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[국내논문] Multivariate Analysis among Leaf/Smoke Components and Sensory Properties about Tobacco Leaves Blending Ratio 원문보기

한국연초학회지 = Journal of the Korean society of tobacco science, v.27 no.1 = no.53, 2005년, pp.141 - 152  

Lee Seung-Yong (KT&G Central Research Institute) ,  Lee Whan-Woo (KT&G Central Research Institute) ,  Lee Kyung-Ku (KT&G Central Research Institute) ,  Kim Young-Hoh (KT&G Central Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study focused on the relationships among leaf and smoke components and sensory properties following tobacco leaf blending. A completely randomized experimental design was used to evaluate components of leaf and smoke and sensory properties for sample cigarettes with four mixtures of flue cured ...


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문제 정의

  • , 2000) was showed that lactic acid; cresol and qiiinic acid have a significant correla­ tion to sriK)ke volume and irritation. This study was focused on the relationship within leaf, smoke components and sensory properties follow­ ing tobacco leaf blending. We got two points about this study.
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참고문헌 (19)

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  3. B&W (1992) Sensory irritation and thiol reactivity. FRC report 

  4. Bruckner. H. (1936) The chemical determination of tobacco quality. Die Biochem. des Tabaks. Paul Parey, Berlin. p. 296 300 

  5. Chemosensory Research (1990-1992) BATCo Fundamental Research Centre 

  6. Coulson. D. A. (1958) Tobacco Quality. Tobacco Workers Conference, Athens, GA 

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  8. Hwang, K.J., Rhee, M.S. and Rha, D.Y. (2000) Statistical approach for development of objective evaluation method on tobacco smoke. CORESTA Meeting 

  9. Honeycutt, R. H. (1986) Chemosensory Meeting. B&W documents 

  10. Kim, C.S. and Ahn, K.Y. (1995) Effect of Super Heated Steam Treatment on Physical Property and Smoke Component of Burley Cut Tobacco. KOSTAS 17(2): 139-148 

  11. Kim, C.S., Ahn, KY. and K.H. Kim (1995) Effect of Cigarette Design and Physical Variance on the Combustibility, Pressure Drop and Smoke Ingredient. KOSTAS 17(2): 170-176 

  12. Kim, J.O., Park, K.H. and Park, E.S. (1979) Correlation between Tobacco Leaf and Smoke Compositions. KOSTAS 1(2): 93-102 

  13. Lee, Y.T., Kim, Y.H., Shin, C.H. and Rhim, K.S. (1992) Effect of Adsorbent Pore Characteristics on the Removal Efficiency of Smoke Components. KOSTAS 14(1): 87-93 

  14. Na, H.H., Oh, S.Y., Choi, S.C. and S.I. Kim (1984) the Correlation of Cigarettes and Blended Components. KOSTAS 6(1): 51-62 

  15. Na, H.H., Han, S.B., Pok, J.Y., Lee, U.C., Baek, S.O., Chang, K.C. and Yang, K.K. (1994) Comparison of GC Profile on Tobacco Smoke Components. KOSTAS 16(2): 152-162 

  16. Oh, S.Y. and Hwang, K.J. (1983) Studies on Smoke Composition of Korean Tobacco Leaves 1. On the Non Volatile Phase. KOSTAS 5(2): 71-75 

  17. Park, T.M., Lee, Y.T., Kim, S.H. and Oh, Y.I. (1988) Studies on the Adsorbents for Cigarette Filter I. Effect of Pore Volume Distribution and Specific Area of Adsorbents on the Removal Efficiency of Smoke Components by Triple Filter. KOSTAS 10(1): 75-82 

  18. R.J.K. and M.J. Taylor (1997) the Opportunities for New Filters in the Developing Low Tar Markets. Filtrona International Ltd. KOSTAS Conference Proceeding p.79-90 

  19. Sun woo, Y.I. and Park, K.H. (1980) The Inhibition Effects of Butylated hydroxyanisole and Flavone on the Microsomal Activation of Cigarette Smoke Components in Rat. KOSTAS 2(2): 8-13 

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