[학위논문]茶飮 常用을 위한 藥材 적용에 관한 연구 : 『東醫寶鑑』의 精·氣·神門을 중심으로 A Study on the application of medicinal herbs for the common use of medicinal teas : Based on Essence, Qi and Spirit of『Dongyibogam』원문보기
본 논문은 현대인을 위한 代用茶로 茶飮을 常用하는데 있어서, 무분별하고 근거 없는 藥材 사용으로 인한 부작용을 예방하기 위해 치료의 목적에 필요한 약재를 적용하는 방법을 연구한 새로운 시도이다.
이러한 시도는 현대인의 성생활, 운동 부족, 스트레스, 정신질환으로 인한 질병에 문헌적 근거가 있는 茶飮 을 상용할 수 있도록 제시하기 위한 것으로, 『東醫寶鑑』에서 道家의 精·氣·神이 의학적으로 수용된 것과 茶飮 을 결부시켜 精·氣·神의 조화와 안정을 찾고, 나아가 질병의 예방을 통해 養生을 실천하고자 함이다.
茶飮에 적용 가능한 약재를 찾기 위해 『東醫寶鑑』 精·氣·神門의 單方에 나타난 약재를 중심으로 하였고, 治方에 나타난 약재에 대해서도 출현빈도를 조사하여 빈도가 높은 약재의 性, 味, ...
본 논문은 현대인을 위한 代用茶로 茶飮을 常用하는데 있어서, 무분별하고 근거 없는 藥材 사용으로 인한 부작용을 예방하기 위해 치료의 목적에 필요한 약재를 적용하는 방법을 연구한 새로운 시도이다.
이러한 시도는 현대인의 성생활, 운동 부족, 스트레스, 정신질환으로 인한 질병에 문헌적 근거가 있는 茶飮 을 상용할 수 있도록 제시하기 위한 것으로, 『東醫寶鑑』에서 道家의 精·氣·神이 의학적으로 수용된 것과 茶飮 을 결부시켜 精·氣·神의 조화와 안정을 찾고, 나아가 질병의 예방을 통해 養生을 실천하고자 함이다.
茶飮에 적용 가능한 약재를 찾기 위해 『東醫寶鑑』 精·氣·神門의 單方에 나타난 약재를 중심으로 하였고, 治方에 나타난 약재에 대해서도 출현빈도를 조사하여 빈도가 높은 약재의 性, 味, 歸經 과 효능을 통해 精·氣·神과의 연관성을 연구해 보았다. 그리고 고전 약선 문헌 에서 단방 약재가 적용된 茶飮을 찾아 효능과 主治를 정리하였다.
茶飮 의 효능에 따라 분류한 결과 生津滋陰, 補益腎氣, 補肝腎, 益氣生津, 補肺腎, 補氣, 理氣·下氣·行氣, 解鬱, 溫中散寒, 發汗·解表, 養心·安神의 총 10개 항목으로 분류되었다. 茶飮의 효능에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것은 약재 자체의 性, 味, 歸經과 효능이며, 약재의 적용과 배합에 따라서 조금씩 다른 효능이 나타나는 것을 알 수 있다. 약재의 배합이 동일한 경우에는 배합비율에 따라서도 효능의 輕重이 구분되며, 약재가 다르지만 효능이 비슷한 경우에는 主治證이 다르게 나타나기도 하였다. 그러나 가장 큰 특징은 精·氣·神의 상호 연관에 따라 효능과 주치 역시 상호 연관되어 나타난다는 것이다. 그리고 원료의 배합과 주치 증 에 따라 茶飮의 製法, 음용 법, 음용 량 등도 조금씩 다르게 나타난다.
본 논문에서 약재 적용에 관한 연구는 精·氣·神의 조화와 안정에 효능을 나타내는 茶飮을 상용하기 위한 것으로, 茶飮의 효능에 필요한 약재를 가감하는 기초자료로 사용되고, 茶飮 상용에 있어서 문헌적인 근거를 제시하여 보다 안전하고 효과적인 상용이 확산될 것으로 思料된다.
본 논문은 현대인을 위한 代用茶로 茶飮을 常用하는데 있어서, 무분별하고 근거 없는 藥材 사용으로 인한 부작용을 예방하기 위해 치료의 목적에 필요한 약재를 적용하는 방법을 연구한 새로운 시도이다.
이러한 시도는 현대인의 성생활, 운동 부족, 스트레스, 정신질환으로 인한 질병에 문헌적 근거가 있는 茶飮 을 상용할 수 있도록 제시하기 위한 것으로, 『東醫寶鑑』에서 道家의 精·氣·神이 의학적으로 수용된 것과 茶飮 을 결부시켜 精·氣·神의 조화와 안정을 찾고, 나아가 질병의 예방을 통해 養生을 실천하고자 함이다.
茶飮에 적용 가능한 약재를 찾기 위해 『東醫寶鑑』 精·氣·神門의 單方에 나타난 약재를 중심으로 하였고, 治方에 나타난 약재에 대해서도 출현빈도를 조사하여 빈도가 높은 약재의 性, 味, 歸經 과 효능을 통해 精·氣·神과의 연관성을 연구해 보았다. 그리고 고전 약선 문헌 에서 단방 약재가 적용된 茶飮을 찾아 효능과 主治를 정리하였다.
茶飮 의 효능에 따라 분류한 결과 生津滋陰, 補益腎氣, 補肝腎, 益氣生津, 補肺腎, 補氣, 理氣·下氣·行氣, 解鬱, 溫中散寒, 發汗·解表, 養心·安神의 총 10개 항목으로 분류되었다. 茶飮의 효능에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것은 약재 자체의 性, 味, 歸經과 효능이며, 약재의 적용과 배합에 따라서 조금씩 다른 효능이 나타나는 것을 알 수 있다. 약재의 배합이 동일한 경우에는 배합비율에 따라서도 효능의 輕重이 구분되며, 약재가 다르지만 효능이 비슷한 경우에는 主治證이 다르게 나타나기도 하였다. 그러나 가장 큰 특징은 精·氣·神의 상호 연관에 따라 효능과 주치 역시 상호 연관되어 나타난다는 것이다. 그리고 원료의 배합과 주치 증 에 따라 茶飮의 製法, 음용 법, 음용 량 등도 조금씩 다르게 나타난다.
본 논문에서 약재 적용에 관한 연구는 精·氣·神의 조화와 안정에 효능을 나타내는 茶飮을 상용하기 위한 것으로, 茶飮의 효능에 필요한 약재를 가감하는 기초자료로 사용되고, 茶飮 상용에 있어서 문헌적인 근거를 제시하여 보다 안전하고 효과적인 상용이 확산될 것으로 思料된다.
This study is a new trial in researching how to apply medicinal herbs that suit therapeutic purposes in order to prevent side effects that may be caused by unfounded and indiscriminate use of ingredients when medicinal teas are commonly used.
The purpose of commonly using of medicinal teas is to pr...
This study is a new trial in researching how to apply medicinal herbs that suit therapeutic purposes in order to prevent side effects that may be caused by unfounded and indiscriminate use of ingredients when medicinal teas are commonly used.
The purpose of commonly using of medicinal teas is to provide medicinal teas that are based on literature for diseases related to sexual life, lack of exercise and stress, thus regaining balance and stability of the essence, qi and spirit, and nurturing life through the prevention of diseases by combining medicinal teas with the essence, qi and spirit cherished in Daoism as『Dongyibogam』accepts medicinally.
To find applicable ingredients for medicinal teas, medicinal herbs that appeared in the Essence, Qi and Spirit sections of『Dongyibogam』were grouped and their frequencies were counted. The frequently appearing ingredients were studied for relationship with the essence, qi and spirit based on their qi, taste, meridian tropism and efficacies. Medicinal teas for which those medicinal herbs were used were identified in medicated diet literature, and their efficacies and main symptoms to be cured were organized.
In the Essence, there frequently appear neutral, warm and sweet medicinal herbs that have meridian tropism effects on the kidney and bladder, tonify yang and have securing and astringing effects. These herbs are commonly used in medicinal teas, which are related to the essence, that are efficacious in engendering fluids, nourishing yin, tonifying and replenishing the kidney qi, tonifying the liver and kidney, replenishing the qi, and tonifying the lung and kidney.
In the Qi, it is found that there frequently appear sweet and sour medicinal herbs that have meridian tropism on the spleen and stomach, and are efficacious in regulating and tonifying the qi. These herbs are commonly used in medicinal teas that are related to the qi and that are efficacious in tonifying and replenishing the kidney qi, tonifying the liver and kidney, replenishing the qi, engendering the fluid, tonifying the lung and kidney, tonifying the qi, regulating the qi•promoting the qi•moving the qi, releasing the depression, warming the middle, dissipating the cold, promoting the sweating and releasing the exterior.
In the Spirit, it is found that there frequently appear warm and sweet medicinal herbs that have meridian tropism effects on the spleen and stomach, tonify the qi and release fever. These herbs are frequently used for medicinal teas that are related to the spirit and that are efficacious in warming the qi, engendering the fluid, tonifying the qi, nourishing the heart and tranquilizing.
As a result, there are a lots of medicinal teas that have efficacies related to the essence, qi and spirit and these efficacies are grouped into ten categories; engendering the fluid and nourishing yin, tonifying and replenishing the kidney qi, tonifying the liver and kidney, replenishing the qi and engendering the fluid, tonifying the lung and kidney, tonifying the qi, regulating the qi•promoting the qi•moving the qi, releasing the depression, warming the middle and dissipating the cold, promoting the sweating and releasing the exterior, and nourishing the heart and tranquilizing. These efficacies of medicinal teas seem to have something to do with the qi, taste, meridian tropism and efficacies of ingredients. The most influential factor on the efficacy of medicinal teas is medicinal herbs and it turns out that the application and mixture of herbs produce different efficacies. When medicinal teas are made up of the same ingredients, the mixing ratios determine the level of efficacy. If medicinal teas are made up of different herbs but with the similar efficacies, they have different major symptoms to be cured. However, the biggest difference is that the relationship among the essence, qi and spirit results in relationships between efficacies and the symptoms to be cured. Also, different makeup ratios with other ingredients produce different efficacies and the combination of ingredients and major symptoms to be cured result in changes in making methods, how to drink and how much to take.
This study on the application of medicinal herbs for medicinal teas is intended to use commonly medicinal teas that are efficacious in harmonizing and stabilizing the essence, qi and spirit. To create efficacies of medicinal teas, this study will provide basic data for adding or eliminating herbs and literature basis for common use of medicinal teas, thus promoting stable and effective use.
This study is a new trial in researching how to apply medicinal herbs that suit therapeutic purposes in order to prevent side effects that may be caused by unfounded and indiscriminate use of ingredients when medicinal teas are commonly used.
The purpose of commonly using of medicinal teas is to provide medicinal teas that are based on literature for diseases related to sexual life, lack of exercise and stress, thus regaining balance and stability of the essence, qi and spirit, and nurturing life through the prevention of diseases by combining medicinal teas with the essence, qi and spirit cherished in Daoism as『Dongyibogam』accepts medicinally.
To find applicable ingredients for medicinal teas, medicinal herbs that appeared in the Essence, Qi and Spirit sections of『Dongyibogam』were grouped and their frequencies were counted. The frequently appearing ingredients were studied for relationship with the essence, qi and spirit based on their qi, taste, meridian tropism and efficacies. Medicinal teas for which those medicinal herbs were used were identified in medicated diet literature, and their efficacies and main symptoms to be cured were organized.
In the Essence, there frequently appear neutral, warm and sweet medicinal herbs that have meridian tropism effects on the kidney and bladder, tonify yang and have securing and astringing effects. These herbs are commonly used in medicinal teas, which are related to the essence, that are efficacious in engendering fluids, nourishing yin, tonifying and replenishing the kidney qi, tonifying the liver and kidney, replenishing the qi, and tonifying the lung and kidney.
In the Qi, it is found that there frequently appear sweet and sour medicinal herbs that have meridian tropism on the spleen and stomach, and are efficacious in regulating and tonifying the qi. These herbs are commonly used in medicinal teas that are related to the qi and that are efficacious in tonifying and replenishing the kidney qi, tonifying the liver and kidney, replenishing the qi, engendering the fluid, tonifying the lung and kidney, tonifying the qi, regulating the qi•promoting the qi•moving the qi, releasing the depression, warming the middle, dissipating the cold, promoting the sweating and releasing the exterior.
In the Spirit, it is found that there frequently appear warm and sweet medicinal herbs that have meridian tropism effects on the spleen and stomach, tonify the qi and release fever. These herbs are frequently used for medicinal teas that are related to the spirit and that are efficacious in warming the qi, engendering the fluid, tonifying the qi, nourishing the heart and tranquilizing.
As a result, there are a lots of medicinal teas that have efficacies related to the essence, qi and spirit and these efficacies are grouped into ten categories; engendering the fluid and nourishing yin, tonifying and replenishing the kidney qi, tonifying the liver and kidney, replenishing the qi and engendering the fluid, tonifying the lung and kidney, tonifying the qi, regulating the qi•promoting the qi•moving the qi, releasing the depression, warming the middle and dissipating the cold, promoting the sweating and releasing the exterior, and nourishing the heart and tranquilizing. These efficacies of medicinal teas seem to have something to do with the qi, taste, meridian tropism and efficacies of ingredients. The most influential factor on the efficacy of medicinal teas is medicinal herbs and it turns out that the application and mixture of herbs produce different efficacies. When medicinal teas are made up of the same ingredients, the mixing ratios determine the level of efficacy. If medicinal teas are made up of different herbs but with the similar efficacies, they have different major symptoms to be cured. However, the biggest difference is that the relationship among the essence, qi and spirit results in relationships between efficacies and the symptoms to be cured. Also, different makeup ratios with other ingredients produce different efficacies and the combination of ingredients and major symptoms to be cured result in changes in making methods, how to drink and how much to take.
This study on the application of medicinal herbs for medicinal teas is intended to use commonly medicinal teas that are efficacious in harmonizing and stabilizing the essence, qi and spirit. To create efficacies of medicinal teas, this study will provide basic data for adding or eliminating herbs and literature basis for common use of medicinal teas, thus promoting stable and effective use.
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