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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In vivo embryo produced from Hanwoo donor cows were collected and transferred to Hanwoo recipients. Cows, at random stages of the estrous cycle, received Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Device (CIDR-plus, InterAg, New Zealand) together with injection of 1 mg estradiol benzoate and 50 mg progeste...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

문제 정의

  • 상업적인 소 수정란이식 확대는 1970년 초기에 시작하였으며, 수정란이식은 체외수정란을 이용한 비외과적인 방법으로 시작되었다(Mapletoft 등, 2002). 따라서 본 연구는 한우의 다배란 처리로 생산된 소 수정란을 회수하여 이식 가능 수정란과 이식한 결과를 조사하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (14)

  1. 김용준, 송재웅, 서세현, 정구남, 김용수, 이해리, 손동수, 조성우, 김수희. 2004. 한우 및 젖소에서 과배란처리를 이용한 체내수정란 생산과 신선 및 동결 수정란이식결과. 한국수정란이식학회지 18:209-218. 

  2. Bellows RA, Staigmiller RB, Wilson JM, Phelps DA and Darling A. 1991. Use of bovine FSH for superovulation and embryo production in beef heifers. Theriogenology 35(6):1069-1082. 

  3. Boland MP, Goulding D and Roche JF. 1991. Alternative gonadotrophins for superovulation in cattle. Theriogenology 35(1):5-17. 

  4. Callesen H, Bak A and Greve T. 1994. Embryo recipients:Dairy cows or heifers. In: Proceedings 10th Meeting European Embryo Transfer Association. Lyon, pp. 125-135. 

  5. Callesen H, Liboriussen T and Greve T. 1996. Practical aspects of multiple of ovulation-embryo transfer in cattle. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 42:215-226. 

  6. Chagas e Silva J, Lopesda Costa L and Robalo Silva J. 2002. Plasma progesterone profiles and factors affecting embryofetal mortality following embryos transfer in dairy cattle. Theriogenology 58:51-59. 

  7. Christensen LG. 1991. Use of embryo transfer in future cattle breeding schemes. Theriogenology 35:141-149. 

  8. Son DS, Han MH, Choe CY, Choi SH, Cho SR, Kim HJ, Ruyl IS, Choi SB, Lee SS, Kim YK, Kim SK, Kim SH, Shin KH and Kim IH. 2006. Embryo production in superior Hanwoo donors and embryos transfer. Korean. J. Emb. Trans. 21(2):147-156. 

  9. Donaldson LE. 1984. Dose of FSH-P as a source of variation in embryo production from superovulated cows. Theriogenology 22(2):205-212. 

  10. Gordon I. 2003. Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos. Second Edition. 303-304. 

  11. Lerner SP, Thayne WV, Baker RD, Henschen T, Meredith S, Inskeep EK, Dailey RA, Lewis PE and Butcher RL. 1986. Age, dose of FSH and other factors affecting superovulation in Holstein cows. J. Anim. Sci. 63(1):176-183. 

  12. Lindner GM and Wright RW. 1983. Bovine embryo morphology and evaluation. Theriogenology 20:407-416. 

  13. Mapletoft RJ, Steward KB and Adams GP. 2002. Superovulation in perspective. In: Proceedings 18th Meeting European Embryo Transfer Association. Rolduc. 119-127. 

  14. 淺田正嗣, 橋谷田豊, 福田淳郞, 千葉治男, 佐タ木章彦, 木村博也, 鳥谷部浩康, 山口光明, 水尻貴裕, 久保光章, 西野智廣, 小西-之. 2004. 黑毛和種ドナ一牛のFSH投?量および父方の系統が過剩排卵成績におようばす影響. 北海道牛受精卵移植硏究會 會報 22:20-24. 

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