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[국내논문] An Empirical study on improvement of operation for feeder vessel route between Busan and west coast of Japan 원문보기

한국항해항만학회지 = Journal of navigation and port research, v.35 no.7, 2011년, pp.605 - 611  

Kim, Sang-Youl (Graduate School of International Studies, Pusan National University) ,  Kim, Dong-Jin (Graduate School of International Studies, Pusan National University) ,  Ryoo, Dong-Keun (Department of Shipping Management, Korea Maritime University) ,  Yoo, Yong-Joo (Graduate School of International Studies, Pusan National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, practical problems for current feeder service between Busan port and west coast of Japan were extracted through in depth interviews with Japanese feeder vessel companies, shippers, and port authority based upon which major criteria (elements) for improvement of the feeder network are ...


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문제 정의

  • In this paper, we extract the existing problems through interviews with Japanese port related experts and operators. Secondly, based upon the results from the interviews essential factors are organized in hierarchic order for the improvement of feeder networks and use the AHP method to determine relative importance among the factors.
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참고문헌 (16)

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  9. Ji-hoon, Lee et al, (2009), "A Study on Competition Structure among Domestic Container Ports" Journal of Navigation and port research, Vol33, No 1 pp 91-98 

  10. Kim, G.S, Kwak, K.S. (2008), "Positioning Analysis of Busan port in Inter-Port competition of Northeast Asia Region" Journal of Navigation and port research, Vol 32, No 3 pp 173-178. 

  11. Kim, Y.S, Hur, Y.S., (2009) "Origin/Destination and Portfolio Analysis of Sea&Air Intermodal Transportation", Journal of Navigation and port research, Vol 32, No 8 pp 653-658 

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  13. Stemberg, R. W., (2000), "The successful factors of an ocean transshipment center, the case study of one Italian Port," The journal of Chinese Ports, Vol.16, No.8, pp.13-18. 

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  16. Tongzon, J. L., (2009), "Port choice and freight forwarders," Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 186-195 

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