephthalic acid of high purity by reacting p-xylene with molecular oxygen in an acetic acid solvent in the presence of a catalyst containing at least one heavy metal and bromine, the improvement comprising the steps of: (i) introducing p-xylene and molecular oxygen into

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Lee Fu-Ming ; Lamshing Wiston, Apparatus for preparing purified terephthalic acid.
  2. Fornara, Wout; Gout, Martin; Sumner, Jr., Charles Edwan, Carboxylic acid production process employing solvent from esterification of lignocellulosic material.
  3. Janka, Mesfin Ejerssa; Sumner, Jr., Charles Edwan; Howard, Adam Scott; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Carboxylic acid production process employing solvent from esterification of lignocellulosic material.
  4. Gibson,Philip Edward; Parker,Kenny Randolph; Sheppard,Ronald Buford, Enriched carboxylic acid composition.
  5. Gibson,Philip Edward; Parker,Kenny Randolph, Enriched isophthalic acid composition.
  6. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph; Sheppard, Ronald Buford, Enriched terephthalic acid composition.
  7. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph; Sheppard, Ronald Buford, Enriched terephthalic acid composition.
  8. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph; Sheppard, Ronald Buford, Enriched terephthalic acid composition.
  9. Lee Fu-Ming ; Lamshing Wiston, Method and apparatus for preparing purified terephthalic acid.
  10. Lee Fu-Ming ; Shang Wei-Teh Wade, Method and apparatus for preparing purified terephthalic acid.
  11. Lee Fu-Ming ; Lamshing Wiston ; Wytcherley Randi Wright, Method and apparatus for preparing purified terephthalic acid and isophthalic acid from mixed xylenes.
  12. Reuter, Peter; Voit, Guido; Heidemann, Thomas, Method for producing phthalic anhydride.
  13. Lamshing Wiston ; Lee Fu-Ming ; Wytcherley Randi Wright, Method to reduce carboxybenzaldehyde isomers in terephthalic acid or isophthalic acid.
  14. Bartos, Thomas M., Process and apparatus for manufacturing pure forms of aromatic carboxylic acids.
  15. Bartos, Thomas M., Process and apparatus for manufacturing pure forms of aromatic carboxylic acids.
  16. Hashizume Hiroshi (Kurashiki JPX) Izumisawa Yoshiaki (Kitakyushu JPX), Process for producing highly pure terephthalic acid.
  17. Takuma Toshiaki (Yokkaichi JPX) Tsumura Takayuki (Yokkaichi JPX) Tsugiya Takanori (Yokkaichi JPX) Murakami Katsuya (Yokkaichi JPX) Nakajima Yasue (Yokkaichi JPX), Process for producing terephthalic acid suitable for use in direct polymerization.
  18. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph; O'Meadhra, Ruairi Seosamh, Process to enrich a carboxylic acid composition.
  19. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward, Process to produce a post catalyst removal composition.
  20. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward; O'Meadhra, Ruairi Seosamh, Process to produce a post catalyst removal composition.
  21. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward; O'Meadhra, Ruairi Seosamh, Process to produce an enriched composition.
  22. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward; O'Meadhra, Ruairi Seosamh, Process to produce an enriched composition.
  23. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Process to produce an enrichment feed.
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