[국가R&D연구보고서]조·중생종 사과의 재배확대를 위한 수확전 낙과방지, 숙기조절, 과실비대 및 생리장해방지기술 개발 Development of the technology to prevents physiological disorders and pre-mature fruit drop before the harvest time, to control the time of ripeness and fruit enlargement to expand cultivation of a early to mid-ripening cultivars of apple원문보기
보고서 정보
영남대학교 YeungNam University
농림부 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
농림수산식품기술기획평가원 Korea Institute of Planning and Evalution for Technology of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisherie
DB 구축일자
○ 연구결과 1. 조·중생종 사과의 수확전낙과방지 및 수확기 연장기술 개발 • ‘쓰가루’사과에서는 관행수확일 약 6주전부터 과실을 수확, 전분반응지수를 조사하여 전분반응지수 0.5∼1.0(과실의 과심부만 노란색이고 그 외 부위의 과육이 보라색)일 때 75∼125mg·L-1의 AVG를 살포하면 수확전 낙과방지효과가 우수하였으며 살포농도가 높을수록 효과는 더 우수하였다. • ‘홍로’ 사과에서는 관행수확일 약 1개월 전인 8월 1일 경에 AVG 75mg·L-1를 살포하면 수확전 낙과
○ 연구결과 1. 조·중생종 사과의 수확전낙과방지 및 수확기 연장기술 개발 • ‘쓰가루’사과에서는 관행수확일 약 6주전부터 과실을 수확, 전분반응지수를 조사하여 전분반응지수 0.5∼1.0(과실의 과심부만 노란색이고 그 외 부위의 과육이 보라색)일 때 75∼125mg·L-1의 AVG를 살포하면 수확전 낙과방지효과가 우수하였으며 살포농도가 높을수록 효과는 더 우수하였다. • ‘홍로’ 사과에서는 관행수확일 약 1개월 전인 8월 1일 경에 AVG 75mg·L-1를 살포하면 수확전 낙과방지와 수확기 연장효과가 있음에도 불구하고 기대수준의 낙과방지 효과에는 미치지 못하였다. • 성숙기 무렵인 7∼8월에 이상고온이 계속되는 해에는 AVG 살포만으로 완전한 수확전 낙과방지효과를 기대하기는 어려울 것으로 판단되었다. 2. 봉지재배 ‘감홍’ 사과의 고두병 방지기술 개발 • 12개 ‘감홍’ 사과원에 대한 고두병 발생 실태조사 결과 농후 유기물이나 화학비료를 과다하게 장기간 사용한 과원에서는 새가지 생장이 왕성하고 고두병 발생율이 아주 높았으며, 화학비료와 농후 유기물의 시용량이 많지 않고 봉지씌우기 전에 칼슘용액을 수체 살포하는 과원에서는 새가지 생장량이 상대적으로 덜하고 고두병 발생율도 낮았다. • 고두병 발생율은 새가지 길이, 과피중의 칼륨함량, 토양의 염류농도(EC)와 높은 상관이 있었다. • 생석회 또는 염화석회의 토양표면 시용이나 이들 석회액의 토양관주는 고두병 발생을 감소시키지 못하였다. • 봉지 씌우기 전에 0.4∼0.5% 염화칼슘의 3∼4회 살포는 고두병 발생을 상당히 감소시켰으나 만족할 만한 수준의 방지효과는 나타나지 않았다. • 이 시험을 통하여 얻어진 가장 우수한 고두병 방지효과는 봉지씌우기 전에 0.5% 염화칼슘을 3회 수체살포한 다음 칼슘함유 봉지를 씌운 과실에서 얻어 졌다. 3. ‘산사’ 사과의 과실비대 촉진 및 품질향상 기술 개발 • 만개 3주와 4주 후에 GA4+7+BA 300mg·L-1를 과실과 그 주위의 잎에 살포할 경우 과중이 약 16% 증가하였으며, 과실품질에는 큰 영향이 없었다. • ‘산사’의 과실비대에 미치는 인공수분효과와 조기적과효과는 불분명 하였다. • 경영분석 결과 만개 3주와 4주 후에 GA4+7+BA 300mg·L-1를 살포할 경우 10a당 679,000원의 소득이 증가되었다. 4. ‘홍월’ 사과의 수확전 낙과방지 기술 개발 • ‘홍월’ 사과나무에서 관행수확일(9월 15일) 3주 및 4주전에 75mg·L-1의 AVG를 살포한 경우 해에 따라 수확전 낙과방지효과가 아주 우수한 해도 있고 효과가 크지 않은 해도 있었다. 효과가 크지 않은 해는 7∼8월에 이상고온이 계속된 해였다. • 2중 봉지를 모두 제거하거나 겉봉지만 제거하고 속봉지를 남긴채 AVG를 살포한 경우 낙과방지효과는 우수하나 과피에 반점이 발생하여 상품성이 훼손되었다. • 겉봉지와 속봉지를 벗기지 않고 씌운채 AVG를 살포하더라도 수확전 낙과방지 효과가 우수하였으며 착색을 위하여 수확 2주전에 겉봉지를 제거한 경우에는 과피반점이 완전히 억제되었다. • 이상 고온이 계속된 해에는 관행수확일 5주전에 75mg·L-1의 AVG를 살포하고 그 1주 후에 2,4-DP(안티폴) 30mg·L-1를 살포할 경우 AVG만 살포한 경우보다 더 효과적으로 수확전 낙과가 방지되었다.
Ⅳ. R&D Result and Application Proposal 1. R&D Result 1. R&D Result A. Development of the technique that prevents pre-mature fruit drop of a early to mid ripening cultivar of apples before the harvest time and extends the harvest period 1) Development of the technique using aminoethoxyvin
Ⅳ. R&D Result and Application Proposal 1. R&D Result 1. R&D Result A. Development of the technique that prevents pre-mature fruit drop of a early to mid ripening cultivar of apples before the harvest time and extends the harvest period 1) Development of the technique using aminoethoxyvinylglycine(AVG, Trade name: ReTain®) to prevent ‘Tsugaru’ apple from pre-mature fruit drop before the harvest time A) Study on the proper timing and optimum concentration of AVG treatment. ◦ It is appeared to be most effective way of prevention of fruit drop before the harvest that when AVG 100 mg·L-1 is sprayed 3 weeks before (July 28th) the normal harvest time (August 20th). ◦ This can minimize the fruit drop and extend the harvest time by 2 weeks. B) Study on the proper timing of AVG treatment based on a starch reaction ◦ AVG should be sprayed right before the fruits starts to ripe but since the time varies from year to year, the attempt to find the proper timing of AVG treatment by using a starch reaction index was carried out. ◦ It is shown to be the effective way of fruit drop that if AVG is dispersed when a starch reaction index is between 0.5∼1.0 (core part is yellow and flesh part is purple). ◦ The concentration of AVG, 125 mg·L-1 is more effective than 75 mg·L-1. ◦ It is concluded that AVG can't completely prevent the pre-mature fruit drop in the year of consistent temperature abnormality. 2) Development of the technique using AVG to prevent 'Hongro' from pre-mature fruit drop before the harvest time and extend the harvest period ◦ In case of ‘Hongro’ apple, when AVG 75 mg·L-1 was sprayed one month before (Andong area on August 3rd, Kyungsan area on July 31th) the usual harvest time it was appeared to be affecting the pre-mature fruit drop of fruits in a positive way and extending the harvest time but not up to satisfying level. And using AVG together with 2,4-DP(trade name: Antifall) didn't make much difference in the prevention of the pre-mature fruit drop. ◦ The reason that AVG didn't work the way it was expected in the prevention of the pre-mature fruit drop and the extension of the harvest period is that July and August which is a maturing period was unusually and consistently hot. B. Development of the technique preventing ‘Gamhong’ apple cultivated in a paper bag from being infected with a bitter pit. 1) Research on the occurrence of a bitter pit according to the management method of ‘Gamhong’ apple orchard ◦ The occurrence rate of a bitter pit was high and new branches grew vigorously in the apple orchard that had used pig manure and fowl manure for a long time. ◦ The occurrence rate of a bitter pit was low and the growth of new branches was relatively slow in the apple orchard that had tried less chemical manure and concentrated organic matter and dispersed calcium solution before covering with paper bags. ◦ The fruit infected with a bitter pit had high percentage of potassium and low percentage of calcium in its rind. ◦ The occurrence of a bitter pit is highly related with the length of new branch, the percentage of potassium in a rind and soil Electrical Conductivity (EC). 2) Study on the effect of treatment of calcium over soil and tree that affects the occurrence of a bitter pit ◦ Quicklime (calcium oxide) or chloride lime trial on the surface of soil or lime liquid drenching didn't reduce the occurrence of a bitter pit. ◦ 3-4 times spraying of 0.4∼0.5% calcium chloride before covering with a paper bag certainly reduced the occurrence of a bitter pit but not up to satisfying level. 3) Study on the effect of spraying of calcium, prohexadione-Ca on the tree and covering with a paper bag containing calcium that affects the occurrence of a bitter pit. ◦ 3 times spraying of 0.5% calcium chloride before covering with a paper bag, rohexadione-Ca spraying right after flowers fall and covering fruit with calcium contained paper bag reduced the occurrence of a bitter pit but not up to satisfying level. ◦ Most effective bitter pit prevention was achieved from the fruit that calcium chloride was sprayed 3 times before covered with calcium contained paper bag. ◦ However, since the occurrence rate of a bitter pit reached almost 90% without any treatments, regardless of various treatments complete prevention of a bitter pit was not successful. ◦ So, it is essential for the prevention of the bitter pit of ‘Gamhong’ apple to avoid overuse fertilizer and stabilize the force of tree growth in order to minimize the occurrence. And then covering with a calcium contained paper bag after 3-4 times calcium chloride spraying would help largely in reducing the occurrence of the bitter pit. C. Development of the technique that accelerates the fruit enlargement of ‘Sansa’ apple and improves the quality ◦ When sprayed GA4+7+BA 300mg·L-1 over fruits and leaves around them after 3 and 4 weeks after full blossom, the weight of fruits was increased by 16%. ◦ GA4+7+BA treatment accelerated the fruit maturity by few days but didn't much affect on color, flesh firmness, content of acid and soluble solid. ◦ The effect of artificial pollination and early fruit thinning on the fruit enlargement is unclear. D. Development of the technique that prevents the pre-mature drop of ‘Kogetsu’ before the harvest time 1) Study on a proper timing and optimal concentration of AVG dispersion ◦ In the year 2002 paper bags were removed and AVG was sprayed (August 17th) about 4 weeks before the normal harvest time. As a result until (September 28th) 2 weeks after the normal harvest time there were almost no fruit drops. The effect of spraying (August 25th) 3 weeks before the normal harvest time (September 15th) was considerably reduced. ◦ In the year 2003 AVG spraying (August 25th) about 3 weeks before the normal harvest time substantially prevented the fruit drop until (September 29th) 2 weeks after the normal harvest time. ◦ In the year 2004 AVG spraying (August 11th) about 5 weeks before the normal harvest time was very effective on the prevention of fruit drop but the effectiveness of AVG spraying about 4 weeks before was largely reduced. ◦ In the year 2002 and 2004 the beginning of fruit ripening was advanced because of the unusually high temperature in July and August. ◦ Therefore, it is concluded that the proper timing of AVG spraying to ‘Kogetsu’ apple is 5 weeks before the normal harvest time which is about August 10th. ◦ From the 3 years of trial the concentration of AVG it is concluded that 75mg·L-1 is effective enough. 2) Study on the prevention of premature fruit drop and the occurrence of spots on a rind depending on paper bag and AVG treatments ◦ When double bags or only outer bag was removed and then AVG was sprayed, it was very effective on the prevention of the fruit drop but spots on the rind were appeared and the value of the goods were damaged. ◦ When no bags were removed and then AVG was sprayed, it was found to be very effective on the prevention of fruit drop. And spots on the rind was completely restrained when the bag was removed 2 weeks before the harvest. 3) Study on the effect of multiple application of AVG and then 2,4-DP on the prevention of pre-mature fruit drop. ◦ Spray of 2,4-DP one week after the AVG treatment found to be more effective in the prevention of pre-mature fruit drop than the spraying of AVG 75mg·L-1 about 5 weeks before (August 11th) the normal harvest time. ◦ Multiple applications of AVG and 2,4-DP delayed coloring compared to the non treatment fruits. But there was hardly any difference in quality compared to AVG sprayed fruits. ◦ If abnormally high temperature is expected, spraying of 2,4-DP one week after the AVG treatment which is carried out 5 weeks before the normal harvest time would help to maximize the effect on the prevention of pre-mature fruit drop without deterioration of quality. 2. Proposals on the application of the R&D result A. Transfer of technology to the apple orchard culture practice 1) Prevention of ‘Tsugaru’ from pre-mature fruit drop before the harvest time and extension of the harvest period using AVG ◦ The effectiveness of AVG treatment in prevention of pre-mature fruit drop has been varied from year to year. One of the main reasons was considered to be a difficulty of judging proper timing of application. According to this study, the timing of AVG treatment was the most effective when the starch reaction index reaches 0.5-1.0 (0.5 means core part is yellow and other flesh parts are purple in half of fruits) to prevent pre-mature fruit drop. This can be achieved if you take about 20 midium sized apples from outer part of a tree every 3-4 days from 6 weeks before the normal harvest time and carry out starch reaction test. ◦ In the year of consistent high temperature around maturity, AVG 75mg·L-1 alone is not expected to be effective. So based on the study on ‘Kogetsu’ it is recommended to spray 2,4-DP one week after the AVG treatment which is carried out 5 weeks befor the normal harvest time. ◦ The result of this study has been transferred to Gyeungbuk Apple Agricuture Cooperation and Youngil Chemical that participated in the study and is under the process of transferring the skills to Agricultural Technology & Extension Center and orchardist. 2) Establishment of the technique that prevent 'Hongro' from pre-mature fruit drop before the harvest time and extend the harvest period using AVG ◦ Normally a pre-mature fruit drop is not a concern with ‘Hongro’. But in the years of abnormally high temperature around July and August this becomes a problem. The study shows that treatment AVG together with 2,4-DP one month before the normal harvest time (early September ) or as based on the study on ‘Kogetsu’ treatment 2,4-DP one week after AVG spraying would substantially help to prevent the pre-mature fruit drop without affecting the quality of fruits. ◦ It is recommended to study 2-3 years more to secure technical system and then transfer the perfect techniques to the fruit growers. 3) Development of the technique preventing a bitter pit in 'Gamhong' apple with a paper bag treatment. ◦ In case of ‘Gamhong’ apple, it is recommended to avoid overuse chemical and organic fertilizer and stabilize force of tree growth in order to minimize the occurrence of a bitter pit. ◦ It is studied that covering with calcium contained bags after spraying 0.5% calcium chloride 3 to 4 times can considerably reduce the occurrence of a bitter pit. ◦ Our intension is to transfer this skill to the Apple Experiment Station , Gyeungbuk Apple Agriculture Cooperation and technically advanced orchardist so this can go through the trials to be put to practical use and distribute this good fruit growing skills. 4) Development of the technique to accelerating the enlargement of ‘Sansa’ apple fruit ◦ The quality of ‘Sansa’ apple is outstanding but the size of its fruit is small. If GA4+7+BA 300mg·L-1 is spraying 2 times over its fruits and leaves around them after 3 and 4 weeks after full bloom, the ratio of big size fruits weighing more than 230g increases by threefold. ◦ Our plan is to transfer this skill to the persons in charge of distributing skills in Youngil Chemical and Gyeungbuk Apple Agriculture Cooperation and to publish an article in a Gyeungbuk Apple magazine so that whoever grows the 'Sansa' can use it. (5) Development of the technique that prevents the pre-mature fruit drop of ‘Kogetsu’ before the harvest ◦ ‘Kogetsu’ is treated with a paper bag to prevent it from getting spots on a rind. And spraying of 20mg·L-1 2,4-DP one week after 75mg·L-1 AVG which is carried out 5 weeks before the normal harvest time (mid September) can be effective way of preventing the pre-mature fruit drop without getting spots on a rind. ◦ Our plan is to transfer this skill to the persons in charge of distributing skills in Youngil Chemical and Gyeungbuk Apple Agriculture Cooperation and to publish an article in a Gyeungbuk Apple magazine so that whoever grows the ‘Kogetsu’ can use it.
목차 Contents
표지 ... 1
제출문 ... 2
요약문 ... 4
SUMMARY ... 14
목차 ... 36
제1장 연구개발 과제의 개요 ... 44
제1절 연구개발의 목적과 필요성 ... 46
제2절 연구개발의 범위 ... 47
제2장 국내외 기술개발 동향 ... 50
제1절 수확전 낙과방지 ... 52
제2절 ‘감홍’ 사과의 고두병 방지 ... 53
제3절 ‘산사’의 과실비대 촉진 ... 54
제3장 연구개발 수행 내용 및 결과 ... 56
제1절 조.중생 사과의 재배확대를 위한 숙기조절 및 품질향상 기술개발 ... 58
1. Aminoethoxyvinylglycine을 이용한 ‘쓰가루 사과의 수확전 낙과방지 및 수확기 연장 기술 개발 ... 58
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