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Decoupling capacitor sizing and placement 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-017/50
출원번호 US-0268236 (2002-10-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nassif, Sani Richard
  • Su, Haihua
출원인 / 주소
  • International Business Machines Corporation
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 4


A method and system for reducing noise in a power grid of an integrated circuit, which optimizes the placement and sizing of decoupling capacitors in the power grid. Logic cells are located in a first layout of the integrated circuit with empty spaces between the adjacent cells, and the placement of


1. A method of reducing noise in a power grid of an integrated circuit, comprising the steps of:locating logic cells in a first layout of the integrated circuit with empty spaces between the adjacent cells; iteratively changing the placement of the cells to a second layout wherein the size of the em

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Johansson Ted (Hagersten SEX) Gobbi Jose-Maria (Stockholm SEX), Capacitor in an integrated function block or an integrated circuit having high capacitance, a method for manufacturing s.
  2. Bernstein, Kerry; Cohn, John M.; Neves, Jose L. P., Method for adding decoupling capacitance during integrated circuit design.
  3. Armin M Reith ; Louis Hsu ; Henning Haffner ; Gunther Lehmann, Optimized decoupling capacitor using lithographic dummy filler.
  4. Reith Armin M. ; Hsu Louis ; Haffner Henning ; Lehmann Gunther, Optimized decoupling capacitor using lithographic dummy filler.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Sharma, Harsh Dev; Srivastava, Rajeev; Kommoori, Srivinas R.; Bhushan, Bharat; Parui, Mithunjoy; Lee, Albert, Automatic placement of decoupling capacitors.
  2. Brunschwiler, Thomas J.; Gerke, Sebastian; Oggioni, Stefano Sergio, Circuitized substrate with electronic components mounted on transversal portion thereof.
  3. Hopkins, Jeremy T.; Papa, David A.; Ward, Samuel I., Decoupling capacitor insertion using hypergraph connectivity analysis.
  4. Huang, Shen-Yu; Lin, Chih-Ching, Digital circuit block having reducing supply voltage drop and method for constructing the same.
  5. Carlsen, Kurt A.; Chiu, Charles S.; Garofano, Umberto; Pang, Ze Gui; Tremble, Eric W.; Toub, David; Wemple, Ivan L., Early decoupling capacitor optimization method for hierarchical circuit design.
  6. Ogawa,Yasushige, Layout method of decoupling capacitors.
  7. Devgan,Anirudh; Metcalfe,Roderick; Raghavan,Vivek; Wong,Alfred, Lithographically optimized placement tool.
  8. Bartley,Gerald Keith; Becker,Darryl John; Dahlen,Paul Eric; Germann,Philip Raymond; Maki,Andrew B.; Maxson,Mark Owen; Sheets, II,John Edward, Method and apparatus for implementing silicon wafer chip carrier passive devices.
  9. Sinha,Snehamay; Ghosh,Bipasha; Srinivasa,Raghu Nandan; Kiel,Stephen N., Method for estimating substrate noise in mixed signal integrated circuits.
  10. Hu, Chi-Wei; Lin, Kuan-Yu; Chen, Wan-Chun; Liu, Chin-Chou, Method for placing decoupling capacitors.
  11. Sundareswaran, Savithri; Huang, Benjamin S.; Vaidyanathan, Ravi K., Method for provisioning decoupling capacitance in an integrated circuit.
  12. Verghese, Nishath; Tseng, Kenneth, Method to analyze and correct dynamic power grid variations in ICs.
  13. Rahmat, Khalid; McElvain, Kenneth S., Methods and apparatuses for transient analyses of circuits.
  14. Rahmat,Khalid; McElvain,Kenneth S., Methods and apparatuses for transient analyses of circuits.
  15. Riviere-Cazaux, Lionel J., Placing filler cells in device design based on designation of sensitive feature in standard cell.
  16. Uchida,Kohei, System for placing elements of semiconductor integrated circuit, method of placing elements thereon, and program for placing elements.
  17. Bickford, Jeanne P.; Goss, John R.; Habib, Nazmul; McMahon, Robert J., Testing method using a scalable parametric measurement macro.
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