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[미국특허] Fine resolution digital delay line with coarse and fine adjustment stages 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03D-003/24
출원번호 US-0324856 (1994-10-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Casasanta Joseph A. (Allen TX) Andresen Bernhard H. (Dallas TX) Satoh Yoshinori (Plano TX) Keeney Stanley C. (Dallas TX) Martin Robert C. (Dallas TX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 173  인용 특허 : 0


A device and method for reducing phase jitter in digital phase locked loop applications resulting in smaller clock skews between application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Phase jitter is reduced by a fine resolution digital delay line (20) comprising both coarse stages (variable delay elemen


A digital phase locked loop circuit, comprising: a phase detector for detecting a phase relationship between first and second clock signals, said phase detector having first and second input for said first and second clock signals to be applied thereto; first means connected to said phase detector f

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (173)

  1. Ruesch,Rodney, Anticipatory programmable interface pre-driver.
  2. Petrie, William, Apparatus and method for modeling coarse stepsize delay element and delay locked loop using same.
  3. Patrick J. Mullarkey, Apparatus for adjusting delay of a clock signal relative to a data signal.
  4. Farooq, Rizwan M., Arrangement for generating multiple clocks in field programmable gate arrays of a network test system.
  5. Shen Feng ; Tsai Kunlin, Circuit and method for reducing delay line length in delay-locked loops.
  6. Schmidt Hartmut,DEX, Circuit arrangement for generating two signals staggered in time from a clock signal and for measuring their time stagge.
  7. Wildes, Paul T.; Birrittella, Mark S., Circuit design for high-speed digital communication.
  8. Yoon, Yong-Jin; Cho, Uk-Rae; Park, Jung-Woo; Lee, Kwang-Jin; Kim, Nam-Seog, Circuits and methods for generating internal clock signal of intermediate phase relative to external clock.
  9. Sung Jun Bae,KRX, Clock phase correction circuit.
  10. Busch Robert Edward (Essex Junction VT) Zick Kenneth Michael (Dallas TX) Houle Robert Maurice (Williston VT), Clock synchronization scheme for fractional multiplication systems.
  11. Keeth Brent, Clock vernier adjustment.
  12. Keeth Brent, Clock vernier adjustment.
  13. Takanori Saeki JP, Combinational delay circuit for a digital frequency multiplier.
  14. Patrick J. Mullarkey, Computer system having memory device with adjustable data clocking.
  15. Mullarkey, Patrick J., Computer system having memory device with adjustable data clocking using pass gates.
  16. Rokugawa Hiroyuki,JPX, Data identifying device and light receiver using the same.
  17. Rokugawa Hiroyuki,JPX, Data identifying device and light receiver using the same.
  18. Tanaka Akira,JPX ; Doi Toshio,JPX ; Ishibashi Kenichi,JPX ; Hayashi Takehisa,JPX ; Yamagiwa Akira,JPX, Data transfer apparatus fetching reception data at maximum margin of timing.
  19. Kumata Ichiro,JPX, Delay circuit and oscillator circuit using the same.
  20. Nguyen, Andy T.; Zhou, Shi-dong, Delay lock loop using shift register with token bit to select adjacent clock signals.
  21. Haerle, Dieter; Mai, Tony; Vlasenko, Peter, Delay locked loop circuit and method.
  22. Haerle, Dieter; Mai, Tony; Vlasenko, Peter, Delay locked loop circuit and method.
  23. Haerle, Dieter; Mai, Tony; Vlasenko, Peter, Delay locked loop circuit and method.
  24. Haerle,Dieter; Mai,Tony; Vlasenko,Peter, Delay locked loop circuit and method.
  25. Foss, Richard C.; Gillingham, Peter B.; Allan, Graham, Delay locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  26. Foss, Richard C.; Gillingham, Peter B.; Allan, Graham, Delay locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  27. Foss, Richard C.; Gillingham, Peter B.; Allan, Graham, Delay locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  28. Foss,Richard C.; Gillingham,Peter B.; Allan,Graham, Delay locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  29. Manning Troy A., Delay-locked loop with binary-coupled capacitor.
  30. Manning Troy A., Delay-locked loop with binary-coupled capacitor.
  31. Troy A. Manning, Delay-locked loop with binary-coupled capacitor.
  32. Troy A. Manning, Delay-locked loop with binary-coupled capacitor.
  33. Troy A. Manning, Delay-locked loop with binary-coupled capacitor.
  34. Troy A. Manning, Delay-locked loop with binary-coupled capacitor.
  35. Foss Richard C.,CAX ; Gillingham Peter B.,CAX ; Allan Graham,CAX, Delayed locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  36. Foss Richard C.,CAX ; Gillingham Peter B.,CAX ; Allan Graham,CAX, Delayed locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  37. Foss Richard C.,CAX ; Gillingham Peter B.,CAX ; Allan Graham,CAX, Delayed locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  38. Foss, Richard C.; Gillingham, Peter B.; Allan, Graham, Delayed locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  39. Foss, Richard C.; Gillingham, Peter B.; Allan, Graham, Delayed locked loop implementation in a synchronous dynamic random access memory.
  40. Fang,Al; Farrell,Mike; Butka,Brian, Delayed-locked loop with fine and coarse control using cascaded phase interpolator and variable delay circuit.
  41. Yoneda Satoshi,JPX, Digital PLL circuit.
  42. Bruce Millar CA, Digital delay locked loop.
  43. Millar Bruce,CAX, Digital delay locked loop.
  44. Song Hongjiang, Digital delay locked loop for adaptive de-skew clock generation.
  45. Torbey Elie, Digital phase-locked loop circuit with reduced phase jitter frequency.
  46. Gauvin Coralyn S. ; Petty William K. ; Herbert Brian K., Dual path asynchronous delay circuit.
  47. Lee, Terry R.; Jeddeloh, Joseph M., Dynamic synchronization of data capture on an optical or other high speed communications link.
  48. Lee, Terry R.; Jeddeloh, Joseph M., Dynamic synchronization of data capture on an optical or other high speed communications link.
  49. Lee,Terry R.; Jeddeloh,Joseph M., Dynamic synchronization of data capture on an optical or other high speed communications link.
  50. Hartwell, David; Donaldson, Darrell, Enhanced clock forwarding data recovery.
  51. Andresen Bernhard H. ; Schenck Stephen R., Free running digital phase lock loop.
  52. Farwell William D., Frequency independent clock synchronizer.
  53. Rosen,Eitan, High resolution digital delay circuit for PLL and DLL.
  54. Rosen,Eitan, High resolution digital delay circuit for PLL and DLL.
  55. Ruesch, Rodney; Jenkins, Philip N.; Ma, Nan, I/O impedance controller.
  56. Mai, Tony, Initialization circuit for delay locked loop.
  57. Kenichi Kawasaki JP; Yasuharu Sato JP; Terumasa Kitahara JP; Masao Nakano JP; Masao Taguchi JP; Yoshihiro Takemae JP; Yasurou Matsuzaki JP; Koichi Nishimura JP; Yoshinori Okajima JP; Naoharu, Input/output data synchronizing device.
  58. Sikkink,Mark Ronald; Huffman,William A.; Swanson,Vernon W.; Ma,Nan; Passint,Randal S., Interface for synchronous data transfer between domains clocked at different frequencies.
  59. Lin, Feng, Interleaved delay line for phase locked and delay locked loops.
  60. Lin, Feng, Interleaved delay line for phase locked and delay locked loops.
  61. Lin,Feng, Interleaved delay line for phase locked and delay locked loops.
  62. Lin,Feng, Interleaved delay line for phase locked and delay locked loops.
  63. Mai, Tony, Intialization circuit for delay locked loop.
  64. Gomm,Tyler J., Measure controlled delay with duty cycle control.
  65. Keeth, Brent, Memory system with dynamic timing correction.
  66. Sauder, Mark F.; Anderson, Michael L.; Fromm, Eric C., Method and apparatus for accessing MMR registers distributed across a large asic.
  67. Baker Russel Jacob ; Manning Troy A., Method and apparatus for adaptively adjusting the timing of a clock signal used to latch digital signals, and memory device using same.
  68. Keeth Brent, Method and apparatus for adaptively adjusting the timing offset between a clock signal and digital signals transmitted coincident with that clock signal, and memory device and system using same.
  69. Mullarkey Patrick J., Method and apparatus for adjusting data timing by delaying clock signal.
  70. Keeth Brent ; Manning Troy A., Method and apparatus for adjusting the timing of signals over fine and coarse ranges.
  71. Keeth, Brent; Manning, Troy A., Method and apparatus for adjusting the timing of signals over fine and coarse ranges.
  72. Brent Keeth ; Terry R. Lee ; Kevin Ryan ; Troy A. Manning, Method and apparatus for bit-to-bit timing correction of a high speed memory bus.
  73. Keeth, Brent; Lee, Terry R.; Ryan, Kevin; Manning, Troy A., Method and apparatus for bit-to-bit timing correction of a high speed memory bus.
  74. Arneson,Michael R.; Bowman,Terrance L.; Cornett,Frank N.; DeRyckere,John F.; Hillert,Brian T.; Jenkins,Philip N.; Ma,Nan; Placek,Joseph M.; Ruesch,Rodney; Thorson,Gregory M., Method and apparatus for communicating computer data from one point to another over a communications medium.
  75. Saeki Takanori,JPX, Method and apparatus for controlling clock signals.
  76. Dreps Daniel Mark ; Masleid Robert Paul ; Muhich John Stephen, Method and apparatus for coupled phase locked loops.
  77. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a phase dependent control signal.
  78. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a phase dependent control signal.
  79. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a phase dependent control signal.
  80. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a phase dependent control signal.
  81. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a phase dependent control signal.
  82. Harrison,Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a phase dependent control signal.
  83. Harrison,Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a phase dependent control signal.
  84. Harrison Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a sequence of clock signals.
  85. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a sequence of clock signals.
  86. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a sequence of clock signals.
  87. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a sequence of clock signals.
  88. Harrison,Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a sequence of clock signals.
  89. Troy A. Manning, Method and apparatus for generating an internal clock signal that is synchronized to an external clock signal.
  90. Manning, Troy A., Method and apparatus for generating expect data from a captured bit pattern, and memory device using same.
  91. Manning,Troy A., Method and apparatus for generating expect data from a captured bit pattern, and memory device using same.
  92. Manning,Troy A., Method and apparatus for generating expect data from a captured bit pattern, and memory device using same.
  93. Troy A. Manning, Method and apparatus for generating expect data from a captured bit pattern, and memory device using same.
  94. Troy A. Manning, Method and apparatus for generating expect data from a captured bit pattern, and memory device using same.
  95. Brent Keeth, Method and apparatus for high speed data capture utilizing bit-to-bit timing correction, and memory device using same.
  96. Haerle,Dieter; Mai,Tony; Vlasenko,Peter, Method and apparatus for initializing a delay locked loop.
  97. Gasparik, Frank; Smith, Paul J., Method and apparatus for multi-channel data delay equalization.
  98. Ma, Yantao, Method and apparatus for reducing oscillation in synchronous circuits.
  99. Ma, Yantao, Method and apparatus for reducing oscillation in synchronous circuits.
  100. Ma, Yantao, Method and apparatus for reducing oscillation in synchronous circuits.
  101. Manning Troy A., Method and apparatus for resynchronizing a plurality of clock signals used in latching respective digital signals applied to a packetized memory device.
  102. Troy A. Manning, Method and apparatus for resynchronizing a plurality of clock signals used to latch respective digital signals, and memory device using same.
  103. Solomon, Doug; Eiriksson, Asgeir T.; Koren, Yuval; Kaldani, Givargis G., Method and cache-coherence system allowing purging of mid-level cache entries without purging lower-level cache entries.
  104. Fromm, Eric C.; Ruesch, Rodney, Method and circuit for reliable data capture in the presence of bus-master changeovers.
  105. Johnson, Brian; Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and system for adjusting the timing offset between a clock signal and respective digital signals transmitted along with that clock signal, and memory device and computer system using same.
  106. Johnson,Brian; Harrison,Ronnie M., Method and system for adjusting the timing offset between a clock signal and respective digital signals transmitted along with that clock signal, and memory device and computer system using same.
  107. Lin, Feng; Keeth, Brent; Johnson, Brian, Method and system for delay control in synchronization circuits.
  108. Collins Hansel Anthony ; Everhardt Paul ; Parry David ; Chesson Greg, Method and system for deskewing parallel bus channels.
  109. Manning, Troy A., Method for generating expect data from a captured bit pattern, and memory device using same.
  110. Lee,Seonghoon, Multi-phase clock signal generator and method having inherently unlimited frequency capability.
  111. Lee,Seonghoon, Multi-phase clock signal generator and method having inherently unlimited frequency capability.
  112. Saeki Takanori,JPX, Multiplex synchronous delay circuit.
  113. Brandt William P., Network switching system including a zero-delay output buffer.
  114. Lin, Feng; Baker, R. Jacob, Phase detector for all-digital phase locked and delay locked loops.
  115. Lin,Feng; Baker,R. Jacob, Phase detector for all-digital phase locked and delay locked loops.
  116. Lin,Feng; Baker,R. Jacob, Phase detector for all-digital phase locked and delay locked loops.
  117. Lin, Feng, Phase detector for reducing noise.
  118. Lin,Feng, Phase detector for reducing noise.
  119. Lin,Feng, Phase detector for reducing noise.
  120. Lin,Feng, Phase detector for reducing noise.
  121. Lee Sang-bo,KRX ; Lee Jae-hyoong,KRX, Phase locked loop integrated circuits having dynamic phase locking characteristics and methods of operating same.
  122. Lee Sang-bo,KRX, Phase locked loop integrated circuits having fuse-enabled and fuse-disabled delay devices therein.
  123. Hinz,Torsten; Jakobs,Andreas; Zaryouh,Benaissa, Phase shifter.
  124. Bhullar, Gurpreet; Allan, Graham, Process, voltage, temperature independent switched delay compensation scheme.
  125. Bhullar, Gurpreet; Allan, Graham, Process, voltage, temperature independent switched delay compensation scheme.
  126. Bhullar, Gurpreet; Allan, Graham, Process, voltage, temperature independent switched delay compensation scheme.
  127. Bhullar,Gurpreet; Allan,Graham, Process, voltage, temperature independent switched delay compensation scheme.
  128. Albert Manhee Chu ; Daniel Mark Dreps ; Frank David Ferraiolo ; Kevin Charles Gower ; Roger Paul Gregor, Programmable delay circuit having a fine delay element selectively receives input signal and output signal of coarse delay element.
  129. DeRyckere, John F.; Jenkins, Philip Nord; Cornett, Frank Nolan, Programmable differential delay circuit with fine delay adjustment.
  130. John F. DeRyckere ; Philip Nord Jenkins ; Frank Nolan Cornett, Programmable differential delay circuit with fine delay adjustment.
  131. Jefferson David E. ; Cope L. Todd,MYX ; Reddy Srinivas ; Cliff Richard G., Programmable logic integrated circuit with on-chip DLL or PLL for clock distribution.
  132. Takada Shuichi,JPX ; Yoshizawa Akihiko,JPX, Ring oscillator type voltage controlled oscillator.
  133. Kawasaki Kenichi,JPX ; Sato Yasuharu,JPX ; Kitahara Terumasa,JPX ; Nakano Masao,JPX ; Taguchi Masao,JPX ; Takemae Yoshihiro,JPX ; Matsuzaki Yasurou,JPX ; Nishimura Koichi,JPX ; Okajima Yoshinori,JPX , Semiconductor device, semiconductor system, and digital delay circuit.
  134. Taguchi Masao,JPX ; Takemae Yoshihiro,JPX, Semiconductor device, semiconductor system, and digital delay circuit.
  135. Lu, Hung-Wen; Su, Chau-Chin, Signal delay circuit.
  136. Chall, Louis Edmund; Serson, John Bradley; Roberts, Philip Arnold; Hutchins, Cecil Eugene, Sleep mode initialization in a distributed computing system.
  137. Mansur,Daniel C., Spacial derivative bus encoder and decoder.
  138. Harrison Ronnie M. ; Keeth Brent, Synchronous clock generator including a compound delay-locked loop.
  139. Harrison Ronnie M., Synchronous clock generator including a delay-locked loop signal loss detector.
  140. Harrison Ronnie M., Synchronous clock generator including a false lock detector.
  141. Mullarkey Patrick J., Synchronous memory device having an adjustable data clocking circuit.
  142. Jenkins, Philip Nord; Cornett, Frank N., System and method for adaptively deskewing parallel data signals relative to a clock.
  143. Jenkins,Philip Nord; Cornett,Frank N., System and method for adaptively deskewing parallel data signals relative to a clock.
  144. Jenkins,Philip Nord; Cornett,Frank N., System and method for adaptively deskewing parallel data signals relative to a clock.
  145. Lin, Feng, System and method for skew compensating a clock signal and for capturing a digital signal using the skew compensated clock signal.
  146. Lin, Feng, System and method for skew compensating a clock signal and for capturing a digital signal using the skew compensated clock signal.
  147. Lin, Feng, System and method for skew compensating a clock signal and for capturing a digital signal using the skew compensated clock signal.
  148. James,Ralph, System and method for using a learning sequence to establish communications on a high-speed nonsynchronous interface in the absence of clock forwarding.
  149. James,Ralph, System and method for using a learning sequence to establish communications on a high-speed nonsynchronous interface in the absence of clock forwarding.
  150. James,Ralph, System and method for using a learning sequence to establish communications on a high-speed nonsynchronous interface in the absence of clock forwarding.
  151. Lin, Feng, System and method of operation of DLL and PLL to provide tight locking with large range, and dynamic tracking of PVT variations using interleaved delay lines.
  152. Lin, Feng, System and method to provide tight locking for DLL and PLL with large range, and dynamic tracking of PVT variations using interleaved delay lines.
  153. Chengson David P. ; Collins Hansel A. ; Priest Edward C. ; Alvarez Scott W., System and method to reduce jitter in digital delay-locked loops.
  154. Chall, Louis Edmund; Serson, John Bradley; Roberts, Philip Arnold; Hutchins, Cecil Eugene, System clock distribution in a distributed computing environment.
  155. Chall, Louis Edmund; Serson, John Bradley; Roberts, Philip Arnold; Hutchins, Cecil Eugene, System clock distribution in a distributed computing environment.
  156. Chall, Louis Edumund; Serson, John Bradley; Roberts, Philip Arnold; Hutchins, Cecil Eugene, System clock distribution in a distributed computing environment.
  157. Jefferson David E. ; Cope L. Todd,MYX ; Reddy Srinivas ; Cliff Richard G., System for distributing clocks using a delay lock loop in a programmable logic circuit.
  158. Jefferson David E. ; Cope L. Todd,MYX ; Reddy Srinivas ; Cliff Richard G., System for distributing clocks using a delay lock loop in a programmable logic circuit.
  159. Casal Humberto Felipe ; Li Hehching Harry ; Nguyen Trong Duc, Three state phase detector.
  160. Christopher G. Arcus, Twisted-ring oscillator and delay line generating multiple phases using differential dividers and comparators to match delays.
  161. Gomm, Tyler J., Variable delay circuit and method, and delay locked loop, memory device and computer system using same.
  162. Gomm, Tyler J., Variable delay circuit and method, and delay locked loop, memory device and computer system using same.
  163. Gomm, Tyler J., Variable delay circuit and method, and delay locked loop, memory device and computer system using same.
  164. Robert R. Livolsi, Variable delay element for jitter control in high speed data links.
  165. Minzoni,Alessandro, Variable delay line using two blender delays.
  166. Cornett, Frank N.; Jenkins, Philip N.; Bowman, Terrance L.; Placek, Joseph M.; Thorson, Gregory M., Variable mode bi-directional and uni-directional computer communication system.
  167. Vlasenko, Peter; Haerle, Dieter, Wide frequency range delay locked loop.
  168. Vlasenko, Peter; Haerle, Dieter, Wide frequency range delay locked loop.
  169. Vlasenko, Peter; Haerle, Dieter, Wide frequency range delay locked loop.
  170. Vlasenko, Peter; Haerle, Dieter, Wide frequency range delay locked loop.
  171. Vlasenko,Peter; Haerle,Dieter, Wide frequency range delay locked loop.
  172. Lee, Kyeongho; Park, Joonbae, Zero-delay buffer circuit for a spread spectrum clock system and method therefor.
  173. Lee,Kyeongho; Park,Joonbae, Zero-delay buffer circuit for a spread spectrum clock system and method therefor.

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