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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Different vegetation indices from satellite images have been used for monitoring drought damages, and this study aimed to develop a drought index using NOAA/AVHRR NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution of spring drought severity in North Kor...


참고문헌 (19)

  1. 국방일보, 1999, 극심한 가뭄으로 몸살앓는 북한, 국정홍보원, 1999년 7월 25 일 

  2. 기상연구소, 2002, 위성자료 처리기술(III), 기상연구소 연구보고서, pp.124 

  3. 김천, 박승환, 2003, Landsat TM 화상 자료를 이용한 시계열 식생건조지수 분석, 한국GIS학회 공동춘계학술대회 논문집, pp.163-169 

  4. 박은주. 2002, Landsat ETM+ 영상을 활용한 가뭄민감도 분석, 경희대학교 석사학위 논문 

  5. 박종화, 류경식, 2005, AVHRR영상과 분광반사 특성을 이용한 식생지수(NDVI)의 변동특성, 한국환경복원녹화기술학회지, 8(2), pp.33-40 

  6. 신사철, 어민선, 2004, 인공위성 영상 정보를 이용한 가뭄상황 및 징후분석, 한국방재학회논문집, 4(2), pp.61-69 

  7. 에너지경제연구원, 2002, 기후변화협익에 따른 대한민국 국가보고서 초안 작성, 기본연구보고서 0201, p.156 

  8. 한국환경정책평가연구원, 2001, 남북환경포럼, KEI 정책과제 연구보고서, p.93 

  9. Amoli, A. A. & M. Morabbi, 2004, Drought Monitoring in Iran by NOAA/AVHRR, UN/I.R. Iran Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Environmental Security, Disaster Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development, Tehran-Iran 

  10. Anyamba, A. & C. J. Tucker, 2005, Analysis of Sahelian vegetation dynamics using NOAA-AVHRR NDVI data from 1981-2003, Journal of Arid Environments, 63, pp.596-614 

  11. Ji, L. & A. J. Peters, 2003, Assessing vegetation response to drought in the northern Great Plains using vegetation and drought indices, Remote Sensing of Environment, 87, pp.85-98 

  12. Kogan, F.N., 1997, 'Global Drought Watch form Space', American Meteorological Society, available at http://orbit-net.nesdis.noaa.gov/crad/sat/surf/vci/ 

  13. Prasad, A. K., S. Sarkar, R. P. Singh & M. Kafatos, 2007, Inter-annual variability of vegetation cover and rainfall over india, Advances in Space Research, 39(1), pp.73-78 

  14. Unganai, L. S. & F. N. Kogan, 1998, Sourthern Africa's recent droughts from space, Advanced Space Research, 21(3), pp.507-511 

  15. WFP/FAO Joint Report, 2001, Severe Spring Droughts Aggravate North Korea's Food Crisis, available at http://www.wfp.org/newsroom/in_depth/north_korea_II.asp?section2&sub_section2 

  16. WFP/FAO, 2001, FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission to Demographic People's Republic of Korea 2001/July/27, FAO Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture World Food Programme 

  17. McVicar, T. R. & P. N. Bierwirth, 2001, Rapidly Assessing the 1997 Drought in Papua New Guinea Using Composite AVHRR Imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22, pp.2109-2128 

  18. Rouse, J. W, R. H. Haas, J. A. Schell, D. W. Deering & J. C. Harlan, 1974, Monitoring the Vernal Advancement of Retrogradation of Natural Vegetation, NASNGSFC, Type III, Final Report, Greenbelt, MD, pp.1-371. 

  19. Tadesse, T., J. F. Brown & M. J. Hayes, 2005, A new approach for predicting drought-related vegetation stress: Integrating satellite, climate, and biophysical data over the U.S. central plains, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 59, pp.244-253 

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