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Nuclear engineering and technology : an international journal of the Korean Nuclear Society, v.43 no.6, 2011년, pp.573 - 582  

Cho, Sung-Gook (JACE KOREA R&D Center) ,  Cui, Jintao (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kunsan National University) ,  Kim, Doo-Kie (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kunsan National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The in-cabinet response spectrum is used to define the input motion in the seismic qualification of instruments and devices mounted inside an electrical cabinet. This paper presents a procedure for generating the in-cabinet response spectrum for electrical equipment based on in-situ testing by an im...


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가설 설정

  • The ICRS prediction procedure used in this study is summarized in Fig. 1. This procedure starts from generating an artificial earthquake motion compatible with the target response spectrum. The artificial earthquake motion may be a time-history acceleration as shown in Fig.
  • The simulated and predicted earthquake responses at nodes 3 and 4 are compared in Fig. 17. The predicted response shows reasonable agreement with the measured response even with some differences in the time variation. The comparison of predicted and simulated mean ICRS shows good matches as shown in Fig.
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참고문헌 (16)

  1. IEEE Power Engineering, IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, IEEE Std 344-2004, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2005. 

  2. O'sullivan, J. J. and Djordjevic, W., Guidelines for Development of In-Cabinet Amplified Response Spectra for Electrical Benchboards and Panels, EPRI NP-7146- M, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo alto, CA, 1990. 

  3. Gupta, A., Rustogi, S. K., and Gupta, A. K., "Ritz vector approach for evaluating in-cabinet response spectra," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 190, 255- 272, 1999. 

  4. Gupta, A., and Yang, J., "Modified Ritz vector approach for dynamic properties of electrical cabinets and control panels," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 217, 49-62, 2002. 

  5. Yang, J., and Gupta, A., "INCABS: A Computer Program for Evaluating Incabinet Spectra," Transactions of SMiRT 16, Paper #2072, Washington DC, August 2001. 

  6. Rustogi, S., and Gupta, A., "Modeling the Dynamic Behavior of Electrical Cabinets and Control Panels: Experimental and Analytical Results," Journal of Structural Engineering, 130, No. 3, 511-519, 2004. 

  7. Koo, K. Y., Cho, S. G., Cui, J. and Kim, D., "Seismic response prediction for cabinets of nuclear power plants by using impact hammer test," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design 240, 2500-2511, 2010. DOI: 10.1016 /j.nucengdes.2010.05.008. 

  8. Soong, T. T., Active Structural Control: Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1990. 

  9. Overschee, P. van, and Moor, B. de, "N4SID: Subspace algorithms for the identification of combined deterministicstochastic systems," Automatica, 30, 75-93, 1994. 

  10. Overschee, P. van, and Moor, B. de, 1997, "Closed-loop subspace system identification," Proc. of the 36th Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1848-1853, 1997. 

  11. Kailath, T., Linear Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA, 1980. 

  12. Ljung, L., System Identification: Theory for the User, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, NJ 07458, USA, 1999. 

  13. Overschee, P. van, and Moor, B. de, Subspace Identification for Linear Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1996. 

  14. Overschee, P. van, and Moor, B. de, "A Unifying Theorem for Three Subspace System Identification Algorithms," Automatica, 31, 1853-1864, 1995. 

  15. MIDAS Civil 2006 Online Manual, MIDAS Information Technology Co., Ltd., Seoul, 2005. 

  16. Joe, Y. H., Park, H. G., and Cho, S. G., "Comparative Study of Analytical Modal Properties of Instrumentation Cabinet of Nuclear Power Plant," Proceedings of EESK Conference-Fall 1999, 3, Incheon, Korea, September 18, 1999 (in Korean). 

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