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[국내논문] 여성들의 향수 사용실태 및 구매행동에 관한 연구
A Study on Women’s Usage Status and Purchasing Behavior of Perfume 원문보기

한국화장품미용학회지 v.12 no.1 2022년, pp.103 - 112  

유미리 (알앤티컴퍼니) ,  김주덕 (성신여자대학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Perfume affects an individual's image as a means of self-expression according to one's personality, and it is an easy factor to make a change, so it can be seen that the beauty interest and meaning of perfume today is great. Amid this social trend, the perfume market continues to have a lot of potential for development, but the domestic perfume market still has a very high market share of imported brand products and a low influence of domestic brands compared to other industries. In addition, research related to perfume is also very insufficient. Accordingly, at a time when the importance of using and purchasing perfumes is increasing, it is necessary to investigate how Korean female consumers perceive perfumes and analyze the actual state of use to find a future direction. Therefore, this study attempted to supplement the existing research by conducting a study on the usage status and purchase behavior of female perfume users. A total of 450 responses were collected by conducting a survey of women interested in perfume, and 426 responses, excluding insincere responses, were used as final analysis data. In this study, women's perception of perfume, usage, and purchasing behavior were high, but their understanding of the components displayed on perfume containers and packaging was low. The most common reason for using perfume was women who used it to refresh themselves, and the most frequently used perfume on pulsating wrists, and the most frequently used perfume was Flora, and many women used perfume in all four seasons. Information on perfumes was obtained through samples or samples, and due to the influence of COVID-19, actual purchases at Internet shopping malls were the most common, and fragrance was considered the most when purchasing perfumes. It was also found that women mainly purchase imported brand perfumes rather than domestic brands.

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