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Apparatus and methods for measurement system calibration 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G08C-015/06
  • G08C-019/22
  • G01R-035/00
출원번호 US-0052384 (1993-04-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Keller Scott P. (Lincoln MA) Mallory Roy (Bedford MA)
출원인 / 주소
  • ADE Corporation (Newton MA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 0


Apparatus and methods for calibrating a transducer measurement system having a plurality of subsystems, permitting total system calibration by a few selected adjustments without requiring complete system calibration when a new subsystem is added or a subsystem replaced and without requiring adjustme


A measurement system for measuring a characteristic of an object, said system comprising: a transducer interfacing with said object to provide a transducer output signal, said transducer having at least one transducer parameter associated therewith; and a signal conversion and conditioning circuit,

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Little Erik R. (Seattle WA) Swift Steven D. (Seattle WA) Gibson Greg S. (Bothell WA), Adaptive digital filter for improved measurement accuracy in an electronic instrument.
  2. Lennous, Paul A., Adjustable time constant integrator.
  3. Troxler, Robert Ernest, Apparatuses and systems for density gauge calibration and reference emulation.
  4. Troxler, Robert Ernest; Dep, Wewage Hiran Linus, Apparatuses and systems for density gauge reference emulation.
  5. Sagues Paul ; Peurach John T. ; Aggarwal Sanjay D., Automatic calibration system for wafer transfer robot.
  6. Belge, Murat; Cunningham, Christopher C., Modeling and calibrating a three-port time-domain reflectometry system.
  7. Roy E. Mallory, Self-bootstrapping transducer interface.
  8. Carter, Roy Anthony; Booth, John Robert; Isler, III, John, System and method for providing redundant power to a device.
  9. Isler, III, John; Booth, John Robert; Carter, Roy Anthony, System and method for providing redundant power to a device.
  10. Sagues Paul ; Gaudio Stephen A. ; Wong Tim K., Wafer aligner system.
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