Men's fashion has not much changed due to the pervasive patriarchy Because of the change of gender roll and attitude towards one's appearance and fashion, men began to express themselves with fashion in the late 90's. The purpose of this study is to categorize men's image and their fashion styles fr...
Men's fashion has not much changed due to the pervasive patriarchy Because of the change of gender roll and attitude towards one's appearance and fashion, men began to express themselves with fashion in the late 90's. The purpose of this study is to categorize men's image and their fashion styles from Korean TV dramas to provide informations for predicting men's fashion trend in rapidly changing market. Through the analysis of three dramas with 30% or more of audience rating by all age groups from January to July, 2009, nine distinctive male images were selected and their styles were analyzed; silhouette, details, materials, color, accessories, and hair-style. The results are as follows: In the past holding neat and straight line silhouettes but today shows tight silhouette. In color and detail, the use of brilliant chromatic colors, use of hight saturation colors, big and brilliant pattern, ruffles, frills, beads, knitwear, mix matched new composed materials, and light materials are dominant. While short and simple shape of hair-styles were predominant in the past, now we see more varied hair length. Not only that, variety of perms and colors are showed on TV screens. Hence, the results show that a lot of radical change has happened in the men's fashion, and marketing propositions that reflects this change in men's fashion market are requested along with trendy emotional product development and coordination proposals, and finally calls for more multilateral study and market search of male consumers.
Men's fashion has not much changed due to the pervasive patriarchy Because of the change of gender roll and attitude towards one's appearance and fashion, men began to express themselves with fashion in the late 90's. The purpose of this study is to categorize men's image and their fashion styles from Korean TV dramas to provide informations for predicting men's fashion trend in rapidly changing market. Through the analysis of three dramas with 30% or more of audience rating by all age groups from January to July, 2009, nine distinctive male images were selected and their styles were analyzed; silhouette, details, materials, color, accessories, and hair-style. The results are as follows: In the past holding neat and straight line silhouettes but today shows tight silhouette. In color and detail, the use of brilliant chromatic colors, use of hight saturation colors, big and brilliant pattern, ruffles, frills, beads, knitwear, mix matched new composed materials, and light materials are dominant. While short and simple shape of hair-styles were predominant in the past, now we see more varied hair length. Not only that, variety of perms and colors are showed on TV screens. Hence, the results show that a lot of radical change has happened in the men's fashion, and marketing propositions that reflects this change in men's fashion market are requested along with trendy emotional product development and coordination proposals, and finally calls for more multilateral study and market search of male consumers.
트렌디드라마는 어떤 시기 동안에 유행하는 드라마 장르를 말하며 시청자들을 끌어들이기 위해 유행에 민감한 젊은 세대를 겨냥하고 만들었기에 방송할 시점에서 젊은 층의 유행을 반영한 패션, 취미생활 등 라이프스타일 묘사에 더 비중을 두는 감각적인 드라마이다.
트렌디드라마의 특징은 무엇인가?
트렌디드라마는 젊고 잘생긴 외모를 가진 젊은 배우들이 등장하고, 현재 이슈가 되는 소재를 가지고 복잡한 연애구도를 가볍게 풀어내는 연출방식, 주인공의 세련된 의상과 호화롭고 약간은 사치스런 도시생활공간, 다양하고 감각적인 영상기법 등의 특성을 가지고 있으며, 간결하고 짧은 대사, 빠른 전개, 순간적인 자극과 반응 등의 방법을 사용하여 심각하고 진지한 느낌보다는 미모와 재치를 보여주는 스타를 주인공으로 상류사회의 생활로 오락성이 짙은 가벼운 소재들로 해피엔드의 밝은 톤을 보여준다.2)
TV 트렌디드라마 패션의 의미의 3가지 역할은?
첫째, 인물 창조의 역할로 드라마 패션을 통해 등장인물에 대한 정보를 제공한다. 등장인물의 나이, 직업, 성별, 지위, 성격, 심지어는 심리, 가치관 상태까지도 표현 할 수 있어 극중 인물을 파악하는 결정적인 역할을 한다.
둘째, 스토리 전개의 보조 역할로 드라마 패션은 단순한 장식의 용도에 국한되지 않고, 통일적이고 조화로운 연출로 주인공의 중요한 이미지 및 스토리전개를 보조하는 역할을 한다.
셋째, 드라마 패션은 시대적, 공간적 배경을 표현한다. 시대 반영의 역할로 주인공들의 패션은 드라마전개상의 시대를 반영한다. 특히, 사극의 경우 한복을 통한 그 시대 배경을 재현하며, 이를 통한 역사재해석의 기회를 제공하기도 한다. 이와 같이 드라마패션이 드라마 역할을 창조와 수행, 광고 효과에 미치는 영향은 매우 크고 새로운 유행을 창조하는 드라마 패션들의 경우에는 때로는 앞서 가는 패션으로 유행을 창조하기도 한다.
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