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[미국특허] Capacitively coupled plasma reactor having a cooled/heated wafer support with uniform temperature distribution 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C23F-001/00
  • H01L-021/306
출원번호 US-0409292 (2006-04-21)
등록번호 US-8092638 (2012-01-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brillhart, Paul Lukas
  • Fovell, Richard
  • Tavassoli, Hamid
  • Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.
  • Burns, Douglas H.
  • Bera, Kallol
  • Hoffman, Daniel J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Applied Materials Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear LLP.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 84


A plasma reactor for processing a workpiece includes a reactor chamber, an electrostatic chuck within the chamber for supporting a workpiece, an RF plasma bias power generator coupled to apply RF power to the electrostatic chuck and a refrigeration loop having an evaporator inside the electrostatic


1. A plasma reactor for processing a workpiece, comprising: a reactor chamber;an electrostatic chuck within said chamber comprising an upper insulating puck layer having a top surface for supporting a workpiece and a lower conductive base layer, and an axial cylindrical probe hole extending through

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (84)

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  3. Judge, John F., Apparatus and method for discharging fluid.
  4. Jeff S. Cheung ; Alexandros T. Demos, Apparatus and process for controlling the temperature of a substrate in a plasma reactor chamber.
  5. Parkhe Vijay, Apparatus for controlling backside gas pressure beneath a semiconductor wafer.
  6. Parkhe Vijay, Apparatus for igniting a plasma in a plasma processing chamber.
  7. Kadthala R. Narendrnath ; Liang-Guo Wang ; Shamouil Shamouilian ; Paul E. Luscher ; Hamid Noorbakhsh, Apparatus for measuring pedestal and substrate temperature in a semiconductor wafer processing system.
  8. Hoffman, Daniel J.; Miller, Matthew L.; Yang, Jang Gyoo; Chae, Heeyeop; Barnes, Michael; Ishikawa, Tetsuya; Ye, Yan, Capacitively coupled plasma reactor with magnetic plasma control.
  9. Yang, Jang Gyoo; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Carducci, James D.; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Hagen, Melissa; Miller, Matthew L.; Chiang, Kang-Lie; Delgadino, Gerardo A., Capacitively coupled plasma reactor with uniform radial distribution of plasma.
  10. Shamouilian Shamouil ; Kholodenko Arnold ; Salimian Siamak ; Noorbakhsh Hamid ; Quiles Efrain ; Grimard Dennis S., Chuck having pressurized zones of heat transfer gas.
  11. Scaringe Robert Peter, Compact avionics-pod-cooling unit thermal control method and apparatus.
  12. Davies John T. (El Sobrante CA) Reichelderfer Richard F. (Castro Valley CA), Computer controlled system for processing semiconductor wafers.
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  19. Arab-Sadeghabadi Akbar ; Cherbettchian Agop H., Fiber optical connector seal.
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  24. Pommer Ernst-Heinrich (Limburgerhof DT) Polster Rudolf (Frankenthal DT) Loecher Friedrich (Limburgerhof DT), Fungicidal compositions.
  25. Kulp John, Heat treatment apparatus and method, detecting temperatures at plural positions each different in depth in holding plate, and estimating temperature of surface of plate corresponding to detected resu.
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  27. Schlosser Charles E. ; Pierskalla Cary J. ; Krcma Gregory F., Ice making machine and control method therefore.
  28. Wanker, Erich; Bancroft, David; Lehrach, Hans; Wedemeyer, Niels; Maier, Elmar; Meier-Ewert, Sebastian, Identification and characterization of interacting molecules.
  29. Crawford Michael D. ; Miller Joseph L. ; Turner Milton L., Industrial workcell system and method.
  30. Wayburn, Lewis S.; Gage, Derek E.; Hayes, Andrew M.; Barker, R. Walton; Niles, David W., Integrated circuit cooling apparatus.
  31. Van Steenburgh ; Jr. Leon R. (850 E. La. Devils Gulch Rte. Estes Park CO 80517), Liquid chiller with bypass valves.
  32. Goth, Gary F.; Hickey, Jody A.; Kearney, Daniel J.; Makowicki, Robert, Logic module refrigeration system with condensation control.
  33. Tamura Naoyuki (Yamaguchi-ken JPX) Edamura Manabu (Ibaraki-ken JPX) Takahashi Kazue (Yamaguchi-ken JPX), Method and apparatus for detecting the temperature of a sample.
  34. Kadomura Shingo,JPX ; Jozaki Tomohide,JPX ; Hirano Shinsuke,JPX, Method and apparatus for dry etching.
  35. Abe, Naomichi, Method and apparatus for dry etching and electrostatic chucking device used therein.
  36. Langley, Rodney C.; Johnson, David R.; Hofer, Willard L., Method and apparatus for plasma etching a wafer.
  37. Fujii Hitoshi,JPX ; Hirano Shinsuke,JPX, Method and apparatus for temperature control of the semiconductor.
  38. Parkhe Vijay, Method for igniting a plasma in a plasma processing chamber.
  39. Kazama Kouichi (Yamanashi-ken JPX) Komino Mitsuaki (Tokyo JPX) Ishikawa Kenji (Sagamihara JPX) Ueda Yoichi (Yokohama JPX), Method of controlling temperature of susceptor.
  40. Tamura, Naoyuki; Takahashi, Kazue; Ito, Youichi; Ogawa, Yoshifumi; Shichida, Hiroyuki; Tsubone, Tsunehiko, Method of holding substrate and substrate holding system.
  41. Takaki Shunsuke,JPX, Method of measuring temperature.
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  44. Hare Jeffrey J. ; Harris Willard S. ; Hickey Jody A. ; Schmidt Roger R. ; Seminaro Edward J. ; Chrysler Gregory M. ; Chu Richard C. ; Goth Gary F. ; Simons Robert E., Modular refrigeration system.
  45. Johnson, Wayne L.; Strang, Eric J., Multi-zone resistance heater.
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  47. Yamaguchi, Tadashi; Katsumi, Tetsuya; Ishida, Mamoru; Ofune, Hitoshi, Optical connector and optical connector ferrule to be used therein.
  48. Kidwell J. Jeffrey (Louisville OH) Berthold John W. (Salem OH) Reed Stuart E. (Homeworth OH), Optical fiber loop temperature sensor.
  49. Dakin John P. (Hampshire GB2), Optical fiber sensing system.
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  53. Tomoyasu Masayuki,JPX ; Himori Shinji,JPX, Plasma processing method.
  54. Donohoe, Kevin G., Plasma reactor.
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  74. Levinson Harry J. ; Nguyen Khanh B., System for controlling reflection reticle temperature in microlithography.
  75. Kholodenko Arnold ; Lee Ke Ling ; Shendon Maya ; Quiles Efrain, Temperature control system for semiconductor process chamber.
  76. Cowans,Kenneth W.; Cowans,William W.; Zubillaga,Glenn W.; Millan,Isaac, Thermal control system and method.
  77. Cowans,Kenneth W.; Cowans,William W.; Zubillaga,Glenn W.; Millan,Isaac, Thermal control system and method.
  78. Schaper Charles D., Thermal cycling module and process using radiant heat.
  79. Bussjager,Ruddy C., Two phase or subcooling reheat system.
  80. Shimamura Hideaki,JPX ; Yoneoka Yuji,JPX ; Kobayashi Shigeru,JPX ; Kisimoto Satosi,JPX ; Matsubara Sunao,JPX ; Shida Hiroyuki,JPX ; Tanigaki Yukio,JPX ; Yamamoto Masashi,JPX ; Tsuzuku Susumu,JPX ; Ni, Vacuum processing device and film forming device and method using same.
  81. David A. Wightman, Vapor compression system and method.
  82. Wightman, David A., Vapor compression system and method.
  83. Tsubone, Tsunehiko; Tamura, Naoyuki; Kato, Shigekazu; Nishihata, Kouji; Itou, Atsushi, Wafer cooling method and apparatus.
  84. Layman Frederick P. (Fremont CA) Huntley David A. (Mountain View CA) Dick Paul H. (San Jose CA) Coad George L. (Lafayette CA) Kuhlman Michael J. (Fremont CA) Vecta Roger M. (San Jose CA) Hobson Phill, Wafer processing system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6)

  1. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Capacitively coupled plasma reactor having very agile wafer temperature control.
  2. Shiraiwa, Norio; Kawai, Jiro, Electrostatic chuck and semiconductor-liquid crystal manufacturing apparatus.
  3. Park, Haejoong; Kim, Hongmyoung; Baek, Kye Hyun; Park, Sangkyu, Electrostatic chuck assemblies capable of bidirectional flow of coolant and semiconductor fabricating apparatus having the same.
  4. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Method of cooling a wafer support at a uniform temperature in a capacitively coupled plasma reactor.
  5. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Plasma reactor with a multiple zone thermal control feed forward control apparatus.
  6. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J., Plasma reactor with feed forward thermal control system using a thermal model for accommodating RF power changes or wafer temperature changes.

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