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NTIS 바로가기한국식품저장유통학회지 = Korean journal of food preservation, v.12 no.5, 2005년, pp.424 - 431
정대성 (National Horticulture Research Institute, RDA) , 홍윤표 (National Horticulture Research Institute, RDA) , 최지원 (National Horticulture Research Institute, RDA) , 이정수 (National Horticulture Research Institute, RDA) , 이윤석 (Packaging Department, Yonsei University)
'Hongro' and 'Gamhong' apples grown at the Gochang-si in the southern part of Korea were harvested on September in 2002 for storage study. Each cultivar was divided into two groups of maturity based on the harvested date. Immature fruits were harvested 10 days early compared to fruits having proper ...
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