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[국내논문] The Effects of a Home-Visiting Discharge Education on Maternal Self-esteem, Maternal Attachment, Postpartum Depression and Family Function in the Mothers of NICU Infants 원문보기

대한간호학회지= Journal of Korean academy of nursing, v.34 no.8, 2004년, pp.1468 - 1476  

Ahn Young-Mee (Department of Nursing, College of Medicine Inha University) ,  Kim Mi-Ran (Department of Nursing, College of Medicine Inha University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: A quasi-experimental study was performed to investigate the effects of a home visiting discharge education program on the maternal self-esteem, attachment, postpartum depression and family function in 35 mothers of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) infants. Methods: Twenty-three mothers i...


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문제 정의

  • Others who develop positive maternal self-esteem may well develop fine maternal attachment with good family function as social support, which reciprocally decreases postpartum depression. This study was conducted to examine the effects of an enhanced discharge education program, consisting of home visiting discharge education, on the maternal self-esteem, attachment, postpartum depression and family function in the mothers of NICU infants. .
  • In addition, their infants might still need careful monitoring and skillful hands for their routine care because the graduation from NICU carries no guarantee for problem-free health. All of these factors validate the administration of the home visiting discharge education such as proposed in this study for the NICU graduates and their family.
  • In this study, a program of home visiting discharge education was developed with these considerations and delivered within the first week of NICU discharge. The study result shows that the home visiting discharge education had a positive effect on maternal role adaptation process and family function.
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참고문헌 (26)

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