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CMOS adder using exclusive OR and/or exclusive-NOR gates 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-007/50
출원번호 US-0600169 (1984-04-13)
우선권정보 EP-0103653 (1983-04-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Uhlenhoff Arnold (Emmendingen DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • ITT Industries, Inc. (New York NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 4


To implement CMOS EXORs or EXNORs, four transistors are used which have one end of their channels tied to the gate output. The first and fourth transistors are one conductivity type, and the second and third transistors are of the other conductivity type. One of the inputs is split up into two sub-i


A CMOS full-adder stage having first inputs including two sub-inputs for a first signal to be added and a second input for a second signal to be added, and with a carry input for an uninverted carry signal, comprising: first and second exclusive-OR (EXOR) gate implemented using complementary metal-o

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Maitland David Steven (Loveland CO) Thayer Billy E. (Loveland CO), Binary adder.
  2. Suganuma Kazuo (Yokohama JPX), Full adder.
  3. Colardelle, Joel S. G., Integrated circuit three-input binary adder cell with high-speed sum propagation.
  4. Stewart Roger Green (Neshanic Station NJ), Transition detector.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Knauer Karl (Grafing DEX) Kamp Winfried (Munich DEX), Adder cell for carry-save arithmetic.
  2. Lanfranca Michel J. (Paris FRX) Labrousse Jean-Michel J. (Paris FRX) Deneuchatel Christian M. (Velizy FRX), Arithmetic and logic circuit stage.
  3. Bui Tuan H. (Jamesburg NJ), Binary adder.
  4. Licciardi Luigi (Almese ITX) Torielli Alessandro (Turin ITX), CMOS cell for logic operations with fast carry.
  5. Fang Sheng (San Antonio TX), CMOS full adder circuit.
  6. Lee Peter (Freiburg DEX) Theus Ulrich (Gundelfingen DEX), CMOS full-adder stage.
  7. Henlin Dennis A. (Dracut MA), CMOS subtractor.
  8. Kloker Kevin L. (Arlington Heights IL) Cieslak Ronald H. (Chicago IL), Exclusive OR/NOR gate having cross-coupled transistors.
  9. Hara Hiroyuki (Tokyo JPX) Sugimoto Yasuhiro (Yokohama JPX), Full adder circuit having an exclusive-OR circuit.
  10. Elliott, Gary; Elliott, Pamela, Glove.
  11. Mazin Moshe (Andover MA) Henlin Dennis A. (Dracut MA) Lewis Edward T. (Sudbury MA), High speed full adder.
  12. Shin, Jin-Uk; Kwong, Lancelot Y.; Shrivastav, Gaurav, High-speed static XOR circuit.
  13. Sutherland Ivan E., Inverse toggle XOR and XNOR circuit.
  14. Katakura,Hiroshi; Nakashima,Yasuhiko, Logic circuit.
  15. Hara Hiroyuki (Tokyo JPX) Sugimoto Yasuhiro (Yokohama JPX), Logic operation circuit having an exclusive-OR circuit.
  16. Ikumi Nobuyuki (Tokyo JPX), Precharge-type carry chained adder circuit.
  17. Hoover, Bruce G., Versatile sanding glove.
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