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[국내논문] 선박의 해수 이송 배관용 고무 마운트의 진동 전달률에 대한 파라미터 연구
Parametric Study of the Vibration Transmissibility for the Rubber Mount of the Seawater-Conveying Pipe in a Ship 원문보기

大韓造船學會 論文集 = Journal of the society of naval architects of korea, v.46 no.3, 2009년, pp.290 - 302  

한형석 (국방기술품질원 함정센터) ,  정의봉 (부산대학교 기계공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Pipe system widely used in a ship is usually attached to the hull of a ship, and its vibration lead to structure-borne noise. Rubber mount is usually used as a vibration isolator of a pipe in a ship. In this paper, the effects of several factors, besides the stiffness and damping of the rubber mount...


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제안 방법

  • But almost all researches have not severely considered these frequency ranges because they were treated as the isolation region in the transmissibility curve. Therefore, in this research, the evaluation method of the vibration-isolating ability of the rubber for the pipe system is suggested using frequency response function (accelerance) at the range of the high frequency. The parametric studies are performed experimentally in order to improve the vibrationisolating ability of the rubber with accelerance.
  • Because the rubber material is sensitive to the environmental conditions such as temperature and oils, they should be considered when the isolator is installed. In this research, neoprene (CR) is applied for the material of rubber mount to the seawater-conveying pipes, and the vibration-isolating performance of it is evaluated with the stiffness of the rubber mount and the frequency response function (accelerance).
  • In order to verify the effects of the hardness, rubber samples grading 45, 55 and 65 degree of shore “ A” hardness were manufactured with the same shape.
  • Assuming that the acceleration from the test is concentrated to the center of the pipe, the forced vibration analysis was performed. Fig.
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참고문헌 (7)

  1. Chung, J.H., Kim, B.H., Kwak, J.S., Jeong, J.A. and Lee, H.Y., 2004, 'An Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Rubber Mounts for Naval Shipboard Application,' Proceedings of the Annual Spring Meeting, SNAK, pp. 402-409 

  2. Cyril, M. and Harris, 1961, Shock and Vibration Handbook, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill 

  3. Department of Defense, 1986, MIL-S-740-2: Structure Borne Vibratory Acceleration Measurements and Acceptance Criteria of Shipboard Equipment, USA 

  4. Kim, W.D. and Kim, W.S., 2003, 'Estimation and Evaluation of the Mechanical Property for Vibration Isolating Rubber Material,' KSNVE, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 319-325 

  5. Korean Standard Association, 2001, KS-M- 6665: Testing Method of Dynamic Properties of rubber materials for vibration isolators, Korea 

  6. Korean Standard Association, 2006, KS-M- 6604: Testing Method for Rubber Vibration Isolator, Korea 

  7. Lee, G.S., Lee, S.Y. and Ryu, C.H., 1990, 'Test and Analysis for Dynamic Properties of Rubber Materials for Vibration Isolation (1),' KSNVE Autumn Conference, pp. 27-32 

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