21세기는 4차 산업의 발전과 디지털 및 인공지능의 발달로 인해 대면하지 않아도 생활이 가능한 언택트 시대로 변모하고 있다. 더욱이 새로운 바이러스 코로나19의 등장은 이전의 삶을 뒤바꿔 버렸고 재택근무, 온라인 수업 등 비대면으로 일상이 가능한 시대를 빠르게 열도록 만들었다. 언택트 시대로 인해 가족 구성원들이 가정에서 보내는 시간이 늘어나면서 가정은 많은 갈등과 충돌, 가정폭력 등 심각한 문제에 직면하고 있다. 기독교계에도 언택트의 상황은 교계 전체를 향한 새로운 도전으로 다가왔다. 코로나19의 ...
국문초록 및 주제어
21세기는 4차 산업의 발전과 디지털 및 인공지능의 발달로 인해 대면하지 않아도 생활이 가능한 언택트 시대로 변모하고 있다. 더욱이 새로운 바이러스 코로나19의 등장은 이전의 삶을 뒤바꿔 버렸고 재택근무, 온라인 수업 등 비대면으로 일상이 가능한 시대를 빠르게 열도록 만들었다. 언택트 시대로 인해 가족 구성원들이 가정에서 보내는 시간이 늘어나면서 가정은 많은 갈등과 충돌, 가정폭력 등 심각한 문제에 직면하고 있다. 기독교계에도 언택트의 상황은 교계 전체를 향한 새로운 도전으로 다가왔다. 코로나19의 팬데믹 현상은 현장 주일예배를 드리지 못하게 만들었고 온라인 예배라는 새로운 형식의 예배와 온라인 교인을 양성하게 만들었다. 기독교교육의 장(場)을 가정, 학교, 교회, 사회, 미디어(온라인)로 나누어본다면 언택트 시대 기독교교육의 장은 ‘가정’으로 집중되기 시작하였다. 이전에 기독교교육을 교회와 학교에 위탁하던 부모들은 새로운 교육의 주체가 되어 부모와 교사의 역할을 함께 감당해나갈 것을 요청받고 있다. 본래 가정은 성서적, 신학적, 역사적 관점으로 볼 때 하나님이 창조하신 기초 공동체로서 교육의 중심역할을 요청받아 왔다. 언택트 시대에 가정은 본래적 신앙교육의 사명을 다시금 회복해야 하며 성서적, 신앙적 특징이자 언택트 시대를 극복할 수 있는 방식으로서 공유성을 지닌 가정교육, 초월적 변형이 일어나는 가정교육, 온전함과 통전성을 담지한 가정교육이 되도록 안내되어야 한다. 이러한 시대적 요청에 부응하는 기독교가정교육의 이론적 근거로서 토마스 그룸과 제임스 로더로부터 이끌어낸 ‘공유성’과 ‘변형성’을 기독교교육의 이론적 토대로 삼고자 한다. 그 위에 ‘공유성’과 ‘변형성’을 실천적으로 통합해내는 에니어그램 이론을 비판적으로 전유(critical appropriation)함으로써, ‘공유성’(Sharing), ‘변형성’(Transformation), ‘통전성’(Wholeness)에 기초한 ‘STW 기독교가정교육’을 언택트 시대를 위한 기독교가정교육의 대안적 모델로 제시하는 바이다. ‘STW 기독교가정교육’의 사상적 특징이 공유성, 변형성, 통전성으로 요약된다면, 그 실천적 특성은 가족 구성원이 서로의 삶을 공유하고 예배와 대화를 통해 꾸준히 신앙교육을 끊임없이 이어가며(STrike Warfare) 가정을 해체, 억압하는 시대적 현상과의 영적 전쟁(SpiriTual Warfare)을 수행함으로써 가정의 신앙을 다시 회복하고 나아가 세상을 다시 살리는(Save The World) 가정교육이 되도록 하는 것이다. 그 구체적 프로그램으로 일상교육(STW 가족나눔), 집중교육(STW 가족캠프, ‘십자가의 길), 그리고 전연령 교육(26가지 STW 전략 및 실천방안)을 제시함으로써 이론적 고찰과 함께 실천적 제시를 함으로써 논문을 마무리하고자 한다.
21세기는 4차 산업의 발전과 디지털 및 인공지능의 발달로 인해 대면하지 않아도 생활이 가능한 언택트 시대로 변모하고 있다. 더욱이 새로운 바이러스 코로나19의 등장은 이전의 삶을 뒤바꿔 버렸고 재택근무, 온라인 수업 등 비대면으로 일상이 가능한 시대를 빠르게 열도록 만들었다. 언택트 시대로 인해 가족 구성원들이 가정에서 보내는 시간이 늘어나면서 가정은 많은 갈등과 충돌, 가정폭력 등 심각한 문제에 직면하고 있다. 기독교계에도 언택트의 상황은 교계 전체를 향한 새로운 도전으로 다가왔다. 코로나19의 팬데믹 현상은 현장 주일예배를 드리지 못하게 만들었고 온라인 예배라는 새로운 형식의 예배와 온라인 교인을 양성하게 만들었다. 기독교교육의 장(場)을 가정, 학교, 교회, 사회, 미디어(온라인)로 나누어본다면 언택트 시대 기독교교육의 장은 ‘가정’으로 집중되기 시작하였다. 이전에 기독교교육을 교회와 학교에 위탁하던 부모들은 새로운 교육의 주체가 되어 부모와 교사의 역할을 함께 감당해나갈 것을 요청받고 있다. 본래 가정은 성서적, 신학적, 역사적 관점으로 볼 때 하나님이 창조하신 기초 공동체로서 교육의 중심역할을 요청받아 왔다. 언택트 시대에 가정은 본래적 신앙교육의 사명을 다시금 회복해야 하며 성서적, 신앙적 특징이자 언택트 시대를 극복할 수 있는 방식으로서 공유성을 지닌 가정교육, 초월적 변형이 일어나는 가정교육, 온전함과 통전성을 담지한 가정교육이 되도록 안내되어야 한다. 이러한 시대적 요청에 부응하는 기독교가정교육의 이론적 근거로서 토마스 그룸과 제임스 로더로부터 이끌어낸 ‘공유성’과 ‘변형성’을 기독교교육의 이론적 토대로 삼고자 한다. 그 위에 ‘공유성’과 ‘변형성’을 실천적으로 통합해내는 에니어그램 이론을 비판적으로 전유(critical appropriation)함으로써, ‘공유성’(Sharing), ‘변형성’(Transformation), ‘통전성’(Wholeness)에 기초한 ‘STW 기독교가정교육’을 언택트 시대를 위한 기독교가정교육의 대안적 모델로 제시하는 바이다. ‘STW 기독교가정교육’의 사상적 특징이 공유성, 변형성, 통전성으로 요약된다면, 그 실천적 특성은 가족 구성원이 서로의 삶을 공유하고 예배와 대화를 통해 꾸준히 신앙교육을 끊임없이 이어가며(STrike Warfare) 가정을 해체, 억압하는 시대적 현상과의 영적 전쟁(SpiriTual Warfare)을 수행함으로써 가정의 신앙을 다시 회복하고 나아가 세상을 다시 살리는(Save The World) 가정교육이 되도록 하는 것이다. 그 구체적 프로그램으로 일상교육(STW 가족나눔), 집중교육(STW 가족캠프, ‘십자가의 길), 그리고 전연령 교육(26가지 STW 전략 및 실천방안)을 제시함으로써 이론적 고찰과 함께 실천적 제시를 함으로써 논문을 마무리하고자 한다.
Abstract A Study on Christian Family Education in the21st Century Contactless Era: Focusing on the Family Education Model Based on Sharing, Transformation, and Wholeness. Shin, Kyung Min, Ph, D Dpt. of Christian Education Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
Abstract A Study on Christian Family Education in the21st Century Contactless Era: Focusing on the Family Education Model Based on Sharing, Transformation, and Wholeness. Shin, Kyung Min, Ph, D Dpt. of Christian Education Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
Global society in the 21st century is being geared toward the contactless era where people live without physical contact due to the 4th industrial revolution, digital and artificial intelligence. In addition, the emergence of COVID-19 has changed the lives of human beings, and the Pandemic has accelerated the process to be able to work-from-home and take online classes. Many families have experienced severe problems with conflicts, crashes, and violence among family members. One of the reasons is that they are spending more time at home than ever before. Even in the Christian world, the transition to contactless came as a new challenge for the entire religious world. The COVID-19 Pandemic has made it impossible to hold on-site Sunday worship and a new form of worship has emerged, i. e. "online worship" and "online church members." If the field of Christian education is divided into the home, school, church, society, and media, the department of Christian education in the contactless community began to focus on the "home." Parents who had previously entrusted Christian education to the church are now being asked to take on the roles of both parents and teachers thereby becoming the focus of this new education. Initially, the family has been invited to play a central role in education as the essential community created by God from a biblical, theological, and historical point of view. In the contactless community, families must restore their original Christian educational mission. And as a biblical characteristic and a way to overcome the contactless age, it should be guided to become a shared family education, with transcendent transformation, and with wholeness and integrity. "Sharing" and "Transformation" derived from Thomas Groom and James Loder are intended to be the theoretical basis of Christian education that responds to the demands of the times. In addition, I will critically appropriate the Enneagram theory that integrates "Sharing" and "Transformation" into practice. "STW Christian family Education" based on Sharing, Transformation, and Wholeness will be presented as an alternative model of Christian family education for the contactless era. Suppose the distinguishing characteristic of STW Christian family education is summarized as Sharing and Wholeness. In that case, its practical aspect is that family members share their lives and continue religious education continuously through worship and dialogue (Strike Warfare). By carrying out Spiritual Warfare against the oppressive phenomena of the times, the goal is to restore the family's faith and make it a family education that saves the world. Specific programs include daily education (STW family sharing), intensive education (STW family camp, 'The Way of the Cross'), and Education for all ages (26 STW strategies and action plans) by presenting theoretical reflections and practical presentations which will conclude my thesis. As the theoretical basis of Christian family education that responds to the demands of the times, "Sharing" and "Transformation" derived from Thomas Groom and James Loder are intended to be the theoretical basis of Christian education. In addition, I will critically appropriate the Enneagram theory that integrates "Sharing" and "Transformation" into practice. "STW Christian Family Education" based on Sharing, Transformation, and Wholeness will be presented as an alternative model of Christian family education for the non-face-to-face era. If the distinguishing characteristics of STW Christian family education are summarized as Sharing, Transformation and Wholeness, its practical characteristic is that family members share their lives with each other and continue religious education through worship and dialogue (STrike Warfare). Also, by carrying out spiritual warfare against the oppressive phenomena of the times which is dismantling the family, it seeks to restore the faith of the family and make it a family education that saves the world (Save The World). As for specific programs, daily education (STW family sharing), intensive education (STW family camp, Way of the Cross), and Education for all ages (26 STW strategies and action plans) will be presented. And finally, I will complete the thesis inquiry by providing a practical presentation along with theoretical reflection.
Keywords: The Contactless Period, Family Education, Christian Family Education Model, Sharing, Transformation, Wholeness
Abstract A Study on Christian Family Education in the21st Century Contactless Era: Focusing on the Family Education Model Based on Sharing, Transformation, and Wholeness. Shin, Kyung Min, Ph, D Dpt. of Christian Education Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
Global society in the 21st century is being geared toward the contactless era where people live without physical contact due to the 4th industrial revolution, digital and artificial intelligence. In addition, the emergence of COVID-19 has changed the lives of human beings, and the Pandemic has accelerated the process to be able to work-from-home and take online classes. Many families have experienced severe problems with conflicts, crashes, and violence among family members. One of the reasons is that they are spending more time at home than ever before. Even in the Christian world, the transition to contactless came as a new challenge for the entire religious world. The COVID-19 Pandemic has made it impossible to hold on-site Sunday worship and a new form of worship has emerged, i. e. "online worship" and "online church members." If the field of Christian education is divided into the home, school, church, society, and media, the department of Christian education in the contactless community began to focus on the "home." Parents who had previously entrusted Christian education to the church are now being asked to take on the roles of both parents and teachers thereby becoming the focus of this new education. Initially, the family has been invited to play a central role in education as the essential community created by God from a biblical, theological, and historical point of view. In the contactless community, families must restore their original Christian educational mission. And as a biblical characteristic and a way to overcome the contactless age, it should be guided to become a shared family education, with transcendent transformation, and with wholeness and integrity. "Sharing" and "Transformation" derived from Thomas Groom and James Loder are intended to be the theoretical basis of Christian education that responds to the demands of the times. In addition, I will critically appropriate the Enneagram theory that integrates "Sharing" and "Transformation" into practice. "STW Christian family Education" based on Sharing, Transformation, and Wholeness will be presented as an alternative model of Christian family education for the contactless era. Suppose the distinguishing characteristic of STW Christian family education is summarized as Sharing and Wholeness. In that case, its practical aspect is that family members share their lives and continue religious education continuously through worship and dialogue (Strike Warfare). By carrying out Spiritual Warfare against the oppressive phenomena of the times, the goal is to restore the family's faith and make it a family education that saves the world. Specific programs include daily education (STW family sharing), intensive education (STW family camp, 'The Way of the Cross'), and Education for all ages (26 STW strategies and action plans) by presenting theoretical reflections and practical presentations which will conclude my thesis. As the theoretical basis of Christian family education that responds to the demands of the times, "Sharing" and "Transformation" derived from Thomas Groom and James Loder are intended to be the theoretical basis of Christian education. In addition, I will critically appropriate the Enneagram theory that integrates "Sharing" and "Transformation" into practice. "STW Christian Family Education" based on Sharing, Transformation, and Wholeness will be presented as an alternative model of Christian family education for the non-face-to-face era. If the distinguishing characteristics of STW Christian family education are summarized as Sharing, Transformation and Wholeness, its practical characteristic is that family members share their lives with each other and continue religious education through worship and dialogue (STrike Warfare). Also, by carrying out spiritual warfare against the oppressive phenomena of the times which is dismantling the family, it seeks to restore the faith of the family and make it a family education that saves the world (Save The World). As for specific programs, daily education (STW family sharing), intensive education (STW family camp, Way of the Cross), and Education for all ages (26 STW strategies and action plans) will be presented. And finally, I will complete the thesis inquiry by providing a practical presentation along with theoretical reflection.
Keywords: The Contactless Period, Family Education, Christian Family Education Model, Sharing, Transformation, Wholeness
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