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[국내논문] A Study on the Cost Analysis for the Container Terminal Services based on ABC Approach 원문보기

한국항해항만학회지 = Journal of navigation and port research, v.35 no.7, 2011년, pp.589 - 596  

Ryu, Dong-Ha (Marketing Team, Hutchison Korea Terminals) ,  Ahn, Ki-Myung (Division of Shipping Management, Korea Maritime University) ,  Yoon, Yeo-Sang (Korea Maritime News)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Terminal market has rapidly crashed and market rates have taken a sharp plunge. The substantial throughput decrease resulted from the world economic downturn has been a finishing blow to the terminal operators in Busan. Every terminal operator is taking cost saving as its first priority and accelera...


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문제 정의

  • Defining key activities is the most important point of this study because the approach and the result of the study could vary with what factors we consider as a raw material to produce invisible products in the terminal industry. This paper recognizes the activity of major equipment as a cost factor and allocates total cost to the key activities. Q/C(Quay Crane), RTGC(Yard Crane) and Y/T(Yard Truck) are major equipment in the terminal and this paper actually counted all their activities used to produce service products forementioned.
  • This study allocates overhead labor cost to the key activities based on the ratio of direct labor cost.
  • The key point of the study is that this paper regarded the activities of major equipment such as Quay Crane, Rubber Tire Gantry Crane and Yard Tractor as a raw material which is necessary to produce aforementioned products. The result or process of the cost analysis could be different depending on what factors we choose as key activities because all costs will be eventually allocated to the key activities to calculate production cost.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (6)

  1. Han, K. H.(2006), "A Study on the Performance Effect of Process Management in Korean Shipping Companies", Paper for Degree of Doctor, Graduate school of Korea Maritime University, pp. 72-84. 

  2. Hur, Y. S. and Kim, Y. S.(2009), "Estimated on the Busan Economic Contribution of Container Cargo in Busan Unit(Won/TEU)", Journal of Navigation and Port Research, Vol. 33, No.3, p.212. 

  3. Kwon, Y. J. and Kim, H. W.(2002), "An Analysis of the Cost Structure of Railway Freight Industry in Korea, The Korean Society for Railway. 

  4. Lee, J. H.(2009), Yul-Seong Kim, Chang-Hoon Shin(2009), "A Study on Competition Structure among Domestic Container Ports", Journal of Navigation and Port Research, Vol. 33, No.1, p.97. 

  5. Rotch, W(1990). "Activity-Based Costing in Service Industries", Journal of Cost Management. Summer ,pp. 4-14. 

  6. Stikant Datar, Sunder Kekre, Tridas Mukhopadyay, and Eric Syaan, Overloaded Ocwegwsa(1991), "Activity- Based Cost Analsis of Material Handling in Cell Manufacturing", Journal of Operations Management, Vol, 10, No.1. Jan. 

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