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HF Alkylation process 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C07C-003/54
출원번호 US-0385249 (1982-06-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hutson
  • Jr. Thomas (Bartlesville OK) Hann Paul D. (Bartlesville OK)
출원인 / 주소
  • Phillips Petroleum Company (Bartlesville OK 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 4


A process for maintaining HF acid soluble oils (ASO) in an HF alkylation reaction zone in an amount sufficient to ensure formation of an alkylate containing a high octane number is provided by returning to the reaction zone a portion of acid soluble oil recovered from an HF catalyst rerun system.


In an HF alkylation process wherein a preselected amount of acid soluble oils is described to be maintained in the alkylation system HF catalyst the improvement comprises returning a stream comprising acid soluble oils recovered from an HF rerun column and isobutane to the HF alkylation system so as

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Mikulicz Michael Z. (Palatine IL) Burton Vance P. (Arlington Heights IL), Acid purification and recycle in HF-catalyzed alkylation.
  2. Dixon Rolland E. (Bartlesville OK) Chapman Charles C. (Bartlesville OK), Catalytic alkylation of hydrocarbons.
  3. Hutson ; Jr. Thomas (Bartlesville OK), Catalytic alkylation of hydrocarbons.
  4. Sobel Jay E. (Highland Park IL), HF alkylation process with addition of acid regenarator bottoms to the recycle isoparaffin stream.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6)

  1. Van Pool Joe (c/o Ste. 1107 ; 1825 K St. ; NW. Washington DC 20006), Alkylation process.
  2. Hann Paul D. (Bartlesville OK) Van Pool Joe (Bartlesville OK), Catalytic alkylation process.
  3. Blais, D'Arcy H. J.; Bodeux, Doug F.; Burgwin, Steve L.; Chan, Alexander D.; Locke, Gary S.; Squires, Jerry H.; Virtue, Sarah J., HF alkylation process with internal acid regeneration.
  4. Blais, D'Arcy H. J.; Bodeux, Doug F.; Burgwin, Steve L.; Chan, Alexander D.; Locke, Gary S.; Squires, Jerry H.; Virtue, Sarah J., HF alkylation process with internal acid regeneration.
  5. Ginosar Daniel M. ; Fox Robert V. ; Kong Peter C., Solid catalyzed isoparaffin alkylation at supercritical fluid and near-supercritical fluid conditions.
  6. Louie Yuk-Mui (Philadelphia PA) Zrinscak Fred S. (Woodbury Heights NJ), Solvent extraction and purification of acid soluble oil from an HF alkylation unit.
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