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카리스마적 리더십의 결정적 요인에 관한 연구 원문보기

김순목 (전북대학교 경영대학원 경영학(인사·조직) 국내석사)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This research begins with existing problems about charisma. Following matters are found in some documents.
To begin with, existing researches don't have integrated vision which Weber comprehensively presented to understand charisma. Weber pointed that the concept of charisma begins with leaders' exceptional feature. He also pointed that the emergence of leaders who have charisma came from crisis or when their subordinates face dangerous situation. This research will devide into those two things.
Secondly, existing researches do not explain not only situation but also features of subordinates' could have some role of adjustment. The level of understanding charismatic leader is different from each other. Furthermore, the role of adjustment of subordinates' feature could offer the foundation of research; however, existing researches do not address those relationships.
Thirdly, existing research do not recognize that the effect of charisma could be altered following subordinates' feature. Although recent research shows that factor, existing researches have never recognized as a theme of thesis.
This thesis starts from ...


#카리스마 리더십 Weber Etzion 

학위논문 정보

저자 김순목
학위수여기관 전북대학교 경영대학원
학위구분 국내석사
학과 경영학(인사·조직)
지도교수 이경선
발행연도 2008
총페이지 61
키워드 카리스마 리더십 Weber Etzion
언어 kor
원문 URL http://www.riss.kr/link?id=T11221242&outLink=K
정보원 한국교육학술정보원
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