우리나라 주요 과수의 하나인 사과의 유통과정 중의 품질 보존과 저장성 향상을 위하여 ethylene 발생 및 작용 억제제로 개발되어 세계적으로 그 이용이 확대되고 있는 1-Methylcyclopropene의 실용화에 관한 일련의 실험을 실시하였고 공시 사과품종으로는 우리나라에서 개발한 ‘감홍’을 이용하였으며 1-MCP는 각각 처리시간, 처리농도 별로 작용과 효과에 관한 연구하였는데 그 주요 결과는 다음과 같이 요약 될 수 있다. 1. ‘감홍’ 사과에 1-MCP 1.0 µL·L-1 농도로 8, 16, 24, 시간별로 처리한 결과 24시간에서 무처리에 비해 1.81% 정도 ...
우리나라 주요 과수의 하나인 사과의 유통과정 중의 품질 보존과 저장성 향상을 위하여 ethylene 발생 및 작용 억제제로 개발되어 세계적으로 그 이용이 확대되고 있는 1-Methylcyclopropene의 실용화에 관한 일련의 실험을 실시하였고 공시 사과품종으로는 우리나라에서 개발한 ‘감홍’을 이용하였으며 1-MCP는 각각 처리시간, 처리농도 별로 작용과 효과에 관한 연구하였는데 그 주요 결과는 다음과 같이 요약 될 수 있다. 1. ‘감홍’ 사과에 1-MCP 1.0 µL·L-1 농도로 8, 16, 24, 시간별로 처리한 결과 24시간에서 무처리에 비해 1.81% 정도 감모율이 적었으며, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 µL·L-1 농도별로 처리한 결과 2.0 µL·L-1 에서 무처리에 비해 1.59% 정도 감모율이 적었다. 2, 경도는 시간별로 처리한 결과 24시간처리에서 42일경 무처리구에 비해 1.47N 정도 높았고 처리구간 유의하게 경도가 유지되었고, 농도별로 처리한 결과 무처리구에 비해 완만한 감소를 보였으며 처리구간 유의하게 경도를 유지했으며 2.0 µL·L-1 농도처리에서 가장 높게 경도가 유지 되었다. 3. 산도는 시간별로 처리한 결과 35일경에 처리구 모두 급격한 산도 감소를 보였으며 42일 후에 16, 24시간 처리에서 유의하게 산도가 유지되었으며, 농도별로 처리한 결과 또한 저장 후 35일경 까지는 1.0, 2.0 µL·L-1 농도처리에서 유의하게 산도가 유지되었으나 42일경에 절반가량의 감소를 보이며 처리구 모두 약 50% 정도 산도가 낮아지고 유의적 차이는 없었다. 4. 당도는 시간별, 농도별 처리한 결과 무처리구와 처리구 모두 일정한 경향 없이 당도가 감소하며 처리구간 유의차는 명확하지 않았다. 5. 색도(Hunter color ‘a value') 에서는 시간별, 농도별 처리가 색도변화를 억제시키지 못하였고, 처리구의 값이 무처리구에 비해 더 감소하였다. 6. ‘감홍’ 사과에 있어서 ethylene 발생량과 호흡량에 대한 효과는 탁월하였는데 저장 후 14일경에 무처리구에서 ethylene 발생량이 급격히 상승하며 전형적인 climacteric형 과실 패턴을 보였으나 처리구는 실험 종료시까지 유의하게 에틸렌 발생량이 억제되었으며, 호흡량에서도 처리구는 완만한 증가를 보이며 무처리구에 비해 억제되는 경향을 보였지만 무처리구는 21일경 호흡급등을 보였다. 7. ‘감홍’ 사과의 부패과 발생율은 특이한 경향을 나타내었는데 저장 후 21일 경에 나타나기 시작한 부패과는 1-MCP처리구가 무처리구에 비하여 부패과 발생율이 더 높고 심하였다. 8. ‘감홍’ 사과에서 중량, 경도, 산도유지 및 ethylene 발생량과 호흡량 억제에서 효과적인 1-MCP의 처리농도는 1 µL·L-1 농도 16시간 이상이면 사과의 장기보존 및 품질유지에 효과적이라 판단되어졌다.
우리나라 주요 과수의 하나인 사과의 유통과정 중의 품질 보존과 저장성 향상을 위하여 ethylene 발생 및 작용 억제제로 개발되어 세계적으로 그 이용이 확대되고 있는 1-Methylcyclopropene의 실용화에 관한 일련의 실험을 실시하였고 공시 사과품종으로는 우리나라에서 개발한 ‘감홍’을 이용하였으며 1-MCP는 각각 처리시간, 처리농도 별로 작용과 효과에 관한 연구하였는데 그 주요 결과는 다음과 같이 요약 될 수 있다. 1. ‘감홍’ 사과에 1-MCP 1.0 µL·L-1 농도로 8, 16, 24, 시간별로 처리한 결과 24시간에서 무처리에 비해 1.81% 정도 감모율이 적었으며, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 µL·L-1 농도별로 처리한 결과 2.0 µL·L-1 에서 무처리에 비해 1.59% 정도 감모율이 적었다. 2, 경도는 시간별로 처리한 결과 24시간처리에서 42일경 무처리구에 비해 1.47N 정도 높았고 처리구간 유의하게 경도가 유지되었고, 농도별로 처리한 결과 무처리구에 비해 완만한 감소를 보였으며 처리구간 유의하게 경도를 유지했으며 2.0 µL·L-1 농도처리에서 가장 높게 경도가 유지 되었다. 3. 산도는 시간별로 처리한 결과 35일경에 처리구 모두 급격한 산도 감소를 보였으며 42일 후에 16, 24시간 처리에서 유의하게 산도가 유지되었으며, 농도별로 처리한 결과 또한 저장 후 35일경 까지는 1.0, 2.0 µL·L-1 농도처리에서 유의하게 산도가 유지되었으나 42일경에 절반가량의 감소를 보이며 처리구 모두 약 50% 정도 산도가 낮아지고 유의적 차이는 없었다. 4. 당도는 시간별, 농도별 처리한 결과 무처리구와 처리구 모두 일정한 경향 없이 당도가 감소하며 처리구간 유의차는 명확하지 않았다. 5. 색도(Hunter color ‘a value') 에서는 시간별, 농도별 처리가 색도변화를 억제시키지 못하였고, 처리구의 값이 무처리구에 비해 더 감소하였다. 6. ‘감홍’ 사과에 있어서 ethylene 발생량과 호흡량에 대한 효과는 탁월하였는데 저장 후 14일경에 무처리구에서 ethylene 발생량이 급격히 상승하며 전형적인 climacteric형 과실 패턴을 보였으나 처리구는 실험 종료시까지 유의하게 에틸렌 발생량이 억제되었으며, 호흡량에서도 처리구는 완만한 증가를 보이며 무처리구에 비해 억제되는 경향을 보였지만 무처리구는 21일경 호흡급등을 보였다. 7. ‘감홍’ 사과의 부패과 발생율은 특이한 경향을 나타내었는데 저장 후 21일 경에 나타나기 시작한 부패과는 1-MCP처리구가 무처리구에 비하여 부패과 발생율이 더 높고 심하였다. 8. ‘감홍’ 사과에서 중량, 경도, 산도유지 및 ethylene 발생량과 호흡량 억제에서 효과적인 1-MCP의 처리농도는 1 µL·L-1 농도 16시간 이상이면 사과의 장기보존 및 품질유지에 효과적이라 판단되어졌다.
Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene on the Storability of ‘Gamhong’ Apple Se-Young , Park Department of Horticulture Graduate, Kong Ju National University Kong Ju, Korea Supervised by Professor Jae-Hoon, Jung, To preserve the quality and the storage capacity to improve one of the main fruit tree of our c...
Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene on the Storability of ‘Gamhong’ Apple Se-Young , Park Department of Horticulture Graduate, Kong Ju National University Kong Ju, Korea Supervised by Professor Jae-Hoon, Jung, To preserve the quality and the storage capacity to improve one of the main fruit tree of our country, the apple during the distribution process. There is expanding its use throughout the world, which is 1-Methylcyclopropene(1-MCP) was developed for an appearance and action inhibitor for Ethylene. Also concerning the practical use of a series of experiments was conducted, include apple cultivar developed in the country 'Gam-Hong' was used, for 1-MCP, researched about the Functioning and the effectiveness, by each of those the treatment time and the concentration of treatment. The main results which can be summarized as follows. 1. The result of 'Gam-Hong' apples at 1-MCP 1.0 µL·L-1 concentration with treating at each 8, 16 and 24hours, Loosing Weight Rate was about 1.81 percent lower than untreated one in 24hours, also The result of that on 1-MCP treating at each 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 µL·L-1 concentrations, Loosing Weight Rate was about 1.59% lower than untreated one at 2.0 µL·L-1 concentration. 2. The result of treating hours of the flesh firmness, it was 1.47N higher than untreated section with 24hours by 42nd day also treated sections were effected that solidity was maintained, flesh firmness was slightly reduced in contrast untreated section and there was no effect but figures shew, it was the highest maintenance in 2.0 µL·L-1 concentration. 3. Titratable acidity was shown that it reduced dramatically in all sections by 35th day, after 42nd day acidity was effected that it kept each 16 and 24hours and it was maintained at 1.0 µL·L-1 concentration, effectively from after stored to 35th day; however, it was shown that reduced about half of them, not only there was no effect but all sections were about 50% low of the titratable acidity at the 42nd day. 4. Soluble solids contents, the result of the treating apples with hours and concentrations, both untreated and treated sections, Soluble solids contents of these was reduced without certain tendency and there was no clear clue about the effect between sections. 5. Concerning Hunter color‘a value', treatment of the hours and the concentration couldn't only inhibit changes of the color'a'value but also figures of the treated section reduced in contrast untreated one. 6. Its effect was excellent concerning respiration rate and generation rate of Ethylene in 'Gamhong' apple. the Ethylene generation rate rose, significantly and at the same time it shew a typical fruit pattern like climacteric form in untreated section on 14th day after storage, but treated section was inhibited that until the end of these experiments effectively. respiration rate also rose gradually and I saw the inhibition disposition in contrast untreated section; however, untreated one shew respiratory surge on 21st day. 7. It gave me a specific result that fruit decay generation of the 'Gamhong' apple, which after storage 21st day fruit decay appears both the 1-MCP treated section and the untreated section, but the treated section was much higher and more generation than other one. 8. An efficient treatment concentration of the 1-MCP which maintain weight, soluble solids contents, titratable acidity and also the inhibition of the respiration rate and the generation of the Ethylene in 'Gamhong' apple is found effective to long-term storage of the apple and maintain the quality at 1 µL·L-1 concentration with more than 16 hours.
Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene on the Storability of ‘Gamhong’ Apple Se-Young , Park Department of Horticulture Graduate, Kong Ju National University Kong Ju, Korea Supervised by Professor Jae-Hoon, Jung, To preserve the quality and the storage capacity to improve one of the main fruit tree of our country, the apple during the distribution process. There is expanding its use throughout the world, which is 1-Methylcyclopropene(1-MCP) was developed for an appearance and action inhibitor for Ethylene. Also concerning the practical use of a series of experiments was conducted, include apple cultivar developed in the country 'Gam-Hong' was used, for 1-MCP, researched about the Functioning and the effectiveness, by each of those the treatment time and the concentration of treatment. The main results which can be summarized as follows. 1. The result of 'Gam-Hong' apples at 1-MCP 1.0 µL·L-1 concentration with treating at each 8, 16 and 24hours, Loosing Weight Rate was about 1.81 percent lower than untreated one in 24hours, also The result of that on 1-MCP treating at each 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 µL·L-1 concentrations, Loosing Weight Rate was about 1.59% lower than untreated one at 2.0 µL·L-1 concentration. 2. The result of treating hours of the flesh firmness, it was 1.47N higher than untreated section with 24hours by 42nd day also treated sections were effected that solidity was maintained, flesh firmness was slightly reduced in contrast untreated section and there was no effect but figures shew, it was the highest maintenance in 2.0 µL·L-1 concentration. 3. Titratable acidity was shown that it reduced dramatically in all sections by 35th day, after 42nd day acidity was effected that it kept each 16 and 24hours and it was maintained at 1.0 µL·L-1 concentration, effectively from after stored to 35th day; however, it was shown that reduced about half of them, not only there was no effect but all sections were about 50% low of the titratable acidity at the 42nd day. 4. Soluble solids contents, the result of the treating apples with hours and concentrations, both untreated and treated sections, Soluble solids contents of these was reduced without certain tendency and there was no clear clue about the effect between sections. 5. Concerning Hunter color‘a value', treatment of the hours and the concentration couldn't only inhibit changes of the color'a'value but also figures of the treated section reduced in contrast untreated one. 6. Its effect was excellent concerning respiration rate and generation rate of Ethylene in 'Gamhong' apple. the Ethylene generation rate rose, significantly and at the same time it shew a typical fruit pattern like climacteric form in untreated section on 14th day after storage, but treated section was inhibited that until the end of these experiments effectively. respiration rate also rose gradually and I saw the inhibition disposition in contrast untreated section; however, untreated one shew respiratory surge on 21st day. 7. It gave me a specific result that fruit decay generation of the 'Gamhong' apple, which after storage 21st day fruit decay appears both the 1-MCP treated section and the untreated section, but the treated section was much higher and more generation than other one. 8. An efficient treatment concentration of the 1-MCP which maintain weight, soluble solids contents, titratable acidity and also the inhibition of the respiration rate and the generation of the Ethylene in 'Gamhong' apple is found effective to long-term storage of the apple and maintain the quality at 1 µL·L-1 concentration with more than 16 hours.
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