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여성 흡연음주 요인 파악 및 정책방안 마련
Women's use of tobacco and alcohol and countermeasures 원문보기

보고서 정보
주관연구기관 한국보건사회연구원
Korea Institute for Health and Affairs
언어 한국어
주관부처 보건복지가족부
Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs
등록번호 TRKO201500006906
DB 구축일자 2015-06-13


Ⅳ. 연구결과
【제1부 : 여성흡연 요인파악 및 정책방안】
제1절 여성흡연의 역학적 분석
□ 우리나라에서 흡연으로 인한 질환으로 야기되는 비용은 8조 9,200억원(지선하, 2007)의 사회.경제적 손실을 초래함
- 흡연자인 경우 비흡연자에 비하여 후두암에 걸릴 확률이 6.5배, 폐암 4.6배, 식
도암 3.6배, 방광암 1.9배 등 암에 걸릴 확률이 높아짐(지선하, 2005).
- 흡연은 악성신생물, 심혈관계질환, 호흡기질환의 주요원인으로, 우리나라 전체 사망의 30.75%, 여자는 5.7


Ⅳ. Results of the Research

A. Epidemiological review of women's tobacco use
□ The overall socio-economic cost from smoking related diseases is about 8.92billion won. About 5.7% of women's death is caused by smoking while about 30.75% of

A. Epidemiological review of women's tobacco use
□ The overall socio-economic cost from smoking related diseases is about 8.92billion won. About 5.7% of women's death is caused by smoking while about 30.75% of men's death is caused by smoking.
□ Male smoking rates have been decreased to 44.1% in 2006 from 79% in 1980s. However, female smoking rate has been fluctuated between 3% and 5% during the past three years.
B. Status of smoking behavior among women
□ Some literature showed that high school students' smoking rate was about 17.5%, and the smoking rate of females in their 20s was about 18% in 2005.
□ For females in their early 20s, the smoking rate has been increasing during the ten years. Females smoking rates are the highest in their 20s.
C. Educational and Ecological factors
□ Female adolescents
- Personal environment, school and home environment, and policy environment are all related to adolescent smoking. Exposure to secondhand smoke at home was also an important factor to adolescent smoking.
□ Adult females
- Marital status(being single), low educational attainment, lower occupational status, and depression(suicidal ideation) were associated with smoking among adult women.
□ In-dept interview survey for 20~35 year old female smokers showed that about 30% of the respondents have not tried quitting smoking. For those who attempted quitting smoking, more than 90% adopted self-help methods only.
□ For the female smokers only 10% were high in the level of nicotine addiction (Fagerstrom scale).
□ Female's major reasons for smoking were to reduce tension, or searching for stimulation and pleasure. The most situations of smoking with more than middle of smoking need were mealtime and times when they are alone. Average depression score was 17.2 and the average score of the degree of stress was 41.3.
□ College students who responded to short version of the indept survey reported that their major smoking place is club meeting room, PC room, bar, and college campus. Average amount of daily consumption of tobacco was about less than 10 cigarettes. More than 90% liked imported cigarettes. Most of the smoking students wanted quitting smoking, but they did not know how.
□ Result of the focus group interview study
- The first smoking was begun in their middle and high school times. Most of the females wanted to quit smoking, but they felt it was very hard to quit smoking. The most difficult things in quitting are withdrawal symptoms, stress, and depression.
D. Policy implications
□ Anti-smoking policy should be a part of the health promotion policy for women. Anti-smoking policy need to reflect women's smoking related factors.
□ legal measures and campaign measures are important factors for redution of female smoking.
□ Targeting on vulnerable groups
□ monitoring and statistics are important policy developing measures.

A. Epidemiological review of women's alcohol use
□ Death rates caused by liver disease are the highest in the age group of 40 to 50. Death rates per 100,000 were 27.5 for males and 7.1 for females in 2005.
□ The mental diseases epidemiological survey of 18~64 year olds in 2006 showed that lifelong morbidity rate of alcohol misuse(alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence) was 16.2%(25.5% for males and 6.9% for females).
□ According to the World Health Organization, alcohol intake can increase health risk for females two times more than that for males.
B. Status of drinking behavior among women
Monthly drinking rates among those aged 18 and over .. were 73.5% for males and 41.5% for females in the 2007 national health and nutrition survey. Monthly high risk drinking rates were 62.0% for males and 28.7% for females.
□ Monthly drinking rates among adolescents were 29.6% for males and 25.7% for females in 2007. Rates of experience of alcohol use before entering the middle school were 19.1% for males and 15.3% for females. High risk drinking rates were 30.7% for males and 32.5% for females in 2007. Female adolescents' high risk drinking rates have been increased for the past three years.
□ We compared the high risk drinking rates of Koreans with foreign countries, and found that Koreans' high risk drinking could be a serious problem. High risk drinking rates were 61.1% for Koreans and 19.5% for Americans.
C. Educational and Ecological factors
□ Adult females' alcohol use was associated with young age, depression, lower educational attainment, and stress. High risk drinking was associated with young age, being single, blue collar workers, experience of suicidal ideation, experience of drinking when they were adolescents.
□ Female adolescents drinking experience was associated with stress, depression, experience of suicidal ideation, being overweight(perceived), lower performance at school, parents' lower educational attainment, and early experience of alcohol use.
□ Results of the in-dept interview survey of females who drinks alcohol one time or more in a month showed that average amount of alcohol intake per occasion was about 10 drinks. This meant most of the monthly drinkers were engaged in high risk drinking.
- Most accompanied persons when females drink with, were friends 58.3%, colleagues at work 13.7%, and seniors and juniors at school 12.9%.
- Females were most likely to drink when close friends visit them, and parties.
- Females thought that the amount of alcohol for moderate drinking was about 4 drinks in one occasion. However, their average drinks for one occasion were more than 10 drinks of Soju.
□ Results of the focus group interview study showed that the drinking situations were varied, and most of the occasions were gathering of friends or workplace colleagues.
- Female drinkers do not perceive the level of the high risk drinking, and they have not received any preventive education in their school days. It was very likely that college freshmen experience high risk drinking for the first time in their life.
- They have seldomly seen moderate drinking public advertisements. They did not feel the need for controlling the amount of drinking.
D. Policy implications
□ The priority issues for the risk of alcohol use included the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, accidents cause by drunken driving, violance and rape and unwanted pregnancy.
□ In foreign countries examples, alcohol control measures need to be a comprehensive approach. Legal measures included banning use of alcohol for adolescents, controlling drunken driving, and preventive education and campaign.
□ Community, schools and workplace programs should be coordinated for alcohol control policy.
Ⅳ. Utilization of the Result of the Study
□ Results of this study can be a basis for researches on equity and gender issues.
□ Some parts of the result of the study can be submitted to academic conference for presentation.
□ It can provide baseline information for policy development.
□ It can provide evidence for development of preventive and educational programs.

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