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[국내논문] 유아의 놀이 선호 유형과 또래유능성 및 또래수용도의 관계
The Relationship of Young Children's Play Preferences to Peer Competence and Peer Acceptance 원문보기

한국생활과학회지 = Korean journal of human ecology, v.20 no.3, 2011년, pp.611 - 623  

조경자 (호서대학교유아교육과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to investigate young children's play preferences through observation at their classrooms and to examine the relationship between children's play preferences and their peer competence and peer acceptance. The subjects were 55 four-year-old children from a kindergarten in...


참고문헌 (69)

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