[국내논문]의료사고의 손해배상과 위자료 산정 -한국소비자원 의료피해구제 사례들의 일별- Assessment of Damages for Non-pecuniary Loss and Compensation for Damages in Medical Accidents - Overview for Cases of Medical Injury Relief in Korea Comsumer Agency -원문보기
There are two opinions on the legal characteristics of damages for non-pecuniary loss, a private sanctions theory and complementary function of damages for non-pecuniary loss, briefly. There is a close connection between the legal characteristics and the function of damages for non-pecuniary loss. T...
There are two opinions on the legal characteristics of damages for non-pecuniary loss, a private sanctions theory and complementary function of damages for non-pecuniary loss, briefly. There is a close connection between the legal characteristics and the function of damages for non-pecuniary loss. The functions of damages for non-pecuniary loss are consist of satisfaction, prevention( sanctions) and complementation. Several cases of medical injury relief reported to Korea Comsumer Agency are categorized as follows, 1) cases of death after having an operation, 2) diagnosed with disability after a medical accident, 3) extended damages happening related to delayed diagnosis, 4) et cetera(a plastic surgery, a treatment with oriental medicine), and the damages for non-pecuniary loss in respect to each cases are examined. In the case of occurring death or disability, Korea Comsumer Agency has set up guidelines for assessment of damages for non-pecuniary loss by classifying into major and collateral violation for a duty of care. Furthermore, the damages for non-pecuniary loss in the case of all sorts of cancers, are assessed in accordance with the degree of responsibility subsequent to dividing cancer into good and poor prognosis. When it comes to a complementary function of damages for non-pecuniary loss in the actual work, it is hard to assess the damages as it is difficult to objectify non-pecuniary loss, such as emotional distress. Though compensation for damages is major legal characteristics of consolation money, preventing a damage(private sanctions) through consolation for a victim or sanctions against an assailant also has great significance. Therefore, it is necessary to approach flexibly for mutual agreement by considering specialty( concrete facts) of individual issue thoroughly. If considering this aging society that limits the possible age for work to 60 years old, it is needed to have a complementary function of consolation money in mind not to make it less meaningful for victims due to small sum of consolation money.
There are two opinions on the legal characteristics of damages for non-pecuniary loss, a private sanctions theory and complementary function of damages for non-pecuniary loss, briefly. There is a close connection between the legal characteristics and the function of damages for non-pecuniary loss. The functions of damages for non-pecuniary loss are consist of satisfaction, prevention( sanctions) and complementation. Several cases of medical injury relief reported to Korea Comsumer Agency are categorized as follows, 1) cases of death after having an operation, 2) diagnosed with disability after a medical accident, 3) extended damages happening related to delayed diagnosis, 4) et cetera(a plastic surgery, a treatment with oriental medicine), and the damages for non-pecuniary loss in respect to each cases are examined. In the case of occurring death or disability, Korea Comsumer Agency has set up guidelines for assessment of damages for non-pecuniary loss by classifying into major and collateral violation for a duty of care. Furthermore, the damages for non-pecuniary loss in the case of all sorts of cancers, are assessed in accordance with the degree of responsibility subsequent to dividing cancer into good and poor prognosis. When it comes to a complementary function of damages for non-pecuniary loss in the actual work, it is hard to assess the damages as it is difficult to objectify non-pecuniary loss, such as emotional distress. Though compensation for damages is major legal characteristics of consolation money, preventing a damage(private sanctions) through consolation for a victim or sanctions against an assailant also has great significance. Therefore, it is necessary to approach flexibly for mutual agreement by considering specialty( concrete facts) of individual issue thoroughly. If considering this aging society that limits the possible age for work to 60 years old, it is needed to have a complementary function of consolation money in mind not to make it less meaningful for victims due to small sum of consolation money.
사망의 경우1) 주된 주의의무 위반인 경우로 치료행위 자체에 의한 과실인 경우는 8천만원 × [1-(피해자 과실율 × 0.6)] ± 20%)로, 2) 부수의무 위반인 경우로 검사결과 판독오류, 정밀검사 또는 전원의무 위반, 감염관리의 과실인 경우는 8천만 원 × 병원책임비율 ± 20%, 설명의무 위반 등 기타 부수의무 위반은 8천만 원 × 0.3 ± 20%로 기준을 정했다.
2026년에는 초고령 사회로 추정되는 65세 인구비중은?
최근 기획재정부 보도 자료에 의하면, 2026년에는 초고령 사회로 65세 인구비중이 20%로 추정돼 급격한 고령화 속도에 맞게 ‘건강한 노인이라면 얼마든지 생산 인구로 활용할 수 있다는 식의 관점 전환이 필요’하다는 관점에서 노인의 기준을 65세에서 70세나 75세로 바꾸고 나이로 노동능력을 따지는 정년제를 없애자는 의견도 제기된다.6)
사적 제재로 보는 이론적 근거 여섯 가지는?
위자료를 사적 제재로 보는 이론적 근거로는 ① 정신적 고통을 느낄 수 없는 유아나 정신장애자에게도 위자료가 인정된다는 점, ② 위자료를 손해배상금이라고 하려면 우선 손해가 양적으로 측정가능해야 하는데 정신적 손해는 양적 측정이 불가능하다는 점, ③ 위자료액은 가해행위의 성질과 정도에 상응하여 결정된다는 점, ④ 초상권이나 프라이버시 같은 인격권의 침해에 대해 아직 형법적 보호가 없는 것은 형법의 보충성의 원칙에 따라 과잉입법을 피하고 형벌 이외의 다른 수단에 의해 그러한 법익을 보호하려는 것인데, 위자료에 제재적 요소를 인정하면 형법의 보충성의 원칙을 충족시키면서도 인격권의 보호가 약화되는 것을 막을 수 있다는 점, ⑤ 위자료를 지급했다고 하여 전과범으로 취급되지도 않고, 위자료는 형벌로서의 벌금처럼 국가에 귀속되지도 않기 때문에 위자료를 사적 제재로 본다고 하여 이중처벌이 되는 것이 아니라는 점, ⑥ 일반 대기업이나 언론기업 등은 영리를 추구하는 나머지 불법행위를 통해 얻는 이익이 손해배상책임의 부담에 의해 발생하는 손실보다 큰 경우에는 손해배상책임의 부담을 예상하면서도 불법행위를 감행하는 경향이 있는데, 사적 제재로서의 위자료를 인정하게 되면 이러한 행태를 방지할 수 있다는 점 등을 제시하고 있다. 이처럼 위자료를 가해행위에 대한 제재수단으로만 파악하지 않고 위자료청구권이 정신적 고통을 감지하지 못하는 자에게도 인정되는 점을 들어 위자료를 정신적 손해의 전보로만 볼 수는 없고, 가해자에 대한 제재로도 파악하는 견해도 있다.
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