보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
서울대학교 Seoul National University |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2016-02 |
과제시작연도 |
2015 |
주관부처 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration(RDA) |
연구관리전문기관 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration |
등록번호 |
TRKO201600003090 |
과제고유번호 |
1395039767 |
사업명 |
FTA대응경쟁력향상기술개발 |
DB 구축일자 |
https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201600003090 |
Ⅳ. 연구개발결과
정성적 성과
제1세부과제인 모돈의 MSY 향상 및 적정 체형유지를 위한 사양관리 기술 및 사육시스템 개발에서 2013년에는 임신 및 포유기 사료 내 에너지 수준이 후보돈의 체형 및 번식 능력에 미치는 영향 검증, 사료 내 단백질 수준이 후보돈의 체형 및 번식 능력에 미치는 영향 검증, 스톨 사육 시스템 및 군사사육시스템의 비교 및 분석 (후보돈), 사료변화시기가 포유 모돈의 번식 성적에 미치는 영향 검증을 하였으며, 2014년에는 임신 및 포유기 사료 내 에너지 수준이 2산차 모돈의 체형
Ⅳ. 연구개발결과
정성적 성과
제1세부과제인 모돈의 MSY 향상 및 적정 체형유지를 위한 사양관리 기술 및 사육시스템 개발에서 2013년에는 임신 및 포유기 사료 내 에너지 수준이 후보돈의 체형 및 번식 능력에 미치는 영향 검증, 사료 내 단백질 수준이 후보돈의 체형 및 번식 능력에 미치는 영향 검증, 스톨 사육 시스템 및 군사사육시스템의 비교 및 분석 (후보돈), 사료변화시기가 포유 모돈의 번식 성적에 미치는 영향 검증을 하였으며, 2014년에는 임신 및 포유기 사료 내 에너지 수준이 2산차 모돈의 체형 및 번식 능력에 미치는 영향 검증, 사료 내 단백질 수준이 2산차 모돈의 체형 및 번식 능력에 미치는 영향 검증, 스톨 사육 시스템 및 군사사육시스템의 비교 및 분석 (2산차 모돈), 사료 급여 방법이 모돈의 포유 능력 및 번식 성적에 미치는 영향 분석을 완료하였으며, 2015년에는 임신 및 포유기 사료 내 에너지 수준이 3산차 모돈의 체형 및 번식 능력에 미치는 영향 검증, 사료 내 단백질 수준이 3산차 모돈의 체형 및 번식 능력에 미치는 영향 검증, 스톨 사육 시스템 및 군사사육시스템의 비교 및 분석 (3산차 모돈), In vitro 실험 방법을 통해 사료 급여 방법이 돼지의 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향 검증을 하여 모든 정성적인 목표를 달성하였다.
제2세부과제인 자돈의 사료 이용성 및 섭취량 개선을 위한 방안 구축을 위해 2013년에는 입붙이 사료의 종류가 모돈의 생리적 상태, 자돈의 면역력 강화 및 사료 이용효율 개선에 미치는 영향 연구 , 사료 가공방법이 자돈의 사료섭취량 및 이용성 증진에 미치는 영향 분석을 하였고, 2014년에는 사료 급여 방법이 자돈의 사료섭취량 및 사료효율에 미치는 영향 분석, 사료 급이기의 형태가 자돈의 사료섭취량 및 사료 이용성 증진에 미치는 영향 분석을 하였으며, 2015년에는 종류별 사료 기호성 증진제의 첨가가 자돈의 사료섭취량 및 성장성적에 미치는 영향 분석, 이유 자돈 사육시설 차이에 따른 자돈 성장 및 면역력 향상에 미치는 영향을 분석함으로써 정성적인 목표를 달성하였다.
연구개발 목표인 고체발효생균제 제조기술확립을 통해 미생물 성장도 및 적정 배양 온도를 절정하여 영농기술 기관제출로 제시하였고(밀기울 이용 고체발효생균제 제조 시 적정 배양조건 제시(2013), 고체발효생균제 제조 시 적정 수분첨가수준 제시(2015)), 고체발효생균제 종류별 생산성 및 최종원료의 적정 급여수준을 설정을 위해 생산성 및 면역력을 조사하여 최종보고서에 제시하여 정성적인 목표를 달성하였다.
정량적 성과
○논문게재 2건
- Effects of Dietary Protein Levels for Gestating Gilts on Reproductive Performance, Blood Metabolites and Milk Composition (2014.11)
- The Effects of Gilts Housed Either in Group with the Electronic Sow Feeding System or Conventional Stall (2015.11)
○학술발표 16건
- Early Supplementation of Highly Digestible Creep Feed Diminish Further Access to Creep Feed in Suckling Piglet (2013.10)
- Effects of Dietary Energy Levels on Physiological Response and Reproductive Performance of Gestating Sows (2013.10)
- Effects of Different Creep Feed Types on Pre-weaning and Post-weaning Performance and Gut Development (2013.6)
- Effect of Feed Processing on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles and Immune Response in Weaning Pigs (2014.6)
- Effect of dietary energy levels on physiological response and reproductive performance of gestating sows (2014.11)
- Effects of Dietary Energy Levels of Gestating Gilts on Gestation (2014.11)
- Effects of Dietary Energy Levels on Physiological Response (2014.6)
- The effects of gilts housed in groups with the electronic sow feeding system (2014.6)
- Effects of Different Housing Type for Gestating Sows over a Three-Parity Period and Its Effects on Reproductivity and Progeny Growth Performance (2015.11)
- Effect of Group Housing Gilts with Electric Sow Feeding System on Physiological Response and Reproductive Performance (2015.11)
- Effects of dietary energy levels on physiological response and reproductivity of gestating gilts (2015.11)
- 임신모돈 사료내 IRG 펠렛 첨가가 모돈 생산성, 유질 및 분 중 악취물질에 미치는 영향(2013. 6)
- 양돈용 발효생균제의 활용을 위한 농업 부산물의 원료별 발효 성상 변화(2014, 6)
- Effect of Bacillus thringiensis isolated from rectum of milking piglet on the fermenteation of Seassal barley(2015. 9)
- Effect of Lactobacillus mucosae isolated from rectum of milking piglet on the fermenation of Seassal barley(2015. 9)
○ 정책제안 2건
- 식육의 부위별 등급별 및 종류별 구분방법 중 대분할 부위명 추가 건의 (2013.11)
- 사료공정서내 제 16조 관련 생균제표시함량 단위 개정 건의(2014. 11)
○ 영농활용 7건
- 임신돈사료 적정 에너지 함량 제시 (2013.11)
- 후보돈의 군사사육 시스템 활용 효과 (2013.11)
- 2산차 모돈사료 내 조단백질 함량 제시 (2014.11)
- 포유모돈의 사료 급여방식 비교 (2014.11)
- 밀기울 이용 고체발효생균제 제조 시 적정 배양조건 제시(2013. 11)
- 당밀 미첨가 미강 고체발효생균제 제조 방법(2014. 11)
- 고체발효생균제 제조 시 적정 수분함량 제시(2015. 11)
○ 홍보
- 임신돈 사료 내 적정 에너지 수준 3200kcal/kg (2015.6)
- 미생물을 활용한 돼지기르기, 궁금증을 풀어드립니다(2013. 7)
- 유통생균제 선택요령 제시(2013. 7)
- 이유자돈 액상사료 급여 고려할 가치 있어(2013. 10) 등 6건
This study was conducted to develop management technology and farming system on sows for MSY improvement. 4 series of experiments were conducted to develop managing technic and farming system. To figure out proper level of energy in sow diets, experiment with 4 level of energy diet was conducted for
This study was conducted to develop management technology and farming system on sows for MSY improvement. 4 series of experiments were conducted to develop managing technic and farming system. To figure out proper level of energy in sow diets, experiment with 4 level of energy diet was conducted for the first, second and third parity sows. For the first parity sows, 3,100 ME kcal/kg group showed the highest replacement rate although there was no significant different in physiological measurements. In 3,400 kcal/kg treatment, there was the lowest feed intake and the highest decrease in back fat thickness. Similar results was found in the second and third parity of sows. For the whole period of experiment, 3,100 kcal/kg energy level increased replacement rate and 3,400 kcal/kg energy level decreased feed intake of sows. 3,200 kcal/kg group showed the lowest weight loss during gestating period. Therefore 6,400 kcal/day seems to be the proper level of energy in sow diet. Experiments with 4 level of CP content diets were also conducted for finding the most suitable level of CP in sow diet. For the primiparous sows, increase of CP level in diet decreased weight and back fat thickness of sows significantly and increased WEI numerically. Decrease in weight and back fat thickness was not found in the second and the third parity of sows but increase in WEI was also found in the second parity of sows. Conclusively, increase of CP level in sow diet can decrease productivity of sows by delaying next estrus and even can have negative effect in body condition in the first parity of sows. So 11 % of CP in sow diet seems to be the most proper level of CP among the experiment diet. Experiments for comparing stall housing and group housing system showed several effects of housing system on reproductive performance. For the first parity sows, group housing showed decrease of mortality in piglet, delivery time, WEI and cortisol level. However, group housing system seems to increase still birth rate 6 % by increasing aggressive behavior although cortisol level showed decrease of stress without any significant improvement in reproductive performance. Increase of still birth rate reached 9 % for the third parity of sows. These result infer that group housing system can decrease stress by increasing social communication but also can increase the chances of conflicts among the group to occur still birth. More studies to control aggression of sow are needed to adopt group housing system in the field. Ways to feeding gestating sow were studied to evaluate each of feeding managements. Feed change on 5 days before delivery date from gestating diet to lactating diet increased feed intake of lactating sows. Although increase in feed intake did not show improvement in litter performance, feed change on 5 days before delivery date can prevent decreased feed intake from postpartum trouble in some sows. Wet feeding is normally used in the field to increase feed intake but our experiment found that there was significant decrease in reproductive performance rather than improvement by wet feeding. In invitro experiment, there was no significant increase of digestibility in wet feeding. Therefore wet feeding seems to have no advantage for reproductive pigs.
This study was conducted to develop management technology and farming system on piglet for improving feed conversion ratio and feed intake. 6 experiments were conducted to improve physiological traits of weaning pigs. Creep feeding was adopted to decrease lactating period and increase adaptability of piglet to solid feed after weaning. In the experiment, improvement of growth performance was found in creep feed treatment but difference was not highly significant. Although increase in body weight exists for creep feed, improvement of feed intake was found in weaning pig diet feeding group. Therefore weaning pig diet feeding for pre-weaning piglets seems to enhance adaptability of piglets to solid feed so feeding weaning pig diet would be better to use in the long term. Among the feed manufacturing process, pelleted feed showed decrease in growth performance because of nutrient destruction by heating process. Mashed feed showed significantly low immuno-globulin concentration than the others. Crumble feed showed no negative effect on growth performance, digestibility and diarrhea incidence and showed improvement in blood profile. So crumble feed seems to be the most proper form of weaning diet. Wet and dry feeding were also compared in this study. There was no significant effect of wet/dry feeding but gain per feed ratio of dry feeding was higher than of wet feeding. Dry feeding also decrease diarrhea incidence although there was no difference in immunological traits. Therefore dry feeding is better way to feed weaning pig than wet feeding. There was no significant difference between square shape and round shape feeding box in growth performance, diarrhea score, blood profile and immunity but there was numerical increase in round shape feed box for average daily gain. 3 kinds of flavor(milk and vanilla flavor, butter flavor, and fish meal flavor) were adopted to evaluate their effects on weaning pigs. Conclusively, there was no significant difference in growth performance, blood profile, diarrhea incidence, mortality and immunity. Between high floor housing and flat floor housing, high floor housing showed improved growth performance. Higher diarrhea incidence and lower IgA concentration were found in flat floor housing group. It means that high floor housing can increase growth performance and decrease immunological crisis. This study was conducted to find out the method of use of probiotic(effective microorganism) in pig farm. Recently there has been a growing interest in the use of probiotics, which is effective microorganisms to feeding for livestock. Probiotics were reported that thoes were able to activate the immune cells in pig. This study was investigating that fermented probiotics made from wheatbran for efficient utilization of effective microorganisms. Lactic acid bacteria count and yeast cell count in Wheatbran fermented probiotics(WFP) were highest as 11.4±1.2logCFU/g and 7.1±1.0logCFU/g, respectively. That result is fitted to feed additive for livestock. Lactic acid and Acetic acid in WFP were increased greatly during fermentation from starting 0mg/kg, and 9,139mg/kg and 6,692mg/kg after 3days, respectively. pH was decreased significantly during fermentation from starting 6.42±0.05, and 4.74±0.40 after 3days of fermentation(p<0.05). A total of 48 weaned pigs(Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc, average body weight 7.80±0.17kg) were grouped and housed with 4 animals per pen for 4 replication per each treatment. The basal diet(C) was supplemented with 0.5%(T1), 1.0%(T2) of WFP and the pigs were fed experimental diet for 7 weeks. The growth performance was not affect by treatment(p>0.05). The group with addition of 0.5 WFP, th concentration of immunoglobulin G in the blood of weaned piglets tended to increase in compared with treatment. The effects of WFP were determined by analysis of cell-mediated immunity using PBMC proliferation. Con A which is one of the stimulant the T cell significantly higher T1 group than the other group(p<0.05). LPS which is one of the stimulant the B cell was not affect by treatment(p>0.05).
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