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Method and apparatus for manufacturing nitrogen trifluoride 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C01B-021/083
  • C01B-021/00
  • C01B-007/19
  • C01B-007/00
출원번호 US-0196354 (2005-08-04)
등록번호 US-7413722 (2008-08-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Iikubo,Yuichi
출원인 / 주소
  • Foosung Co., Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 16


A method and apparatus for manufacture of NF3 by gas-liquid phase reaction of fluorine and ammonia in molten ammonium acid fluoride (AAF) in a static reactor in which the reactants are conveyed primarily by thermal conduction or siphon. Optimally, the reactor contains one or more static mixing eleme


I claim: 1. A method of manufacturing NF3 comprising reacting NH3 with F2 in and with molten Ammonium Acid Fluoride with a molar ratio of NH3 to HF of 1:2.28 to 1:2.55 within a closed loop reactor with one or more spaced cooling zones, in which the reactants are conveyed by thermal conduction or si

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Gordon Joseph (Morris Township ; Morris County NJ) Sukornick Bernard (Elizabeth NJ), Manufacture of nitrogen trifluoride.
  2. Satchell, Jr.,Donald Prentice; le Roux,Johannes Petrus, Method and apparatus for the production of nitrogen trifluoride.
  3. Syvret,Robert George; Campion,Beth Ann; Cooper,Gregory Alan; Schork,Joan Marie, Method for nitrogen trifluoride production.
  4. Tokunaga Nobuyuki,JPX ; Moroi Shirou,JPX ; Kojima Keizo,JPX, Method for producing nitrogen trifluoride by gas-solid reaction.
  5. Satchell, Jr., Donald Prentice; Mohan, Vasu R., Method for the production of nitrogen trifluoride.
  6. Hyakutake Hiroyuki (Kanagawa JPX) Harada Isao (Yamaguchi JPX) Iwanaga Naruyuki (Yamaguchi JPX) Nishitsuji Toshihiko (Yamaguchi JPX), Method of liquefying and condensing nitrogen trifluoride and a method of purifying nitrogen trifluoride.
  7. Sartori Peter (Duisburg DEX), Method of producing NF3.
  8. Satchell, Jr.,Donald P., NF3 production reactor.
  9. Tarancon Gregorio (High Springs FL), Nitrogen trifluoride process.
  10. Tarancon Gregorio, Nitrogen trifluoride production apparatus.
  11. Woytek ; Andrew Joseph ; Lileck ; John Theodore, Preparation of nitrogen trifluoride.
  12. Coronell Daniel G. (Allentown PA) Hsiung Thomas H.-L. (Emmaus PA) Withers ; Jr. Howard P. (Breinigsville PA) Woytek Andrew J. (Allentown PA), Process for nitrogen trifluoride synthesis.
  13. Akio Kikkawa JP; Tatsuma Morokuma JP; Hiromi Hayashida JP, Process for producing high-purity nitrogen trifluoride gas.
  14. Dholakia,Vipul; Tsirukis,Athanasios; Zehnder,Anthony J.; Boehme,Richard Peter, Process for the production of nitrogen trifluoride.
  15. Hart,James Joseph; Henderson,Philip Bruce; Withers, Jr.,Howard Paul; Rao,Madhukar Bhaskara; Subawalla,Hoshang, Process for the purification of NF.
  16. Aramaki, Minoru; Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki; Nakamura, Tamio; Nakano, Hisaji; Suenaga, Takashi, Process of preparing nitrogen trifluoride by gas-solid reaction.
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