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고등급 표면(High Grade Surface) 골육종 - 증례 보고 -
High Grade Surface Osteosarcoma - Case Report - 원문보기

대한골관절종양학회지 = The Journal of the Korean Bone and Joint Tumor Society, v.8 no.1, 2002년, pp.32 - 37  

이봉진 (제주 한라병원 정형외과) ,  이성락 (제주 한라병원 정형외과) ,  유태열 (제주 한라병원 정형외과) ,  엄기성 (제주 한라병원 혈액종양내과) ,  하창원 (제주 한라병원 해부병리과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

고등급 표면(high grade surface) 골육종은 골의 표면에서 발생하는 골육종의 희귀한 아형으로, 발생빈도는 전체 골육종의 1%에 못 미친다고 한다. 몇 편의 증례 보고와 연구 논문에서 이 고등급 표면 골육종을 소개하였는데, 국내의 경우 127예의 골육종 중 1예가 고등급 표면 골육종이었음을 기술한 논문이 있으나, 환자 및 진단과 치료에 대한 정보가 포함되어 있지 않았다. 저자들은 66세 여자 환자의 대퇴골 전자하부에서 발생한 고등급 표면 골육종 1예를 진단하고, 수술 전 항암 화학 요법, 광범위 절제술과 사지 구제술 및 수술 후 항암 화학 요법을 시행하였다. 이 종양은 위치만 골 표면에서 발생할 뿐 조직학적으로 전형적인 골수강내 골육종과 같으며, 다른 표면 골육종과는 달리 치료나 예후에 있어 전형적인 골수강 내 골육종과 같기 때문에, 진단과 치료에 있어 방골성 골육종이나 골막성 골육종 등의 표면 골육종과 구별하여야 할 것으로 생각한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

High grade surface osteosarcoma is the most rare subtype of osteosarcoma arising on the surface of bone, accounting for less than 1% of the total number of osteosarcomas. Only a few case reports and studies have been reported in the world. In Korea, only one case out of 127 osteosarcomas has been de...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • The diagnosis of primary high grade surface osteosarcoma was made on an incisional biopsy of the lesion. Neoadjuvant chemotheraphy was performed by T-20 treatment regimen for osteosarcoma (high dose methotrexate(12 gm/m²), ifosfamide/bleomycin, adriamycin, cisplatin/doxorubicin : Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York) during preoperative 6 months period. The surgery was composed of wide resection of the tumor and limb-salvage operation with tumor prosthesis(HMRS system, Howmedica, U.
  • 2). The diagnosis of primary high grade surface osteosarcoma was made on an incisional biopsy of the lesion. Neoadjuvant chemotheraphy was performed by T-20 treatment regimen for osteosarcoma (high dose methotrexate(12 gm/m²), ifosfamide/bleomycin, adriamycin, cisplatin/doxorubicin : Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York) during preoperative 6 months period.
  • Neoadjuvant chemotheraphy was performed by T-20 treatment regimen for osteosarcoma (high dose methotrexate(12 gm/m²), ifosfamide/bleomycin, adriamycin, cisplatin/doxorubicin : Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York) during preoperative 6 months period. The surgery was composed of wide resection of the tumor and limb-salvage operation with tumor prosthesis(HMRS system, Howmedica, U.S.A.) (Fig. 4). Adjuvant chemotheraphy was performed with the same regimen.

대상 데이터

  • A 66-year-old female with a 4 months history of right hip and thigh pain was pre-sented to our hospital. Physical examination demonstrated swelling and a tender mass on palpation in the medial side of the thigh.
  • The most frequent location of high grade surface osteosarcoma is mid-femur, in contrast to tibial proximal metaphysis in periosteal osteosarcoma and distal femoral metaphysis in parosteal osteosarcoma6). The significance of the current case is that the patient was a 66-year-old female and the location was the subtrochanteric area.
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