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[국내논문] 10 kWh급 플라이휠 에너지 저장 시스템 설계 및 제작
Design and Construction of 10 kWh Class Flywheel Energy Storage System 원문보기

Progress in superconductivity, v.13 no.1, 2011년, pp.40 - 46  

정세용 (KEPCO Research Institute) ,  한상철 (KEPCO Research Institute) ,  한영희 (KEPCO Research Institute) ,  박병준 (KEPCO Research Institute) ,  배용채 (KEPCO Research Institute) ,  이욱륜 (KEPCO Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A superconductor flywheel energy storage system (SFES) is an electro-mechanical battery which transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy for storage, and vice versa. A 10 kWh class flywheel energy storage system (FESS) has been developed to evaluate the feasibility of a 35 kWh class SFES wi...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • A 10 kWh class flywheel energy storage system was designed and constructed. Each major component of the system, including the composite flywheel, the radial and thrust active magnetic dampers, and the motor/generator were designed, simulated, built, and tested separately before being assembled to the system.The 10 kWh class flywheel energy storage system is scheduled for test operation, and the results will be applied to the development of a 35 kWh class superconductor flywheel energy storage system.

대상 데이터

  • 1, was designed according to the general specifications of Table 1. The system is a vertical axis outer rotor type, with a composite flywheel levitated by a permanent magnetic bearing and two thrust active magnetic dampers (AMDs), and rotated by a motor/generator in the inner part of the flywheel, and vibrations during critical speeds are dissipated by the radial AMDs.
  • A 10 kWh class flywheel, as shown in Fig. 2, was designed and analyzed, and it is mainly composed of a composite rotor assembly, where most of the energy is stored, two radial AMD rotors, which dissipate vibration at critical speeds, a permanent magnet rotor and two thrust AMD rotors, which levitate the flywheel, a motor rotor, which spins the flywheel, and a central hollow shaft, where the parts are assembled and aligned to. The weight of the 10 kWh class composite rotor and hub assembly is 448 kg, with a diameter and height of 970 mm and 720 mm, respectively, and the maximum rotational speed is 13,000 rpm.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (5)

  1. J. R. Hull, "Superconducting bearings", Supercond. Sci. Technol., vol. 13, p.R1 (2000). 

  2. Nagaya, S. et al., "Study on high temperature superconducting magnetic bearings for 10 kWh flywheel energy storage system", IEEE Trans. Applied Supercon., vol 11, pp. 1649-1652 (2001). 

  3. Coombs, T. et al., "Superconducting magnetic bearings for energy storage flywheels", IEEE Trans. Applied Supercon., vol. 9, pp. 968-971 (1999). 

  4. Ichihara, T. et al., "Application of superconducting magnetic bearings to a 10 kWh-class flywheel energy storage system", IEEE Trans. Applied Supercon., vol. 15, pp. 2245-2248 (2005). 

  5. Lee, J. et al., "Vibration Control of Flywheel Energy Storage System", Trans. of the Korean Inst. Of Elec. Eng., vol. 58, pp. 1651-1833 (2009). 

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