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[국내논문] 아토피 어린이의 친환경 대체식품 개발을 위한 식품선호도 조사
Food Preference of Atopic Children in Incheon Area 원문보기

한국식품영양학회지 = The Korean journal of food and nutrition, v.18 no.3, 2005년, pp.279 - 285  

박희옥 (가천길대학 식품영양과) ,  조우균 (가천길대학 식품영양과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to get adequate substitute snacks for atopic dermatitis children. For this purpose food preference was surveyed by questionnaires to atopic dermatitis children in the kindergarten of Incheon area. As a result, anthropometric measurements were not significantly different...


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  • 따라서 특정 식품을 제한하여 발생할 수 있는 영유아기의 영 양문제점에 대해서는 앞으로도 지속적인 식품영양학적 연구가 필요한 것으로 보인다. 이에 본 연구는 아토피 피부염을 앓고 있는 어린이를 위한 간식 개발을 위해 아토피 어린이를 가진 부모를 대상으로 아토피를 위한 식품 선택 여부와 어린이와 부모들이 원하는 간식 선호도를 설문 조사하였다.
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참고문헌 (22)

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  4. Min, SH and Oh, HS. A Study of the care giver's perception on weaning foods in atopic dermatitis infants. Korean J. Food Culture 19:468-475. 2004 

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  6. Tay, YK, Kong, KH, Khoo, L, Goh, CL and Giam, YC. The prevalence and descriptive epidemiology of atopic dermatitis in singapore school children. Br. J. Dermatol. 146:101-106. 2002 

  7. Chung, SJ, Han, YS, Chung, SW, Ahn, KM, Park, HY, Lee, SI, Cho, YY and Choi, HM. Marasmus and Kwashiokor by nutritional ignorance related to vegetarian diet and infants with atopic dermatitis in south Korea. Korean J. Nutr. 37:540-49. 2004 

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  15. Zeiger, RS and Heiler, S. The development and prediction of atopy in high risk children: follow up at age seven years in a prospective randomized study of combined maternal and infant food allergen avoidance. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 95:1179-90. 1995 

  16. Jung, JA, Nam, SY, Han, YS, Park, YM, Lee, JS, Jeon, KH, Jeong, EH, Ahn, KM and Lee, SI. The sensitization rates to egg, milk, soy bean in children with atopic dermatitis and acute urticaria. J. Asthma Allergy Clin. Immunol.(Korean) 21:610-617. 2001 

  17. Lee, SI and Choi, HM. Nutrition for Infants and Children. 1st ed. Kyomunsa, Seoul. 2003 

  18. Mangels AR and Messina V. Considerations in planning vegan diets: infants. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 101: 670-677. 2001 

  19. 승정자, 홍원주, 김순경, 이현옥, 김애정, 최미경. 영양판정, p. 84. 청구문화사. 1999 

  20. Jung, BJ. 아토피성 천식에서 식품알레르기의 역할: 천식과 식품. Korean J. Ped. Allergy and Respiration Disease 7(Sl):s51-53. 1997 

  21. Son, DY, Yoon, KR and Lee, SI. Biological activity / nutrition : Study of the most common allergic foods in Korea. Korean J. Food Sci. 34:885-899. 2002 

  22. Shin, CY. A Study on the child rearing attitude, the stress and the coping ways of a mother having a child in pain of the atopic dermatitis. Master Thesis. Ewha Women's University. 2004 

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