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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The failure of a Kevlar29/Phenolic composite plate under high-velocity impact from an fragment simulation projectile was investigated using the nonlinear explicit finite element code, LS-DYNA. The composite laminate and the impactor were idealized by solid elements, and the interface between the lam...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

가설 설정

  • 4. Definition of the interfacial contact.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (17)

  1. Hoof, J. V. (1999). Modeling of Impact Induced Delamination in Composite Materials. PhD Thesis, Carleton University. 

  2. Ji, K. H. and Kim, S. J. (2006). Direct numerical simulation of composite laminates under low velocity impact. Journal of the Korean Society for Composite Materials, 19, 1-8. 

  3. Jung, W. K., Ahn, S. H., Lee, W. I., Kim, H. J., and Kwon, J. W. (2006). Fracture mechanism of ceramic/glass-fiberreinforced-composite laminate by high velocity impact. Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering, 23, 170-176. 

  4. Kong, C. D., Kim, Y. K., and Lee, S. H. (2007). Comparative study on low-velocity impact behavior of graphite/epoxy composite laminate and steel plate. Journal of the Korean Society for Composite Materials, 20, 1-6. 

  5. Lee, B. W., Lee, S. H., Kim, S. G., Yoon, B. I., and Paik, J. G. (2008). A study on the low speed impact response and frictional characteristic of shear thickening fluid impregnated Kevlar fabrics. Journal of the Korean Society for Composite Materials, 21, 15-24. 

  6. Lee, B. L., Walsh, T. F., Won, S. T., Patts, H. M., Song, J. W., and Mayer, A. H. (2001). Penetration failure mechanisms of armor-grade fiber composites under impact. Journal of Composite Materials, 35, 1605-1633. 

  7. Liu, D. (2004). Characterization of impact properties and damage process of glass/epoxy composite laminates. Journal of Composite Materials, 38, 1425-1442. 

  8. Livermore Software Technology Corporation (2007). LSDYNA Keyword User Manual. Livermore, CA: Livermore Software Technology Corporation. 

  9. Livermore Software Technology Corporation (2006). LSDYNA Theory Manual. Livermore, CA: Livermore Software Technology Corporation. 

  10. Niu, M. (2005). Composite airframe structures. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Conmilit Press, Ltd. 

  11. Park, I. J., Jung, S. N., Kim, D. H., and Yun, C. Y. (2009). General purpose cross-section analysis program for composite rotor blades. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sicences, 10, 77-85. 

  12. Park, J. B., Kim, D. R., Kim, H. G., and Hwang, T. K. (2008). Evaluation of residual strength of CFRP pressure vessel after low velocity impact. Journal of the Korean Society for Composite Materials, 21, 9-17. 

  13. Schweizerhof, K., Weimar, K., Munz, T., and Rottner, T. (1998). Crashworthiness analysis with enhanced composite material in ls-dyna-material and limits. Proceedings of the 5th LS-DYNA World Conference, Southfield, MI. 

  14. Tabiei, A. and Chen, Q. (2001). Micromechanics based composite material model for crash worthiness explicit finite element simulation. Journal of Composite Materials, 14, 264-289. 

  15. Tabiei, A. and Ivanov, I. (2002). Computational micromechanical model of flexible woven fabric for finite element impact simulation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 53, 1259-1276. 

  16. Unosson, M. and Buzaud, E. (2000). Scalar and Vectorized User Defined Material Routine in LS-DYNA. Methodology Report. Tumba: FOA Defence Research Establishment. 

  17. Yen, C. F. (2002). Ballistic impact modeling of composite materials. Proceedings of the 7th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, MI. 

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