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Apparatus and methods for viewing identification marks on semiconductor wafers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01B-011/00
출원번호 US-0179678 (1994-01-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hine Roger G.
출원인 / 주소
  • Hine Design Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 14


Apparatus and method for reading an identification mark on a semi-conductor wafer. The wafer includes a marking area which bears a relief mark. The marking area is illuminated by a segmented light source and is viewed by a viewing device. The viewing device sees a dark segment and an adjacent lighte


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] Apparatus for viewing a relief mark on a semi-conductor wafer having a principal plane, the relief mark forming part of a target area comprising(a) reflective flat surfaces which are parallel to the principal plane, and(b) reflective relief surfaces which form the relief

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Oshiro Gary T. (98-119 Kaulike Dr. Pearl City HI 96782) Morisato Rodney N. (1326 Akahai St. Kailua HI 96734), Base-point anchor.
  2. Swaminathan Krishnaiyer (Santa Monica CA) Sussman Milton H. (Amherst NY), Bright field-dark field illumination system.
  3. Hine Derek L. (Portola Valley CA) Krolak Michael (Los Gatos CA), Devices and methods for reading identification marks on semiconductor wafers.
  4. Kley, Victor B., Electronic illumination control.
  5. Cochran Don W. (Highland Heights OH) Austin James R. (Mentor-on-the-Lake OH), Inspection lighting system.
  6. Lichtman Jeffrey W. (St. Louis MO) Pepose Jay S. (Town & Country MO) Dave Rakhal (St. Louis MO), Kit for converting a slit lamp biomicroscope into a single aperture confocal scanning biomicroscope.
  7. Sandland Paul (Gilroy CA) Chadwick Curt H. (Los Altos CA) Singleton Russell M. (Sunnyvale CA) Dwyer Howard (Mountain View CA), Method and apparatus for automatic wafer inspection.
  8. Bazin Roland (Vitry/Seine FRX) Soudant Etienne (Antony FRX) Trannois Patrick (Thomery FRX), Method for examining the surface reliefs of a sample and apparatus for carrying out same.
  9. Yamaguchi Kazuo (Sagamihara JPX) Kuni Asahiro (Nakamachi JPX) Akiyama Nobuyuki (Yokohama JPX) Endo Juro (Kumagaya JPX), Method of inspecting microscopic surface defects.
  10. Parker Douglas I. (316 Youngstown-Kingsville Rd. Vienna OH 44473), Microscopes.
  11. Yonekubo Ken (Hachiouji JPX), Photoelectric switching means for microscope illumination system.
  12. Wilt Donald R. (Lexington MA) Sidell Richard S. (Needham MA), Robust, LED illumination system for OCR of indicia on a substrate.
  13. Weisner Ralph M. (Canoga Park CA), Systems and methods for illuminating objects for vision systems.
  14. Horikawa Yoshiaki (Hachiouji JPX), Two-dimensional scanning photo-electric microscope.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Little,Joseph R., Apparatus and method for feature edge detection in semiconductor processing.
  2. Gaudon, Alain; Astegno, Pierre; El Jarjini, Mohammed, Apparatus and process for identification of characters inscribed on a semiconductor wafer containing an orientation mark.
  3. Sagues Paul ; Peurach John T. ; Aggarwal Sanjay D., Automatic calibration system for wafer transfer robot.
  4. Gaessler, Joachim; Konz, Christian; Richter, Harald, Device and method for optically inspecting a surface.
  5. Astegno, Pierre; Esteve, Ekaterina; Gaudon, Alain, Method and device for changing a semiconductor wafer position.
  6. Astegno,Pierre; Esteve,Ekaterina; Gaudon,Alain, Method and device for changing a semiconductor wafer position.
  7. Christopher Lee Pike, Semiconductor wafer alignment method using an identification scribe.
  8. Germini, Fabrizio; Secchi, Antonio, Systems and methods for the angular orientation and detection of containers in labelling machines.
  9. Sagues Paul ; Gaudio Stephen A. ; Wong Tim K., Wafer aligner system.
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