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[미국특허] Electrostatic dechucking method and apparatus for dielectric workpieces in vacuum processors 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01T-023/00
출원번호 US-0163370 (1998-09-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Howald Arthur M.
  • Holland John P.
출원인 / 주소
  • LAM Research Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Lowe Hauptman Gopstein Gilman & Berner
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 48  인용 특허 : 20


A glass workpiece processed in a vacuum plasma processing chamber is dechucked from a monopolar electrostatic chuck by gradually reducing the chucking voltage during processing while maintaining the voltage high enough to clamp the workpiece. The chucking voltage during processing is controlled in r


[ We claim:] [1.] A method of processing a dielectric workpiece in a vacuum plasma processor chamber having a metal wall at a reference potential and an electrostatic chuck with an electrode comprising applying the workpiece to the chuck, applying a DC chucking voltage to the electrode while the wor

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20)

  1. Mett Richard Raymond ; Dahimene Mahmoud ; Luscher Paul E. ; Salimian Siamak ; Contreras Mark Steven, Apparatus and method for actively controlling the DC potential of a cathode pedestal.
  2. Os Ron van ; Ross Eric D., Electrostatic chuck assembly.
  3. Kumar Ananda H. ; Shamouilian Shamouil, Electrostatic chuck capable of rapidly dechucking a substrate.
  4. Horwitz Christopher M. (New South Wales AUX), Electrostatic chuck with improved release.
  5. Hattori Kei (Yokohama JPX) Sekine Makoto (Yokohama JPX), Electrostatic chucking method.
  6. Shufflebotham Paul Kevin ; Barnes Michael S., Electrostatic clamping method and apparatus for dielectric workpieces in vacuum processors.
  7. Barnes Michael S. (San Francisco CA) Keller John H. (Newburgh NY) Logan Joseph S. (Jamestown RI) Tompkins Robert E. (Pleasant Valley NY) Westerfield ; Jr. Robert P. (Montgomery NY), Guard ring electrostatic chuck.
  8. Lambson Albert M. ; Caple Rick ; Lenz Eric H. ; Braun Laura M. ; Marsh Ricky, Method and an apparatus for offsetting plasma bias voltage in bi-polar electro-static chucks.
  9. Burkhart Vincent E., Method and apparatus for balancing an electrostatic force produced by an electrostatic chuck.
  10. Graven Andrew J. ; Schmidt Melvin ; McCuen Kenneth A. ; Ra Yunju, Method and apparatus for clamping a substrate.
  11. Loo David H., Method and apparatus for optimizing a dechucking period used to dechuck a workpiece from an electrostatic chuck.
  12. Robbins Roger A. (Allen TX), Method and apparatus for releasing a semiconductor wafer from an electrostatic clamp.
  13. Su Yuh-Jia (Cupertino CA) Muh Richard (Fremont CA), Method of cleaning of an electrostatic chuck in plasma reactors.
  14. Shiota Iku,JPX ; Tsuboi Kyo,JPX, Method of detaching object to be processed from electrostatic chuck.
  15. Sato Junichi (Tokyo JPX), Method of removing residual charges of an electrostatic chuck used in a layer deposition process.
  16. Mashiro Supika (Saitama-Prefecture JPX) Sakamoto Kiyotaka (Tokyo JPX), Method of removing substrate and apparatus for controlling applied voltage.
  17. Kubly Marc B. ; Benjamin Neil Martin Paul ; Germain Steven Douglas, Methods and apparatuses for clamping and declamping a semiconductor wafer in a wafer processing system.
  18. Saeki Hiroaki (Yamanashi-ken JPX) Kondo Masaki (Kofu JPX), Self-bias measuring method, apparatus thereof and electrostatic chucking apparatus.
  19. Benjamin Neil ; Jafarian-Tehrani Seyed Jafar ; Artusy Max, Voltage controller for electrostatic chuck of vacuum plasma processors.
  20. Blake Julian G. (211 Hart St. Beverly Farms MA 01915) Tu Weilin (6 Oak St. Natick MA 01760), Wafer release method and apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (48)

  1. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J., Capacitively coupled plasma reactor having a cooled/heated wafer support with uniform temperature distribution.
  2. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J., Capacitively coupled plasma reactor having very agile wafer temperature control.
  3. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Capacitively coupled plasma reactor having very agile wafer temperature control.
  4. Luo Jih-Shiuan (Sam), Capacitor coupled chuck for carbon dioxide snow cleaning system.
  5. Mahadeswaraswamy, Chetan; Ramaswamy, Kartik; Liao, Bryan; Shoji, Sergio; Nguyen, Duy D.; Noorbakhsh, Hamid; Palagashvili, David, Component temperature control by coolant flow control and heater duty cycle control.
  6. Howald, Arthur M.; Holland, John P., Dechucking method and apparatus for workpieces in vacuum processors.
  7. Aihara,Yasufumi; Tsuruta,Hideyoshi; Kawasaki,Keiji, Electrostatic chuck.
  8. Cooke, Richard A., Electrostatic chuck.
  9. Lin, I-Kuan; Cooke, Richard A.; Rybczynski, Jakub, Electrostatic chuck with photo-patternable soft protrusion contact surface.
  10. Lin, I-Kuan; Cooke, Richard A.; Rybczynski, Jakub, Electrostatic chuck with photo-patternable soft protrusion contact surface.
  11. Cooke, Richard A.; Richard, Nate; Donnell, Steven; Vose, Mark; Liu, Yan, Electrostatic chuck with polymer protrusions.
  12. Tsuruta,Hideyoshi; Yamada,Naohito, Electrostatic chucks and electrostatically attracting structures.
  13. Mahadeswaraswamy, Chetan; Merry, Walter R.; Shoji, Sergio Fukuda; Zhang, Chunlei; Pattar, Yashaswini B.; Nguyen, Duy D.; Tsong, Tina; Nevil, Shane C.; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Silveira, Fernando M.; Mays, Brad L.; Ramaswamy, Kartik; Noorbakhsh, Hamid, Feedforward temperature control for plasma processing apparatus.
  14. Fischer,Andreas, Heat transfer system for improved semiconductor processing uniformity.
  15. Cooke, Richard A.; Stone, Dale K.; Stone, Lyudmila; Blake, Julian; Suuronen, David, High surface resistivity electrostatic chuck.
  16. Neerhof,Hendrik Antony Johannes, Lithographic apparatus and method to detect correct clamping of an object.
  17. Loo, David; Chen, Jr-Jyan; Ngan, Kenny K.; Stimson, Bradley O., Method and apparatus for balancing an electrostatic force produced by an electrostatic chuck.
  18. Ishida, Shuya, Method and apparatus for chucking a substrate.
  19. Nishikawa, Hiroshi, Method and apparatus for processing workpiece.
  20. Nishikawa, Hiroshi, Method and apparatus for processing workpiece.
  21. McMillin, Brian; Tong, Jose V.; Wang, Yen-Kun Victor, Method and apparatus for reduction of voltage potential spike during dechucking.
  22. McChesney, Jon; Paterson, Alex; Todorow, Valentin N.; Holland, John; Barnes, Michael, Method and apparatus to monitor electrical states at a workpiece in a semiconductor processing chamber.
  23. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, Williams W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millian, Isaac, Method for agile workpiece temperature control in a plasma reactor using a thermal model.
  24. McMillin, Brian; Tong, Jose V.; Wang, Yen-Kun Victor, Method for reduction of voltage potential spike during dechucking.
  25. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J., Method of cooling a wafer support at a uniform temperature in a capacitively coupled plasma reactor.
  26. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Method of cooling a wafer support at a uniform temperature in a capacitively coupled plasma reactor.
  27. Howald,Arthur M., Method of determining the correct average bias compensation voltage during a plasma process.
  28. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Method of operating a capacitively coupled plasma reactor with dual temperature control loops.
  29. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Method of processing a workpiece in a plasma reactor using feed forward thermal control.
  30. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Method of processing a workpiece in a plasma reactor using multiple zone feed forward thermal control.
  31. Povolny, Henry S., Methods of dechucking and system thereof.
  32. Endoh, Shosuke; Iwabuchi, Noriyuki; Kato, Shigeaki; Okubo, Tomoya; Hirose, Jun; Nagakura, Koichi; Koshimizu, Chishio; Denpoh, Kazuki, Plasma processing apparatus, focus ring, and susceptor.
  33. Kikuchi, Akihiro; Kayamori, Satoshi; Shima, Shinya; Sakamoto, Yuichiro; Higuchi, Kimihiro; Oohashi, Kaoru; Ueda, Takehiro; Shibuya, Munehiro; Gondai, Tadashi, Plasma processor and plasma processing method.
  34. Kikuchi, Akihiro; Kayamori, Satoshi; Shima, Shinya; Sakamoto, Yuichiro; Higuchi, Kimihiro; Oohashi, Kaoru; Ueda, Takehiro; Shibuya, Munehiro; Gondai, Tadashi, Plasma processor and plasma processing method.
  35. Kikuchi, Akihiro; Kayamori, Satoshi; Shima, Shinya; Sakamoto, Yuichiro; Higuchi, Kimihiro; Oohashi, Kaoru; Ueda, Takehiro; Shibuya, Munehiro; Gondai, Tadashi, Plasma processor and plasma processing method.
  36. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J., Plasma reactor with a multiple zone thermal control feed forward control apparatus.
  37. Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Plasma reactor with a multiple zone thermal control feed forward control apparatus.
  38. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J., Plasma reactor with feed forward thermal control system using a thermal model for accommodating RF power changes or wafer temperature changes.
  39. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Plasma reactor with feed forward thermal control system using a thermal model for accommodating RF power changes or wafer temperature changes.
  40. Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Brillhart, Paul Lukas; Fovell, Richard; Tavassoli, Hamid; Burns, Douglas H.; Bera, Kallol; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Cowans, Kenneth W.; Cowans, William W.; Zubillaga, Glenn W.; Millan, Isaac, Plasma reactor with wafer backside thermal loop, two-phase internal pedestal thermal loop and a control processor governing both loops.
  41. Allen,Donald G.; Contreras,Richard Jule; Feldbaum,Michael; Truchetta,Dominic Frank, Prevention of electrostatic wafer sticking in plasma deposition/etch tools.
  42. Moriya, Tsuyoshi; Nakayama, Hiroyuki, Substrate cleaning apparatus and method.
  43. Howald, Arthur M., System and method for dechucking a workpiece from an electrostatic chuck.
  44. Berman, Michael J.; Barber, Rennie G., System and method for optimizing the electrostatic removal of a workpiece from a chuck.
  45. Silveira, Fernando M.; Tavassoli, Hamid; Zhou, Xiaoping; Nevil, Shane C.; Buchberger, Douglas A.; Mays, Brad L.; Tsong, Tina; Mahadeswaraswamy, Chetan; Pattar, Yashaswini B.; Nguyen, Duy D.; Merry, Walter R., Temperature control in plasma processing apparatus using pulsed heat transfer fluid flow.
  46. Silveira, Fernando M.; Tavassoli, Hamid; Zhou, Xiaoping; Nevil, Shane C.; Buchberger, Douglas A.; Mays, Brad L.; Tsong, Tina; Mahadeswaraswamy, Chetan; Pattar, Yashaswini B.; Nguyen, Duy D.; Merry, Walter R., Temperature control in plasma processing apparatus using pulsed heat transfer fluid flow.
  47. Belostotskiy, Sergey G.; Chafin, Michael G.; Liu, Jingbao; Palagashvili, David, Temperature enhanced electrostatic chucking in plasma processing apparatus.
  48. Shannon, Steven C.; Chafin, Michael G.; Grimard, Dennis S., Time-based wafer de-chucking from an electrostatic chuck having separate RF BIAS and DC chucking electrodes.

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