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[국내논문] Character Analysis of Silkworm Strains Registered as Genetic Stocks in Korea 원문보기

International journal of industrial entomology, v.19 no.1, 2009년, pp.205 - 213  

Kang, Pil-Don (Department of Agricultural Biology, The National Academy of Agricultural Science) ,  Kim, Kee-Young (High-Technology Agriculture Division, Reseach Policy Bureau, Rural Development Administration) ,  Jung, I-Yoen (Department of Agricultural Biology, The National Academy of Agricultural Science) ,  Kim, Mi-Ja (Department of Agricultural Biology, The National Academy of Agricultural Science) ,  Jin, Byung-Rae (College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-A University) ,  Kim, Ik-Soo (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Chonnam National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In order for further systematic maintenance of silkworm stocks kept in Korea we analyzed character quality of a diverse array of silkworm strains originated from several sericulture-practicing countries. The analysis of about ten qualitative characters from 67 strains (13 of Japanese strains, 15 of ...


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제안 방법

  • The each instar' feeding with new leaves was done 3 times per day. The test implement was arrangemented with 150 head per each straims from 2nd day of 4th instar.
  • After mounting, the environmental conditions which are most important, that is, temperature and humidity were respectively kept with 22~24 and 60~70% in order to protect for 7 days.
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참고문헌 (23)

  1. Enokijima MY, Shimitz T, Shimizu F (1985) Racial specificity of several quantitative characters in the silkworm stocks (3) Relationship between the cocoon shape and some quantitative cocoon characters. Technical Bulletin of Sericultural Experiment Station 124, 35-45 

  2. Gamo T, Otsuka Y, Fujishima T, Hirobe T, Tazima Y (1985) Estimation of combining ability and genetic analysis by dialleled crosses between regional races of the silkworm. (1) Rearing performances and cocoon yields. Technical Bulletin of Sericultural Experiment Station 126, 93-120 

  3. Gamo T, Saito S, Otsuka Y, Hirobe T, Tazema Y (1985) Estimation of combining ability and genetic analysis by dialleled crosses between regional races of the silkworm. (2) Shape and size of cocoons. Technical Bulletin of Sericultural Experiment Station 126, 121-136 

  4. Hwang JS, Lee JS, Kang HA, Lee SM, Suh DS (1995) Analysis of genetic relationships among the silkworm, Bombyx mori, strains using RAPD-PCR. Korean J Genetics 17, 291-300 

  5. Hwang JS, Lee JS, Lee SM, Kang HA, Hwang SJ, Suh DS (1996) Fundamental study for RAPD-PCR analysis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Korean J Seric Sci 38, 7-12 

  6. Hwang JS, Lee JS, Goo TW, Kang HA, Sohn HR, Kim HR (1998) Analysis of molecular relationships between Bombyx mandarina and Bombyx mori using RAPD-markers. Korean J Life Sciences 8, 426-430 

  7. Inokuchi T, Ito T (1973) Variations in free amino acid composition of larval hemolymph among varieties of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. J Sericult Sci Jap 42, 105-116 

  8. Jung DS, Lee IJ, Lee SM, Kim SE (1989) Classification and Selection of breeding materials in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, by multivariate analysis. (1) Classification of the silkworm genetic stocks by principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Korean J Seri Sci 31, 102-112 

  9. Kim I, Bae JS, Sohn HD, Kang PD, Ryu KS, Sohn BH, Jeong WB, Jin BR (2000) Genetic homogeneity in the domestic silkworm, Bombyx mori, and phylogenetic relationship between B. mori and the wild silkworm moth, B. mandarina, using mitochondrial COI gene sequences. Int J Indust Entomol 1, 9-17 

  10. Kim KY, Lee EM, Hong MY, Kang PD, Ryu KS, Kim I (2007) Intronic sequences for the discrimination of silkworm strains in silkworm powder. Int J Indust Entomol 15, 93-100 

  11. Kim KY, Lee EM, Lee IH, Hong MY, Kang PD, Choi KH, Gui ZZ, Jin BR, Hwang JS, Ryu KS, Han YS, Kim I (2008) Intronic sequences of the silkworm strains of Bombyx mori (L.): High variability and potential for strain identification. Eur J Entomol 105, 73-80 

  12. Seong SI (1997) Genetic relationship of silkworm stocks in korea inferred from isozyme analyses. Korean J Seri Sci 39, 119-133 

  13. Shi J, Heckel DG, Goldsmith MR (1995) A genetic linkage map for the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Genet Res Cambridge 66, 109-126 

  14. Sohn BH, Kim HS, Kang PD, Lee SU, Seong SI (2002) Examination of genetic relationships of silkworm stocks in Korea by additive isozyme analysis. Int J Indust Entomol 5, 205-211 

  15. Shimizu S, Horiuchi Y, Shikata E (1964) Racial differences of the number of degenerative crochets found on the abdominal legs of the silkworm larva. J Seric Sci Jpn 33, 9-23 

  16. Yoshitake N (1963) On the esterase types in the mid-gut of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. J Seric Sci Jpn 32, 285-291 

  17. Yoshitake N (1964) Genetical studies on the alkaline-phosphatase in the mid-gut of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. J Seric Sci Jpn 33, 28-33 

  18. Yoshitake N (1968) Phylogenetic aspects on the origin of Japanese race of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. J Seric Sci Jpn 37, 83-87 

  19. Yoshitake N, Akiyama M (1965) Genetic aspects on the esterase activities of the egg in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. L. J Seric Sci Jpn 34, 327-332 

  20. Yoshitake N, Akiyama M (1965) Distribution of types of the blood acid-phosphatase in various strains of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. L J Seric Sci Jpn 34, 99-104 

  21. Yoshitake N, Eguchi M (1965) Distribution of the blood esterase types in various strains of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. L. J Seric Sci Jpn 34, 95-98 

  22. Yoshitake N, Eguchi M, Tsuchiya Y (1966) Distribution of the silkgland esterase type in various strains of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. L. J Seric Sci Jpn 35, 331-335 

  23. Zhi-Guo Liu, Kobayashi M, Yoshitake N (1984) Genetical studies on the heat-stable esterase in the mid-gut of the sikkworm, Bombyx mori. J Seric Sci Jpn 53, 432-435 

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