보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
한국원자력협력재단 Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation |
보고서유형 | 1단계보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2013-10 |
과제시작연도 |
2012 |
주관부처 |
미래창조과학부 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning |
연구관리전문기관 |
한국연구재단 National Research Foundation of Korea |
등록번호 |
TRKO201400005807 |
과제고유번호 |
1345194573 |
사업명 |
인력양성분야_인력역량개발 |
DB 구축일자 |
키워드 |
인력양성.교육훈련.국제전문가 육성.글로벌 인턴십.방사선융합프로그램.원자력 교육백서.Human resources development.education and training.cultivating international specialists.global internship.nuclear fusion and radiation program.white paper on nuclear education.
○ 본 연구는 지속가능한 원자력 인력 역량개발 분야의 효율적 과제관리 및 성과확산 기반을 마련함으로써 선제적 인력양성 기반을 구축하고자, 원자력 인력의 역량증진 교육훈련 체계 구축 및 운영, 글로벌 해외 원자력 인턴십 프로그램 기획 및 운영, 국제기구 파견을 통한 국제전문가 육성, 방사선 융합 실무인력 양성 교육프로그램 개발 및 운영, 국내 원자력 교육훈련 백서 발간을 최종 목표로 수행되었음
○ 연구의 추진내용 및 성과
1. 원자력 인력의 역량증진을 위한 교육훈련체계 구축 및 지원
- 원자력인력수급현황분석을통한국가교
○ 본 연구는 지속가능한 원자력 인력 역량개발 분야의 효율적 과제관리 및 성과확산 기반을 마련함으로써 선제적 인력양성 기반을 구축하고자, 원자력 인력의 역량증진 교육훈련 체계 구축 및 운영, 글로벌 해외 원자력 인턴십 프로그램 기획 및 운영, 국제기구 파견을 통한 국제전문가 육성, 방사선 융합 실무인력 양성 교육프로그램 개발 및 운영, 국내 원자력 교육훈련 백서 발간을 최종 목표로 수행되었음
○ 연구의 추진내용 및 성과
1. 원자력 인력의 역량증진을 위한 교육훈련체계 구축 및 지원
- 원자력인력수급현황분석을통한국가교육훈련체계모델제시및산․학․연맞춤형통합지원방안모색
- 선진 원자력 교육훈련 정보 수집 및 분석, 국내외 교육훈련 네트워크 체계 개선 및 운영
- 세부과제별 유기적 연계 관리시스템 구축을 통한 성과 확산 제고
2. OECD/NEA 국제기구 파견을 통한 국제전문가 육성
- 전문가의 국제기구 참여 확대 및 효과적 활용방안 제시
- 국제기구 대응역량 강화 및 국제네트워크 채널 구축을 통한 정부 정책의 실질적 지원
3. 글로벌 원자력 인턴십 프로그램 기획 및 운영을 통한 차세대 전문인력 육성
- 원자력계 특화된 최초 국제기구 해외 인턴십 프로그램 기획 및 운영
- 차세대 원자력 전문인력의 국제 실무 및 연구 역량 강화 체계 마련
4. 방사선 융합 실무인력 양성 교육프로그램 개발 및 시범사업 운영
- 현장 중심형 방사선 융합 실무 교육프로그램 개발 및 운영을 통한 인력양성 방안 마련
- 방사선 관련 기관의 교육 인프라, 교육 프로그램 등의 조사․분석을 통한 자료 DB 구축
5. 국내 원자력 교육훈련 현황조사를 통한 최초 교육백서 발간
- 국내 교육훈련 체계, 교육훈련 인프라 등 교육현황 분석 및 활용 연구
- 교육백서 발간을 통한 지속가능한 원자력 교육 정보 공유 체계 마련
IV. Outcomes of the Assignment
This assignment has aimed at presenting a differentiated management system for main task to disseminate the outcomes of and create synergy among the five subtasks, which are the creation and support of an education and training system to develop nuclear manpower; fo
IV. Outcomes of the Assignment
This assignment has aimed at presenting a differentiated management system for main task to disseminate the outcomes of and create synergy among the five subtasks, which are the creation and support of an education and training system to develop nuclear manpower; fostering global experts by sending staff to international organization; nurturing next generation nuclear experts by developing global internship program; the development and operation of education programs for radiation convergence experts; and the analysis of the current status of nuclear education and training in Korea and publication of education white paper.
In undertaking these tasks, we first have established the education and training system to develop nuclear manpower. We have identified the fundamental challenges in nurturing nuclear experts by considering the structural challenge resulting from the industrial development and the technical challenge of fostering nuclear specialists. We have also studied and analyzed the current status of the supply of nuclear professionals and the education and training programs of major institutions including industry, academia and research institutes
As a result, we have been able to understand the challenges in nurturing nuclear specialists and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the nuclear education and training programs in Korea. We have suggested that the model for the national nuclear education and training be implemented at a government level and that strategic tasks be developed and implemented by the industry, academia, and the research community. We have also participated in the nuclear HRD conferences held abroad to understand the latest trends of the advanced education and training practice and major issues by building an information exchange network among the nuclear education and training institutions and nuclear experts.
We have collected and analyzed the information related to the latest trends of the nuclear education and training in major countries by visiting international nuclear agencies, including the OECD/NEA, and implemented a program designed to benchmark Japan’s advanced HRD practices by leading the Korean delegation of working-level staffers in charge of the nuclear education and training. In so doing, we have reached an agreement to share the information about the nuclear HRD systems and host an HRD workshop to promote information exchange.
To strengthen the nuclear education network in Korea, we have strived to expand the size and reinforce the networking role of the Council for Nuclear Education Cooperation which was launched in June 2011 as a consultative body representing the industry, academia, and research institutes. The joint academic workshop was hosted by the Korea Nuclear Society, and a colloquium on nuclear policy was held with lawmaker Byung-Ju Min present on September of 2013 to share the approach on the current issues of nuclear policy by building a consensus and strengthening the understanding of the common challenges of nurturing nuclear workforce among nuclear specialists.
We also held the 2th KONICOF-KAIST Nuclear Policy Integration Course through this assignment as part of an integrated education and training program in partnership with the business, education, and research communities, tailored to managing the demand in the nuclear industry. Internationally, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam were chosen as our key strategic partners, considering the current status of Korea's international nuclear cooperation efforts. We suggested various education cooperation programs to Saudi Arabia through a round table meeting on nuclear power cooperation and signed the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) on nuclear HRD with Vietnam.
We sent a nuclear specialist to the OECD/NEA to as part of out efforts to nurture global nuclear experts. By sending nuclear expert to the NEA nuclear development department (NDD) under the agreement signed between the Korean government and the OECD/NEA, we have been taking part in international joint research. At a time when many new nuclear power plants are planned to be built to usher in the Nuclear Renaissance while, at the same time, changes in such policies are also predicted after the Fukushima nuclear accident, we have layed the foundation to export Korea nuclear power generation technologies by participating in joint research to examine socio-economic conditions to build new nuclear power plants.
This will allow us to collect useful information including the report on the current status of the OECD/NEA and joint research meeting materials, and further disseminate the information by sharing it with the Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation charged with main tasks. We have used the network of experts from international organizations productively. We have established systemic cooperative networks based on nuclear research through the joint research between the international organizations using OECD/NEA’s interconnected work with the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) and its increasing cooperative initiative to carrying out the nuclear development program of the EU.
We have conducted preceding research on related fields, and research on related businesses, and relevant cases by forming the research analysis team for the development of an overseas internship program to foster international specialists through planning and operating the international internship program. In so doing, we have studied and analyzed 12 overseas internship projects between departments undertaken as part of the government’s overseas internship program, two of whom held a seminar with the leading organizations for benchmarking. We have secured the basic data on the substantial development of the program by looking into the demand in advance via the online internship webpage developed for 500 people; students majoring in nuclear and related subjects and faculty members from 22 graduate schools. We have completed the planning to proceed the tasks including detailed plan and operational guidance on Global Nuclear Internship 2013 as the first overseas internship program for the next generation’s nuclear workforce in the nuclear community, and carried forward the program after the review and the consultation of the planning committee consisting of five outside experts.
We have recruited participants and selected the 10 winners who made their entry into Global Nuclear Internship 2013 among the students with nuclear or relevant majors. The 10 final winners received the education about the supporting rules and the safety guidance through a pre-dispatching workshop, and the global business skill and business manners through the global empowerment education before dispatching.
We have supported sending staff to Vienna, Austria (IAEA) and Paris, France (OECD/NEA) and Sydney, Australia (ANSTO, The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), considering the conditions on the job and each participant’s preferred organization and desired internship period. We have provided every participant with education in advance, designated mentors with more job experiences in each country if needed, required following reports on conducting an internship every month. We formed the delegation on the ground from the managing and sponsoring organization around half way into their internship, heard the voices of the people about difficulties that may arise during their internship and checked the current outcomes from the internship.
We have studied and analyzed the current education and training programs and education infrastructure in nuclear specialized agencies to have a better understanding about research on the development and operation of the education program for fostering nuclear integration workforce. In particular, we have analyzed the existing education program of the nuclear-relevant institutions including the medical, research, and education institutions, and collected the basic information on the education facility, workforce, and the infrastructure of the concerned institutions.
We have conducted a survey for non-specialists, which will be conducive to predicting the supply of the future nuclear workforce. We have developed a new education program in cooperation with other nuclear agencies. In so doing, we have looked into the distribution of the prospective workforce for the radiation convergence technology, selected the subjects where the development of new education program is needed, and developed new education curriculum tailored to each nuclear specialized agency. Lastly, we have put in place the measures to promote new education program through consultation with experts and workshop, and set out ways to operate the newly-developed education program, including opening educational program as a specialized course to establish HRD system at all times.
The analysis of the current status of nuclear education and training in Korea and the publication of education white paper allowed us to collect and analyze the current status of the education system and education and training of major nuclear agencies at home.
We have understood the current status of the nuclear industry’s educational training by securing the current data of the educational achievements of the last decade and the education and training system among domestic nuclear institutions with their education course for nuclear work force, universities, and other educational institutions.
In addition to this, we have secured the current data on the achievements of nurturing nuclear specialists, education and training, and education curriculum that were carried out by eight major public nuclear agencies. We have collected the data on the 12 colleges’history of the foundation of their nuclear department, their research activities, the current status of the professors, students, and graduates, and the result data on the current status of nuclear HRD education for six relevant nuclear institutions. We published nuclear white paper for the first time in the country based on the basic information.
Nuclear white paper specifies details that cover nuclear education and training broadly set out through preliminary discussions among working level officials in the HRD department of the major institutions and professors in nuclear department with extensive experiences and knowledge. Those details are; the history of the foundation of the education and training facilities by major institutions; relevant programs; major achievements of the education and training of the last decade; the current status of the major projects, training the overseas workforce, and the nuclear energy department of the university at home. We issued 1000 copies of nuclear white paper and distributed them to 370 institutions; major nuclear agencies, research and public institutions, the nuclear energy departments in universities, and public libraries.
The outcomes of this assignment and achievements will contribute to maximizing the impacts of the projects with comprehensive and integrated planning, adjustment, and support as well as advanced management, and building a stable foundation for nuclear HRD by further promoting the spread of the maximized outcome.
목차 Contents
- 표지 ... 1
- 제 출 문 ... 3
- 보고서 요약서 ... 5
- 요 약 문 ... 7
- Summary ... 19
- Table of Contents ... 32
- 목 차 ... 36
- 표 목 차 ... 38
- 그 림 목 차 ... 40
- 제1장 연구개발과제의 개요 ... 43
- 제1절 연구개발의 필요성 ... 43
- 제2절 연구개발의 목적 및 범위 ... 46
- 제3절 연구방법 및 추진체계 ... 50
- 제2장 연구개발 수행 내용 및 결과 ... 51
- 제1절 원자력 인력의 역량증진을 위한 교육훈련체계 구축 및 지원 ... 51
- 1. 차별화된 교육협력 사업 총괄 관리체계 구축 ... 51
- 2. 국가 원자력 교육훈련체계 모델 개발 연구 ... 63
- 3. 해외 원자력 인력양성 인프라 구축 선진사례 벤치마킹 조사 ... 88
- 4. 국내 원자력 교육협력 네트워크 체계 강화 ... 91
- 5. 해외 원자력 교육협력 프로그램 개발 및 지원 ... 102
- 제2절 국제기구 파견을 통한 국제전문가 육성 ... 111
- 1. 국내 전문가의 해외 국제기구(OECD/NEA) 파견을 통한 국제협력 기반 확대 ... 111
- 2. OECD/NEA 상설위원회 활동을 통한 국제공동 연구참여 ... 115
- 3. 고급 원자력 정보 생산을 통한 정부 국제기구 대응역량 강화지원 ... 118
- 4. 주요 시사점 및 향후 개선방안 ... 125
- 제3절 글로벌 원자력 인턴십 프로그램 개발을 통한 차세대 전문인력 육성 ... 127
- 1. 원자력계 최초 국제기구 인턴십 프로그램 개발 ... 127
- 2. 차세대 원자력 전문인력의 국제 정책실무 및 연구역량 강화 ... 135
- 3. 지속가능한 프로그램 운영을 위한 성과관리 및 후속조치 방안 수립 ... 140
- 4. 주요 시사점 및 향후 개선방안 ... 144
- 제4절 방사선 융합 실무인력 양성 교육프로그램 개발 및 운영 ... 147
- 1. 방사선 분야 교육훈련 및 교육환경 인프라 현황조사 및 분석 ... 147
- 2. 맞춤형 방사선 융합 실무교육 프로그램 개발 ... 152
- 3. 방사선 융․복합 전문인력 상시 양성체계 구축 ... 159
- 4. 주요 시사점 및 향후 개선방안 ... 170
- 제5절 국내 원자력 교육훈련 현황분석 및 교육백서 발간 ... 171
- 1. 국내 주요기관 교육체계 및 교육훈련 현황조사 ... 171
- 2. 국내 교육훈련 현황 조사를 통한 최초 원자력교육백서 발간 ... 175
- 3. 주요 시사점 및 향후 개선방안 ... 179
- 제3장 목표달성도 및 관련분야에의 기여도 ... 180
- 제1절 연구개발 목표달성도 ... 180
- 제2절 관련분야 기술발전 기여도 ... 183
- 제4장 연구개발결과 및 활용계획 ... 184
- 제1절 추진성과 활용 및 향후 추진방안 ... 184
- 제2절 추가연구 필요성 및 타 연구에의 응용 ... 185
- 제3절 추가연구의 필요성 및 타연구에의 응용 ... 187
- 참 고 문 헌 ... 188
- 끝페이지 ... 191
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