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Biocidal well treatment method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E21B-043/267
  • E21B-037/00
출원번호 US-0521815 (1990-05-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • McCabe Michael A. (Duncan OK) Wilson J. Michael (Duncan OK) Weaver Jimmie D. (Duncan OK) Venditto James J. (Duncan OK)
출원인 / 주소
  • Halliburton Company (Duncan OK 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 4


Methods of treating a previously fractured bacteria contaminated subterranean formation penetrated by a well bore whereby the bacteria contamination is substantially reduced or eliminated are provided. The methods basically comprise mixing a bactericide with a fracturing fluid in an amount effective


A method of treating a previously fractured bacteria contaminated subterranean formation penetrated by a well bore whereby said bacteria contamination is substantially reduced or eliminated comprising the steps of: mixing a bactericide with a carrier fluid in an amount effective to contact and kill

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Ballerini Daniel (Saint Germain en Laye FRX) Chaude Odile (Sevres FRX) Chauveteau Guy (Rueil Malmaison FRX) Kohler Norbert (Paris FRX) Vandecastele Jean-Paul (Fourqueux FRX), Assisted oil recovery with use of fermentation fluids.
  2. Rogers William C. (2301 Bryant Dr. East Point GA 30344) Alford ; III George W. (1954 Old Datona Rd. Daytona Beach FL 32014) Cullimore D. Roy (2003 Styles Crecent East Regina ; Saskatchewan S4V 0P8 CA, Method and apparatus for cleaning wells.
  3. Miller James W. (Mystic CT) Tate Bryce E. (Niantic CT), Polyvalent metal ion chelating agents for xanthan solutions.
  4. Baranet Sandra E. (Broken Arrow OK) Hodge Richard M. (Sand Springs OK) Kucera Clare H. (Broken Arrow OK), Stabilized fracture fluid and crosslinker therefor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Yin, Bei; Enzien, Michael V.; Love, Donald J., Biocidal compositions and methods of use.
  2. Yin, Bei; Enzien, Michael V.; Love, Donald J., Biocidal compositions and methods of use.
  3. Mason, John Y., Chlorine dioxide precursor and methods of using same.
  4. Mason, John Y., Chlorine dioxide precursor and methods of using same.
  5. Howard, Paul R.; Boney, Curtis L.; Rimassa, Shawn McCleskey; Ali, Syed A., Composition and method for slickwater application.
  6. Le Hoang V. ; Kesavan Subramanian ; Dawson Jeffrey C. ; Mack David J. ; Nelson Scott G., Compositions and methods for hydraulic fracturing.
  7. Dawson Jeffrey C. ; Le Hoang V. ; Kesavan Subramanian, Compositions and methods for selective modification of subterranean formation permeability.
  8. Giffin, Wade J., Compositions and processes for fracturing subterranean formations.
  9. Jeffrey C. Dawson ; Subramanian Kesavan ; Hoang V. Le, Derivatization of polymers and well treatments using the same.
  10. Crews,James B., Fracturing fluids for delayed flow back operations.
  11. Mason, John Y., Method and system for the treatment of water and fluids with chlorine dioxide.
  12. Nalepa, Christopher J.; Carpenter, Joel F., Microbiological control in oil or gas field operations.
  13. Mueller Dan T. ; Daulton Daniel J. ; Rae Phillip J.,SGX ; Johnston Neil,GBX ; DiLullo Gino,VEX, Mud suspension control system.
  14. Polunsky Melvin S. ; Heller George P., Polyurethane foam lithium hypochlorite composition.
  15. Rae Philip J.,SGX ; Johnston Neil,GBX ; DiLullo Gino,VEX, Storable liquid systems for use in cementing oil and gas wells.
  16. Thompson ; Sr. Joseph E. ; Brannon Harold D. ; Woo George Tso-Chih ; Wood William R. ; Dawson Jeffrey C. ; Ault Marshall G., Surfactant compositions and uses therefor.
  17. Welton, Thomas D.; Pauls, Richard W.; McMechan, David E.; Terracina, John M., Viscosified fluids for remediating subterranean damage.
  18. Welton, Thomas D.; Pauls, Richard W.; McMechan, David E.; Terracina, John M., Viscosified fluids for remediating subterranean damage.
  19. Lee,Brady D.; Dooley,Kirk J., Well having inhibited microbial growth.
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