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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for controlling darkspace gap in a chamber 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C23C-014/35
출원번호 US-0460865 (2003-06-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Liu,Alan Barry
  • Schweitzer,Marc O.
  • Van Gogh,James Stephen
  • Rosenstein,Michael
  • Watia,Jennifer L.
  • Zhang,Xinyu
  • Tanaka,Yoichiro
  • Forster,John C.
  • Chen,Anthony
출원인 / 주소
  • Applied Materials, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Konrad Raynes Victor &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 21


In one embodiment, a target alignment surface disposed on a target support mechanically engages a darkspace shield alignment surface disposed on a darkspace shield as the target is lodged into a chamber body. The respective alignment surfaces are shaped and positioned so that the darkspace shield is


What is claimed is: 1. A semiconductor fabrication chamber, comprising: a chamber body; a target device having a target which has a sputterable target surface, said target device further having at least one target alignment surface and a target support supporting said target and target alignment su

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chung Chen Fang,TWX ; Jeng Shuang Ming,TWX, Alignment mark shielding ring and method of using.
  2. Fu-Kang Tien,TWX ; Hung-Yeh Li,TWX, Apparatus and method for shielding a wafer holder.
  3. Tepman Avi, Apparatus for full wafer deposition.
  4. Tepman Avi ; Davenport Robert E., Apparatus for full wafer deposition.
  5. Forster John C. ; Stimson Bradley O. ; Xu Zheng, Darkspace shield for improved RF transmission in inductively coupled plasma sources for sputter deposition.
  6. Flanigan Allen, Deposition ring anti-rotation apparatus.
  7. Flanigan Allen, Deposition shield assembly for a semiconductor wafer processing system.
  8. Hendrix Howard A. (Morgan Hill CA) Schmidt ; Jr. Howard W. (Gilroy CA) Ward Ernest S. (San Jose CA), RF plasma processing apparatus.
  9. Taylor Clifford L. (Nerstrand MN) Crowley Daniel T. (Owatonna MN), Rotating floating magnetron dark-space shield.
  10. 5 ; 19961000 ; Schmitt et al., Shadow ring and guide for supporting the shadow ring in a chamber.
  11. Tudhope Andrew William ; Jordan David Bruce ; Gonzalez Jose Luis, Shield and cover for target of sputter coating apparatus.
  12. Tudhope Andrew William ; Jordan David Bruce ; Gonzalez Jose Luis, Shield and cover for target of sputter coating apparatus.
  13. Hosokawa Akihiro (Cupertino CA) Demaray Richard E. (Portola Valley CA) Berkstresser David E. (Los Gatos CA), Shield configuration for vacuum chamber.
  14. Tanaka Yoichiro,JPX, Shield for a physical vapor deposition chamber.
  15. Fu Jianming ; van Gogh James, Sputter target for eliminating redeposition on the target sidewall.
  16. Gegenwart Rainer (Rdermark DEX), Sputtering cathode.
  17. Moses Gerhard (Hanau DEX) Michael Klaus (Gelnhausen DEX) Patz Ulrich (Linsengericht DEX) Scherer Michael (Rodenbach DEX), Sputtering unit.
  18. Van Gogh James (Sunnyvale CA) Dorleans Fernand (San Francisco CA) Hagerty Christopher (Pleasanton CA) Lloyd Mark (Fremont CA) Tang Howard (San Jose CA) Yang Siyaun (Cupertino CA) West R. Steve (Bould, Target and dark space shield for a physical vapor deposition system.
  19. Chen Aihua ; Littau Karl A. ; Zhou Dashun S., Wafer edge deposition elimination.
  20. Chen Aihua ; Littau Karl A. ; Zhou Dashun S., Wafer edge deposition elimination.
  21. Koai Keith K. ; Lei Lawrence Chung-Lai ; Ellwanger Russell C., Wafer pedestal with a purge ring.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Forster, John C.; Tang, Xianmin, Apparatus and method for improved darkspace gap design in RF sputtering chamber.
  2. Forster, John C.; Tang, Xianmin, Apparatus and method for improved darkspace gap design in RF sputtering chamber.
  3. Bhatnagar, Ashish; Murugesh, Laxman; Gopalakrishnan, Padma, Localized surface annealing of components for substrate processing chambers.
  4. Yoshidome, Goichi; Hanson, Ryan; Young, Donny; Rasheed, Muhammad; Miller, Keith A., PVD target for self-centering process shield.
  5. Pavloff, Cristopher Mark; Hong, Ilyoung, Process kit for substrate processing chamber.
  6. Hanson, Ryan; Yoshidome, Goichi; Yee, Nelson, Self-centering process shield.
  7. Riker, Martin; Wang, Wei W., Substrate cleaning chamber and components.
  8. Bhatnagar, Ashish; Murugesh, Laxman; Gopalakrishnan, Padma, Surface annealing of components for substrate processing chambers.

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