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[미국특허] Clay treatment process for white mineral oil 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C10G-025/00
  • C10G-067/06
출원번호 US-0172744 (1998-10-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yenni Nadine
  • Vu Chan
출원인 / 주소
  • Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 14


Severely contaminated white mineral oils which fail the RCS specification are treated using an acid-treated bentonite clay, such as TONSIL CO 630G. The white oil products produced in the treatment may be a USP grade white oil.


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A process for preparing a white oil comprising filtering a white oil feedstock through a filter bed containing an acid-activated clay to produce a white oil, wherein the white oil feedstock, when subjected to the RCS test, produces an acid extract having an A[ D1500 color

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Everett Gary L. (Kingswood TX), Method of producing food grade quality white mineral oil.
  2. Narloch Bruce A. (432 Fraga Ct. Martinez CA 94553) Shippey Michael A. (579 Thornwood San Rafael CA 94903) Wilson Malcolm W. (P.O. Box 528 Tiburon CA 94920), Process for preparing white oil containing a high proportion of isoparaffins.
  3. Everett Gary L. (Chicago Heights IL) Hu William C. (Chicago IL), Process for producing lubricating oils and white oils.
  4. Gilbert John B. (Sarnia CAX) Henry H. Clarke (Dartmouth CAX), Process for the hydrogenation of olefins and aromatic compounds.
  5. Schmitz Karl (Gladbeck DEX), Process for the liquid-phase preparation of nitriles from aliphatic dicarboxylic acids.
  6. Vora Bipin V. (Darien IL) Engel Dusan J. (Des Plaines IL), Process for the production of white oil from heavy aromatic alkylate.
  7. Engel Dusan J. (Des Plaines IL) Vora Bipin V. (Darien IL), Process for the production of white oils.
  8. Ziemer James N. (Hercules CA) Rosenbaum John M. (Richmond CA) Eiden Kristine L. (Larkspur CA), Process for the stabilization of lubricating oil base stocks.
  9. Wentzheimer ; William W., Process to make technical white oils.
  10. Gewartowski Steve A. (Mount Prospect IL), Temperature control of integrated fractionation and claytreating of hydrocarbons.
  11. Gewartowski Steve A. (Mount Prospect IL), Temperature control of integrated fractionation and claytreating of hydrocarbons.
  12. Go Caridad (Houston TX) Wulfers Thomas F. (Seabrook TX) Grosboll Martin P. (Kingwood TX) McKay Frank F. (Highlands TX), Treatment of off-specification white mineral oil made by two stage hydrogenation.
  13. Rausch Maurice K. (Homewood IL) Erickson ; deceased Henry (late of Park Forest IL) Erickson ; executor by Doris (Richton Park IL) Tollefsen Gerald E. (Calumet City IL) Kelly Thomas W. (Chicago IL), White mineral oil made by two stage hydrogenation.
  14. Rausch Maurice K. (South Holland IL) Eickemeyer Daniel B. (Crete IL) Tollefsen Gerald E. (Calumet City IL), White oil process.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Bensur, Francis J., Laminate packaging material.
  2. Imfeld, Stephen M.; Sherman, Jr., Robert L.; Lake, Andrew W., Lubricating oil.
  3. Patten, James W., Method for the removal and condensation of vapors.
  4. Patten, James W., Method for the removal and condensation of vapors.
  5. Simard, Francois, Method to prepare nonylated diphenylamine using recycle sequential temperatures.
  6. Patten, James W., Methods and systems for removing fines from hydrocarbon-containing fluids.
  7. Gupta, Anurag Ateet; Puri, Suresh Kumar; Rajesh, Muniaswamy; Misra, Ambrish Kumar; Rawat, Bijendra Singh; Bhatnagar, Akhilesh Kumar, Process and an apparatus for preparation of petroleum hydrocarbon solvent with improved color stability from nitrogen rich crude oil.
  8. Soderstrom, Matthew D.; Sexton, Christopher, Processes for recovering organic solvent extractant from solid-stabilized emulsions formed in hydrometallurgical solvent extraction circuits.
  9. Miller,Stephen J.; Abernathy,Susan M.; Rosenbaum,John M., White oil from waxy feed using highly selective and active wax hydroisomerization catalyst.

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